During the time that I worked for A.I.R. (Drake-Chenault syndication)
at KYNO-FM I got to hear Humble Harve cut voice-overs at the Barton studio,
since the A.I.R. dubbing equipment and KYNO-FM's automation were in the same
space. I was working the evening he came to work in the booth. I was too
intimidated to attempt to go into the control room while he was there, but
rather stood in the hallway outside the door and enjoyed the talent.
Another time that I will never forget is the time that I got even with
Dirk Robinson (who pulled morning drive (6-10) at KYNO-AM) who had gotten
in the habit of rolling in after six o'clock. In the beginning, he would
get in as I rolled my last record but as time went on, he got later and
later. When it got to the point that I had to roll his first record and
his personal station ID (the one Bill Drake cut... "And now, ladies and
gentlemen, Dirk Robinson!") AND the rest of his first set... I got a bit
steamed! He was the "talent" and I was the lowly "Sunday night segue
engineer" who should be grateful to be allowed to roll his first set for
him. Of course, it meant that I had already pulled his carts, too!
Enough was enough, so I got him back one morning...
During the last hour of my shift, I put a back production studio on the
air and ran the last couple of records and carts from there. Meanwhile, I
set the main control room in "audition" and spun a 45 in audition in the
locked groove, so that when Dirk would arrive he'd think he had found the
station playing a silent groove over and over. While the station was
actually still on the air from the production room, I hid my self in the
newsroom (which shared a huge window with the main studio) so that I could
see him but he couldn't see me! I will never forget the look of horror on
his face as he thought that I'd left my last record spinning to run out
without him! As he dove to the board to pot down the silent record and
get an ID cart on the air, I opened the door to the studio (which allowed
him to hear the music from the back production studio) and yelled
"Gotcha," while at the same time, reached over and brought the board to
"air" so that he would fully understand that the station was still on the
air as it should be ... and that I had REALLY gotten him good! To his
credit, he was never that late again.
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