Favorite radio memories:
The lady who called one morning to inquire about the species of bird that was in a
tree in her backyard (I told her it was an English Sparrow); the (unintentionally
disappearning) Water Can contest at WSBA; WARM Day at Rocky Glen Park; WCAO's
'Emperor Rodgers' promotion at WCAO; eight years of PM Drive in Baltimore, highlighted
by four years at WCBM. I loved being 'On-Air' for every day of those seventeen years,
but for me, 'On Air' for Metro Media (four years at WCBM) was living a dream. And I
do love Baltimore.
Beginning in 1975 I spent thirty-five years as Owner/Operator of over fifty stations
east of the Mississippi. Kerby Scott (Confer) and I were boyhood school buddies and
partners for most of those years. Together we built fourteen tall towers and re-imaged
countless 'poorly managed' FM's, many of which remain Number One Stations to this very
For fifty-three years I've been married to my High School Sweetheart, the former
Barbara Allen Love. God has richly blessed me with A). my career in radio, B). an
introduction to Barbie, and C). good health.
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