Frank remembers:After a very enriching stay at Drake Chenault I applied and recieved a CP to build KKDV. In one year we bought KPAK in Redding.
Since 1990 we've also owned and operated the American Independent Producers Studio, inc. a motion picture producer/distributor of Indep endent movies. Member Producers Guild of America, & Independent Feature Project of New York and IFP in La. Jolle produced and directed several tv pilots that won awards. Zebra 9 was a major winner in 1972 and it was followed by a series of low budget western features from 75 to 86. In 1992 Jolle' s entry in the Independent Feature Film Market (NY) was exibited and distributed worldwide. Various film festival entries and feature films are now my favorite pastime. Making movies for independent TV, cable and overseas is like being in radio once you started you can't wait to get to the next (station) project. (See Shboom, rock n roll oldies countdown. We aired in many markets directly opposite Casey.)
If you'd ask me if I would do it over again I'd reply yes, but I'd start at the top. My favorite radio war was the one with Rabbit. 1965-66 Jolle KBOX vs. Jimmy Rabbit KLIF ... 1970-72, Rabbit KABC-FM vs. Jolle KNAC-FM. Rabbit & I were best friends and have lost touch, but he was the one that told me McLendon had jobbed me out of Dallas when I was hired by Weaver at WKBW. My mistake was leaving and going back to Dallas, beacuse McLendon had just bought WYSL in Buffalo and Kahn Hamon my other best friend had been hired and spent the summer looking for me, thinking I was on the beach, I was hiding at the still unknown air of KVIL-FM Dallas, TX. and believe it or not I was on the air against Ron Chapman who was still the morning man at KLIF.
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