Radio Broadcasting History

Radio People
Favorite Radio Stories
A : B : C : D : E : F : G : H :
I : J : K : L : M :
N : O : P : Q : R
: S : T : U : V : W
: X : Y : Z
- Bob Todd and
Bob Whitney interview 'classic old jocks':
Wolfman Jack, Rick Shaw, Herb Oscar Anderson, others
- Perry Allen (The Find Perry Allen Contest)
- Bill Ballance
- Todd Baker
- Joe Benson (& the dead mouse)
- Joe Benson (hurricanes goose
pate & Elvis)
- Kit Beuret
- Dick Biondi (the traveler)
- Dick Biondi (moose moss)
- Dick Biondi (w/KRLA road show band - from Mike Aversa)
- Boston memories (from Jack Memishian)
- Clayton Caughill
- Cleveland Radio (Todd Baucher on Cleveland in the late
1960s and early 1970s)
- Centerville Tennessee
- CFTR (Shane Alexander: Tom Rivers and His Air Force)
- CFTR (Shane Alexander: Rivers Pt. II: The
Legendary Dick Smythe)
- Porky Chedwick: (radio’s most
ignored pioneer, from Ed Weigle)
- Mark Chernoff
- CHNO (Bob Derro CHNO [Sudbury ON] Time Shifting 1976 Style)
- CHUM (The Beatles and Elvis)
- CHUM (The Elvis Canadian Connection)
- CHUM (Birth of a Star)
- CHUM (Elmo’s Greatest Hits)
- CHUM (Evolution of Rock - Part 1)
- CHUM (CHUM Culture: Warren Cosford on CHUM's 40th Anniversary)
- CHUM (CHUM Sports: Warren Cosford on CHUM's 50th Anniversary)
- CHUM (Gibby: John Gilbert)
- CHUM (Terry Steele)
- CHUM (Larry Wilson)
- CHUM (The Last CHUM Article: Marc Chambers)
- Howard Clark
- The Connor Hotel, Joplin MO (from Gerry Sorensen)
- El Paso (Mike Mendoza on 1970s/1980s El Paso radio)
- Bill Gavin (from John Rook)
- Bill Gavin (from Rick
- Arnie 'Woo-Woo' Ginsberg
(from Ron Mart)
- Don Imus
- Ron Jacobs (fan mail)
- Lou Kasman (Rick Sklar & Me)
- Murray the K (Kaufman)
(from his son, Peter
- KABL (San Francisco: Bill Moen remembers John
K. Chapel)
- KAKC (Tulsa - Steve Suttle remembers Drake)
- KBBQ (Santa Barbara - Jim West in GM Heaven)
- KBCO (Boulder CO - Nostalgic broadcast 50 years in the
future - from Tom Killorin)
- KBLU (Yuma - Jim West on Baker Street)
- KCBQ (San Diego - Lee Baby Simms drafted)
- KCUB (Tucson)(The Brazil '66 Rain
- KCLS (Flagstaff: Ralph Gould's pants
- KDAB (Denver - John Erickson on the history of the
Big 1550)
- KFMI-FM (Eureka CA - Hector, the ghost - from JP Bzet)
- KFMU (Steamboat Springs CO - Hippie-haven radio - from Tom
- KFRC (Don Sainte-Johnn's on-air boo-boo)
- KFRC (Don Sainte-Johnn & the Cuspidor Kid)
- KFWB (remote faux studio from Jim Southern)
- KHJ (from engineering ace, Jon Badeaux)
- KHJ (from Vietnam vet Daniel A. Bernath)
- KHJ (from Randy Brown AKA
Christopher Haze AKA Bob Scott)
- KHJ (from Scott Frieden)
- KHJ (from Ray Laine)
- KHJ (Boss Radio memories from Gary Mack)
- KHJ (from Gary McKenzie)
- KHJ (from Randy Tivens)
- KHJ (listening to the CRUISIN' tapes)
- KHRB (Lockhart, TX: "BJ the DJ" Benefiel hosts an
in-studio 6-piece band concert)
- KISN (Portland OR: Operation Airwatch aero
car history -- from Dave Stone)
- KIQQ (Emergency Dwarf Alert
- KJR (about Tom Murphy, Lan Roberts, Pat O'Day - from
Tom Allen)
- KJR (Chuck Bolland, the late morning newsman - from Tom Hood)
- KMPS (from Dick Ellingson)
- KOGO (San Diego - Mark Richards learns the hard way)
- KONO (San Antonio - The Dan
Burlesson Sunday Munchies)
- KRIZ/KXIV (Phoenix - from Bob Shannon)
- KRIZ (Last moments of KRIZ, Phoenix -
from Mike Lee)
- KRKO (Everett WA - flood)
- KRKO (Everett WA - lightning)
- KRLA (+KFXM and KMEN) (early 1960s and 1970s - from Ron Budnik)
- KRUX (Phoenix - The Dick
Gray/Dave Clark Five Incident)
- KSLM (Salem OR - Back-timing to the Network News - from
JP Bzet)
- KSLY (San Luis Obispo - from Ric Stratton)
- KSPN (Aspen - from Lee Duncan)
- KUTY (Palmdale - Yamaha 250 giveaway: Keith Allgood)
- KVI (Seattle - Jack Allen & the alligators)
- KVOY (All ears in Yuma - from Greg Gardner)
- KXLY-FM (Spokane - from Steve Sibulsky)
- KYLT-FM (Eureka CA - Mistake-free news - from JP Bzet)
- KYNO (Fresno CA - Toilet Trick! from Big John Carter)
- KYUU (San Francisco CA - And speaking of toilets... from
Jeff McNeal)
- Dick Liberatore (My first radio gig lasted 90 seconds)
- Rush Limbaugh
- George "Hound Dog" Lorenz
- Jeff March
- Al Martino
- Sonny Melendrez
- Howard Miller (his WIND exit -- by
Gart David Friedman)
- Howard Miller (more Miller memories -- from
Kent and Darlene Koopman)
- Howard Miller (major retirement events -- by
Randal J. Miller)
- Magnificent Montague
- Magnificent Montague's Theme
- Robert W. Morgan exposes Brian Roberts
- Jonny Ozone's Michael Jackson flu parody spot
- The Pittsburgh Trivia Test (from Larry Richert)
- Marty Prater
- Jimmy Rabbitt
- Dan Robins (Miracle on 440
- Dr. Don Rose
- Harry Scarborough (Harry meets Humble Harve)
- Frank Kingston Smith
- Breaking into (and out of) radio in Spokane, WA
(KZUN, KXXR -- from Gib Goff)
- The Real Don Steele (The Early Days
at KOIL -- from Bob Wilson)
- The Real Don Steele (The Early Days
at KISN -- from Bill Hatch)
- The Real Don Steele (Boss
Radio's Day One -- from Ron Jacobs)
- The Real Don Steele (Mystery
Woman [& memories] -- from Jerry Stern)
- The Real Don Steele (Fractious
Fridays, Etc. -- from Ray Laine)
- The Real Don Steele (A Visit
to Remember -- from Bill Oxley)
- The Real Don Steele (Another Visit
to Remember -- from Dave 'Records' Stone)
- The Real Don Steele (The Real-IQ -- from Jon Badeaux)
- The Real Don Steele (My initiation to KHJ -- from
Sandi Brooks)
- The Real Don Steele (His
Choreographed Performance -- from Rick Lewis)
- The Real Don Steele (Obituaries)
- Symphony Sid (Torin) (from 440 Radio Historian
Joe Benson)
- WAAX (Gadsden, AL - Bob Mayben does the news)
- WABC (more)
- WABC (Good Guys)
- WABC (Herb Oscar Anderson)
- WABC (HOA & Fort Jay)
- WABC (Cousin Brucie)
- WACY (Kissimmee FL - Pete Simonson warms his buns)
- Danger Dan Walker
- WALR (Atlanta GA - Bob Mayben on the FM tower move)
- WAMI (Opp AL - Chuck Nolen on friend's 1955 Chevy theft)
- WAYS (Charlotte NC - Stanley B mouths off)
- WBBW (Youngstown OH - raining buckets, and every
conceivable vessel)
- WBUD (Trenton NJ - Tokyo Rose and the Locked-up Toilet Paper)
- WBUD (Trenton NJ - More funny stuff about Ms. T. Rose
and Mr. D. Hardin)
- WCFR (Springfield VT - Frank Sesno pops Gary Bruce)
- Mike Weiner (various radio
- WCUZ (Grand Rapids MI - Rich Kennedy and his mixed up newsman)
- WEEP (Pittsburgh PA - Ken Wells flying paper
airplanes with his British GM)
- WFGM (Fairmont WV - Al Mayo on Da Pesdun Tanty Buh-weet
- WGAR (Cleveland - 1220's last
- Gord Williams (Ontario's no-flushing zone)
- WIOI (Portsmouth OH - Secret
Sound Contest)
- WJDX (Jackson MS on building the music library)
- WJPS (Evansville - Bruce Sommers saves the
station -- from its owner)
- WKNR (Detroit - Daniel Abernathy pushes
Robin Seymour's buttons)
- WKNR (Detroit - Bob Green on Beatles concert)
- WKNR (Detroit - Scott Regan throws off steam)
- WLOF (Orlando FL & The Grounding Rod - from
Dick Shane)
- WLOF (Sean King's nude centerfold)
- WLOF (Jerry 'Pat O'Day' Thompson's 10
examples of our idiocy from the late 60s)
- WMEX (Arnie/Auntie Ginsberg - Bob Gouveia)
- WMEX (Arnie Ginsburg's tin ear - Johnny Dark)
- WMEX (Arnie Ginsberg/Night Train - Steve Shade)
- WMMB (Melbourne FL - Mark Haney thanks his radio mentors)
- WMMR (Alfredo's race against the clock/track)
- WNBC (Its final 30 seconds)
- WNYR (Buffalo NY morning-drive fun)
- WPAY (Portsmouth OH - Dan
Robins blows news smoke)
- WPXZ (Punxsutawney PA & the
transmitter door - from Alan Freed)
- WRCK (Syracuse - Mark Ellis & GM play "Play That Tune")
- WRPI (Bill Rock monitoring WRPI, Albany)
- WRVA (Richmond - Jerry & Chris & the carts)
- WRQX (DC - Scott Woodside bogus
news story)
- WSAY (Chuck McCoy on WSAY's (Rochester) Rosary Hour)
- WSAY (more from Bob Green)
- WSGN (Jim Tyler on Rick Dees)
- WSLR (Mike McKay's tongue twister)
- WSSP (Orlando FL - Rich Kennedy and the wacky weather)
- WSUN (Intern from Hell)
- WTHU (Thurmont MD - Jeff Alan on 'In Memory Of')
- WZAK (Cleveland - Mark Richards, "Is anyone listening?")
- WZGC (Atlanta - Jay Walker and the Z-93 elephant ride)
- Roby Yonge
- XERB (Jim LaMarca on XERB & 91X,
Wolfman & Rick Carroll)
As you remember them, please send us your faves.