On this day in 1850, a baby girl was born in New York City, destined to become one of the world’s renowned mountain climbers. Her name was Annie. Annie Smith Peck.
When Annie turned 45, she gained international recognition by climbing the Matterhorn -- and we’re not talking about the Disney ride here, but the real thing in the Swiss Alps. Annie would probably have loved the song, Ain’t No Mountain High Enough. After the Matterhorn, she took on 21,812 foot-high Huascaran, a mountain peak in Peru. She accomplished the feat gaining the distinction of being the first American to reach this high a pinnacle in the Western Hemisphere.
Then, Mt. Coropuna, also in Peru, proved no obstacle. It was a mere 562 feet shorter than Huascaran. Not bad for a 61-year-old woman. When Annie got to the top of this mountain she placed a banner there that said, “Votes for Women.”
Why did Annie Peck climb those peaks? Because they were there...
Those Were the Days, the Today in History service from 440 International
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