There are millions stories, but one strong memory was on The Voice
of Peace, which was a pirate radio station that broadcast to millions of
Middle-Eastern listeners off the coast of Israel. It was just before
Christmas 1975, in a force 10 storm, the ship MV Peace broke all its
anchors and we almost ran aground just off Tel Aviv; it was a very scary moment
hearing all the anchors snap and fighting gigantic waves.
Just after this, we had to go in to Haifa to make repairs and then sailed out
and off to Akaba in Jordan on a Peace Mission to take sweets and toys to the
children of Jordan from families in Israel and Europe. That single adventure
alone would make a film it was packed with incidents and confrontations with
military and diplomatic barriers along the Suez Canal and eventually at
Akaba itself where we were nearly shot out iof the water by a Jordanian
Also high on my list is working with many of Britain's top broadcasters at BBC
Radio 2, which I believe is the most listened to radio station in the world.
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