"I was KHRB Radio's News Director from 1973 through 1974. After KHRB sold out in 1974,
I continued to prepare news stories, mostly for a number of Central Texas Television
Stations. I began a rather large newspaper colomn, about Central Texas History in the
'Luling Newsboy and Signal' and I also wrote some books and had them published.
I cooperated with 'The Old Tyme News', a Central Texas History Magazine and wrote a
number of cover and feature stories for them."
According to KHRB Radio owner and general manager- Dan Heath; I had more years of
broadcasting tenure than anyone else. During my shows I would play country music, and
give the listeners interesting facts about the music and the artists. Then, I would
spice things up a bit with stories from the past, and jokes too. I would write and tell
about yesterday. Mr Heath told me that after my shows became a regular thing"; that the
station started to make a profit, for the first time since it began. Mr. Heath accepted
an offer to sell to Bill Buchanan and that is how KCLT Radio was born. I was the first
employee to ever sign KCLT Radio on the air. I would have continued with the station,
and I was hired on to work, but I was so irritated, because there were no time slots for
any music. Buchanan created "a mess", tapping in to a "commercially canned music
service"; they only needed "control operators" from that day until the station's demise.
That station and those which came after it, only lasted a few years, until almost no one
listened anymore. The doors closed; and the station and it's property became a "grave
yard to looters."
I had a large audience, which back in those days were very hungry for entertainment. We
had only radio and television. My programs had to have something extra to draw listeners
from KVET, KASE, and KOKE, which were "city-fied" and dull stations to listen to. I
brought live bands into the building, most of the musicians had Polish or Bohemian blood
in their veins; so they were actors as well as musicians. They talked like "hillbillys",
and were endowed with jokes and sayin's that would turn a person into a hyenia. I would
"call people up", and talk to them about music at the Old Log Cabin, or just check with
the beer distributor, because you could determine people's state of mind in the community
by amount of beer sold at one time. There were two women, I saw them one time; they were
tall and all fancied up. One told me that she liked "fire marshals" and for me to come
out to the interstate and see her, and she would give me "a free rub". These girl's would
call the station and give traffic reports and did an excellent job of "hoo-royin" over the
radio. You'd be surprised what you can do with Radio; and no body can see you there.
My fellow D.J. at KHRB was Aaron Allen or (Double A); a renowned disc jockey and song
writer; he is still at work at some radio station.
One day the station manager, Dan Heath came "scurrying in", so as you would wonder what
was exciting him so. The light bulb that was painted red to indicate when the mike was
on, was not burning, so he came right into the control room, with a big grin. He sez to
me, How did you do that? I was driving on the street and I heard you talking to David
Carter( a part-time disc jocky). I said, I was testing my latiest invention. I asked
David over the radio waves about the weather down there, and he reported it as nice as
it could be. Mr. Heath said, "how did you do that? With amazement he said, this is the
first time that anyone ever spoke over the telephone and went out over the radio. When
the station was off the air at nights, I would drive over, and experiment; but the trick
with the telephone was made possible with a transducer and a amplifier. I had a Broadcast
License until the FCC ruined that, and other good things possible with broadcasting. A
thousand American broadcasters had studied and went perhaps a hundred or more miles to
take that test and pass it. Then you were awarded a license. They (our government)
destroyed that "good thing" during the Reagan Administration; when favors to big business
became the rule of the day. Us country folk really got hurt during that time.
I was often emcee at old "Honky Tonk Joints", and once held a guitar and sang at the old
"Log Cabin" near Luling, Texas. That place is where Ernest Tubb, Kitty Wells, Al Dexter,
Hank Thompson and others used to sing. As a Master Electrician, I re-wired that historic
old place and the dance patio.
After KHRB closed, I got with Cecil Moore and we contrived creating a small recording
studio. I designed and engineered "Texas Sound Studio" at Luling, Texas. I had Lu-Tex,
Rattler, A&R labels, and did recordings of all types. Some even were sent as demos to
Willy Nelson.
I was mayor pro-tem of the city from 1984 to 1987. I was a certified professional
firefighter, a certified fire inspector, a certified training officer and certified
training coordinator; for 23 years. I also went to school and was certified in public
safety communications, and bomb and explosive handling and disposal. I was safety
coordinator for the city and chairman of the Caldwell County Safety and Protection
Committee, and founder of the Caldwell County Firefigherstrts Association. I weighed
94 pounds and fought almost 3,000 fires in three counties. during 1990 I began to
have spells that caused a number of problems I continued to fight more fires, and in
the last months some of the worst fires I fought, for amounts of toxins to be emitted.
In 1991 I was told to cease doing all forms of work except fire department. The fire
chief would argue and complain about nothing and make threats about my employment, and
I was terminated in January 1991. The State of Texas told me I was disabled due to
"prolonged environmental exposure to toxins". That resulted in a number of problems,
like Fibromylgia. My voice has been almost completely destroyed; and I have heat damage
to my upper respiratory system. I get along better than anyone would think.
A computerized, digitally controlled and programmed radio station was designed by me,
and was constructed in my studio building during 2008. On January 1, 2009 station KJCR
(Jesus Christ Radio) went on the air continously broadcasting country and western music,
which is predominately dance hall and beer joint juke tunes; for 24 hours a day. The
stations' anouncer is Jeff, who is a beer drinking Bohemian from over near Cistern. He
is a great guy, he never fails to do his job. I control what Jeff says and when, same
as I do with the songs. I think I am working with 8 thousand of them; as I am discarding
ones that can't make the cut in today's market. The music is formatted in my own style,
so that all songs seem to connect together. This station is non-profit, and experimental;
testing broadcasting improvements and the impact and practability of low power and digital
One test that could help improve Country radio is that I have three old hounds, and one
new hound at the stations controls, and it is comforting to have them there; as foot rests.
The studio operates as Texas Sound Studios. While the station was being constructed and
tested; three renowned country music recording artists came to see this work. Bill Mack,
is Bill McIntosh and is the brother of Lonnie Mack, and they came to Austin years ago and
helped Stevie Vaughn develop his music style and they were his back-up band, Gaylynn
Robinson is our good friend and comes to visit often, always pitching a new album to us.
The latiest "Love and Heartache" is fantastic; and then comes by Dave Gonzales, he's moving
next door, He's leader of The Paladins. The Paladins have literally "circled the globe"
playing dates and gigs. That's pretty much it for now. Hope you enjoyed reading about our
broadcast history here in Caldwell County, Texas.
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