Way too many stories! I was privileged to work with broadcast legends: Gary Owens,
Dick Clayton, Ron Lundy, Jack Carney, Perry Allen, Gary Stevens, Clint Buehlman,
Van Miller, Chuck Healy, and many others as well as management giants Bob Thompson,
Stan Kaplan, Alfred Kirchhofer, Lois Ringle, Larry Grogan, Bill Armstrong, Warren
Baroom, Kevin Sweeny and others, not to mention a host of friends in the industry.
I got to work in innovative times: like the rock revolution, then I put one of the
first all talk all news stations on the air and I introduced the promotion and research
skills I learned in the Rock Revolution to turn a television market upside down. At the
same time I misread a lot of great opportunities, but there were so many it didn't make
that much difference.
I was lucky enough to come into the industry when there were less than a 1000 radio
stations in the United States. Over the 20+ years that followed the number grew to many
thousands of AM/FM/TV stations. Anybody who couldn't grow and glow in that climate had
to be an idiot.
Make no mistake, the guys who are winning today are a lot smarter than we were. The
tools and technology they have to work with is mind-boggling. I don't buy that any
period in the past was the "Golden Age." These are the "Good Old Days."
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