Every Friday night when I was 6 or 7, I would crawl under the family console radio
which was on legs with the speaker in the bottom to listen to Bill Stern's "Friday Night
Sports Special". Long before Paul Harvey's "Rest of the Story", Bill would tell a story
of unknown facts about a person connected with sports. Those stories were so vivid,
colorful and memorable that more than 60 years later, I still remember a couple of them.
It was under that old Philco that I decided to be in radio. And, for more than 50 years
people gave me money for "playing" in radio stations from New York City to Maui. Now,
retired, I can hardly recognize the great business to which I devoted most of my life.
Because of BILL Stern, I was drawn to a great industry at a great time in its development.
Now, because of the likes of HOWARD Stern, I am often repulsed by and embarrassed for
radio. As Bill Stern would say: "That's the 3-0 mark (for tonight) for me."
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