Radio Broadcasting History
Radio People by Name (P)
Dan Packard aka Timmy Tornado

KDUK [Eugene OR] 1985

KSND [Eugene] 1986

KWAX [Eugene] 1986

KMGE [Eugene] 1987

KMJK [Portland OR] 1988

KYTE [Portland] 1988

KJR [Seattle WA] 1989

KBSG [Tacoma WA] 1990

KWJJ [Portland] 1993

KXL-FM [Portland] 1994
Now: CEO of the Portland Radio Guide, Portland,
Dave Packer

WXCT [New Haven CT] 1988

WHYN [Springfield MA] 1989

WZXL [Atlantic City NJ] 1989

WXOD [Keene NH] 1993 - Bob Packer

WJRZ [Monmouth/Ocean NJ] 1997

WBBO [Monmouth/Ocean] 1999

WFPG [Atlantic City] 2000

WBEB [Philadephia PA] 2000

WWFS [New York NY] 2007
Now: Dave says (6/07), "I left WBEB in
March 29, 2007, and started on April 2, 2007 as the Morning Man at Adult Contemporary
Adult Contemporary WWFS-FM (Fresh 102.7), New York, New York; I also do voice-overs for radio and TV."
Ken Packham

CHFX [Halifax NS] 1979-1994
Now: Ken says, "I am a full-time
automotive journalist and editor of GT Magazine in Eastern Canada and doing
syndicated radio automotive shorts (23 stations seasonally in Maine, N.B., N.S.,
Nfld., and P.E.I.)."

Jerry Padden

WSCR [Scranton PA] 1980

WKRZ [Wilkes-Barre PA] 1981

WCTO [Allentown PA] 2004
Now: Jerry says (12/04), "I'm doing
afternoon drive
at Country WCTO-FM, Allentown Pennsylvania."
Steve Padgett

WTLN [Orlando FL] 1978-1979
Now: Steve says (10/08), "I cashed in on the
G.I. Bill after being drafted into the Army to help pay for my BA, MA and PhD degrees so that
I could teach broadcast journalism
classes; it is great working with the next generation of media professionals at this level."
Bill Page

WEIS [Centre AL] 2001
Now: News Director at Country WEIS,
Centre, Alabama.
Bob Page

WRIF [Detroit MI] 1986-1988
Now: Bob says (8/14), "I am retired from
broadcasting, live in South Florida for six months of the year (can you guess which six?)
and alternate between Manhattan and my hometown of Detroit during the other six months."
Eric Page

WYNG [Evansville IN] 1992-1997
Now: Eric says (4/08), "I'm traveling the
country, working as a commercial artist with several large home builders; I'm also looking
for another opportunity to continue my radio career."
Lorrin Palagi

KEIN [Great Falls MT] 1974

KQDI [Great Falls] 1977

KDWB [Minneapolis MN] 1979

KBKC [Kansas City MO] 1985

KAAK [Great Falls] 1987

WKSE [Buffalo NY] 1987

WRQX [Washington DC] 1988

WPNT [Chicago IL] 1994

KHMX [Houston TX] 1997-1998

KSCS [Dallas TX] 2004-2006
Now: Phil says (8/06), "After being with
Zapoleon Media Strategies since 1998, and KSCS since 2004, I have my own company, Palagi
Consulting, Dallas, Texas."

Gary Palant

KTKT [Tucson AZ] 1957

KAIR [Tucson] 1958

KPOI [Honolulu HI] 1959

KORL [Honolulu] 1959

KDAY [Los Angeles CA] 1960

WBBQ [Augusta GA] 1962

KQEO [Albuquerque NM] 1964

WKAZ [Charleston WV] 1966

KIKX [Tucson] 1967

CKFH [Toronto ON] 1969

WNEW-FM [New York NY] 1970
Thayer reports (12/02), "Gary Palant passed away in October 2002; a victim of
terminal melanoma. He was 61. He was buried in Evergreen Cemetary, Tucson, AZ. He is
survived Sandi, his wife of 30+ years, a son and a daughter."
Phil Paleologos

KZNG [Hot Springs AR] 1967

KGUS [Hot Springs] 1969

WCHV [Charlottesville VA] 1971

WELK [Charlottesville] 1973

WUNR/WBOS-FM [Boston MA] 1974

WEZE [Boston] 1975 - Phil Palace

WSRS [Worcester MA] 1978

WNBH [New Bedford MA] 1978 - Phil Palace

WBSM [New Bedford] 1983-1989

Talk America net [Canton MA] 1995

Cable/Langer net [Boston] 2001 - host: American Breakfast
Now: Phil says, "I host American
Breakfast, syndicated by Cable Radio Network and also the Langer Broadcasting
Network, weekday mornings (5-9a.m. E.T.). The show is done from a classic,
working 1950s stainless steel diner, near Cape Cod and is heard in over 210 markets.
Broadcasting from a hometown diner separates this national morning drive-time show
from all the others. For a look at the diner and the show's 'blue-plate program
daily specials,' drop by www.dinershow.com. The coffee is on the house!" Click for more from Phil.
Bob Palitz

KKUA/KQMQ [Honolulu HI] 1979-1990

Metro Broadcast [Hong Kong] 1991-1996 - engineering dir

Kasapa Telecom [Accra, Ghana] 2000 - managing dir
Now: Bob says (8/08), "I left broadcasting in 1996
for the telecom biz; have been in Africa since 2000, running a mobile phone company; I do get
back to Hawaii a few times each year to visit my son and the grandkids..."
Cary Pall

WSNY [Schenectady NY] 1973 - C. David

WTLB [Utica/Rome NY] 1973 - Rock

WBBF [Rochester NY] 1974

WXLO [New York NY] 1975 - Cosmic

WNOE-FM [New Orleans LA] 1976

WSAI [Cincinnati OH] 1976

WKTQ [Pittsburgh PA] 1977

KWK/KWK-FM [St. Louis MO] 1979

KMJM [St. Louis] 1979

WAAF [Worcester MA] 1979

WXEZ [Toledo OH] 1980 - C. David

WTAE/WXKX [Pittsburgh] 1981
- Rock Marshall

WHTX [Pittsburgh] 1983

WZKC/WKLX [Rochester NY]
1985 - Cosmic Cary

WCSX/WHND [Detroit MI] 1988

WMYI [Greenville SC] 1989

WMMO [Orlando FL] 1990

Liberty Broadcasting [Philadelphia PA] 1994 - Group PD

ABC Networks [Dallas TX] 1996 - PD: Modern AC

Goodstar [Wichita KS] 1997 - Group PD

WRVF [Toledo OH] 1999

WODB [Columbus OH] 2002
Now: Cary says (11/02), "I am
PD and afternoon drive talent at Saga Communications' WODB-FM, Columbus, Ohio
(Oldies 108FM)."

Art Pallan

WWSW [Pittsburgh] 1942

KDKA [Pittsburgh] 1956-1985
Art Pallan died Jan 22, 2007 (83) in Mars, PA.
See Radio host dedicated to Children's campaign (Pittsburgh
Tribune-Review); and Arthur E. Pallan/'Your pal, Pallan' at KDKA and WWSW (Pittsburgh
Bruce Palmer

WWBB [Providence RI] 1992-2004 - Cruisin' Bruce Palmer
Now: Running CruisinBruce.com from Providence, Rhode Island. Bruce says (6/02), "I host
many classic car events in the Providence area."
Dave Palmer

KWYO [Sheridan WY] 1967

WCOL [Columbus OH] 1968

KGMB [Honolulu HI] 1970

KGMQ [Honolulu] 1973

WATH [Athens OH] 1973- owner

WXTQ [Athens] 1975
- owner

WRAP [Norfolk VA] 1987-1990 - owner
Now: Dave owns News/Talk WATH and Top-40 WXTQ-FM,
Athens, Ohio. He says (3/01), "I also teach mass media management to graduate students at
Ohio University's E.W. Scripps School of Journalism. I have served on the Boards of NAB,
RAB, AP and the Ohio Association of Broadcasters."

Don Palmer

WTAG [Worcester MA] 1983-1987
Now: Don says, "I am retired, but looking for a
local station for part time on-air DJ work."
Jim Palmer

WCVS [Springfield IL] 1966
Now: ldavp@eosinc.com writes, "Jim is retired PD
and GM of WCVS, Springfield, IL and WPEO, Peoria/Mexico/Moberly, MO. He's of note
because of the many talents he helped develop, who went on to the major markets.
Jim's beloved Mary Ellen died 8/95. He continues to live in Springfield, IL, doing
occasional voiceovers, while in retirement."
Ken Palmer

KYSN [Colorado Springs CO] 195? - owner

KIMN [Denver CO] 1961-1971- owner

KYXI [Portland OR] 197?- owner

WWDJ [Hackensack NJ] 198?- owner

WZZD [Philadelphia PA] 198? - owner
Ken Palmer died (cancer) in 1984.

Kerry Paluscsak aka Kris McKarty

WLYT [Cleveland OH] 1980-1982

WELW [Willoughby OH] 1991-2002
Now: Kerry is station manager for a
city-operated cable TV station in Hudson, Ohio.
Rick Pantaleo aka Rick Pantale

WZUM [Pittsburgh PA] 1972

WMBA [Pittsburgh] 1973-1976

WWSW/WPEZ [Pittsburgh] 1973-1974

WBVP/WWKS [Beaver Falls PA] 1976

WYDD/WKPA [Pittsburgh] 1981

WRIE [Erie PA] 1986
- Station Mgr

WHJB/WSSZ [Pittsburgh] 1987

WRKY [Steubenville OH] 1991

Voice of America [Washington DC] 1992

WBQB [Fredericksburg VA] 1995-2000
Now: Producer, director and substitute host
of Talk To America
on Voice of America, Washington DC.
Johnny Panzarella

WLPL [Baltimore MD] 1978

WIYY [Baltimore] 1981

WGRX [Baltimore] 1987

WOCT [Baltimore] 1995-2002
Now: Johnny says (3/05), "I am a
voiceover actor in Baltimore, Maryland (represented by Don Buchwald and Associates
New York)."

Jay Pappas

WOND [Atlantic City NJ] 1970

WMGM-FM [Atlantic City] 1970

WFPG/WFPG-FM [Atlantic City] 1972

WSLT [Atlantic City] 1974

WIOQ [Philadelphia PA] 1974
Now: Jay says (5/10), "I'm living in coastal
Maine, am a freelance voice-over actor and on-camera spokesperson."
Jack Par (Jack Chapman)

KGRO [Gresham OR] 1956

KISN [Portland OR] 1961

KKEY [Vancouver WA] 1962

KDOL [Mojave CA] 1972 - GM

KAIN [Boise ID] 1972

KEEP [Twin Falls ID] 1982
Now: Our latest report had Jack selling
advertising specialties in Twin Falls, Idaho.
Skot Paré

WTAG [Worcester MA] 1993-1998
Now: Skot says (9/08), "...I am Director of Development for HEAR in
New Hampshire, a school for children who are deaf or hard of hearing."
Andy Park

KMPC [LA] 1964

KFWB [LA] 1968

KABC [LA] 1973

WLAC [Nashville TN] 1982
Now: Editorial Consultant on
several magazines and professional wedding photographer with offices
in San Francisco, Denver and RTP NC.

'Wild' Bill Parker

WAWA [Milwaukee WI] 1967

WEMP/WNUW [Milwaukee] 1970

KDIG [San Diego CA] 1973

KDEO [San Diego] 1973

KSFX [San Francisco CA] 1975

KYA/KSFO [San Francisco]

NHK [Tokyo Japan] 1987-1988

NTV-TV [Tokyo] 1987 - news

HK Cable [Hong Kong China] 1992-1999
- CE
Now: Bill is a consultant in Hong Kong. He
says (12/02), "I've just finished my ownership of Asia's first Webcaster. I hope to
relocate back to Tokyo to launch an oldies show and continue Japanese language studies.
Looking for Drake (Mann) jingles from their automated formats 1969-1974. I worked with
several of these formats but have lost my tapes."
Bob Parker

KNUZ [Houston TX] 1991-1992 - Bob Edwards
Now: Bob says (Oct 2002), "I am a voice
talent (in Houston, Texas) specializing in message-on-hold systems, messaging and
commercial v-o production."
Charlye Parker

KHAY [Ventura CA] 1990
Now: Charlye says (2/06), "I'm doing mornings at
Country KHAY-FM; still doing what I love; still loving what I do; still surprised that I
get paid for doing it."

Gene Parker

WTRV [Grand Rapids MI] 1997
Now: Gene says (10/03), "I'm doing mid-days
at Adult Contemporary WTRV-FM (The River), Grand Rapids, Michigan. I'm also the music
director and the production director. I knew I'd end up in radio somehow. When I was a
kid I uswed to stay up late and try to see what stations I could get with my combination
radio and record player. If you moved the needle arm just right you could KMOX in St.
Louis and WSB in Atlanta. Radio has been in my blood stream ever since."
Ron Parker

WRFC [Athens GA] 1971

WQXI [Atlanta GA] 1973

WZGC [Atlanta] 1975

WLCY [St Petersburg FL] 1975

KKBQ [Houston TX] 1982-1989

KKFR [Phoenix AZ] 1988-1990

KKBQ [Houston] 1990

ABC Radio [Dallas TX] 1991 - PD music nets

Francisco CA] 1993

KLDE [Houston] 2001

WCBS-FM [New York NY] 2007
Now: Ron says (01/13), "I am doing middays at Classic Hits
WCBS-FM, New York, New York."
Darryl Parks

WYSL [Buffalo NY] 1979

WAKE [Gary IN] 1981

WIOU/WZWZ [Kokomo IN] 1983

WENS [Indianapolis IN] 1984

WIRL [Peoria IL] 1986

KPEL/KTDY [Lafayette LA] 1991

WGR/WWWS [Buffalo] 1993

WCKY [Cincinnati OH] 1994

WTVN [Columbus OH] 1996

WLW [Cincinnati] 1999
Now: Headquartered at WLW, Darryl is Director of AM
Operations for Clear Channel Cincinnati. He is also Regional News Talk Brand Manager
for Clear Channel (overseeing 700 WLW, 55KRC, 1360 WCKY and 1530 WSAI and Clear
Channel News/Talks in the region).

Dave Parks

WFIL [Philadelphia] 1966

WIBG [Philadelphia] 1975

WLEE [Richmond VA] 1976

WNDE/WFBQ [Indianapolis IN] 1977

KSDO [San Diego CA] 1982

KKBQ-FM [Houston TX] 1986

WRMF [West Palm Beach FL] 1987

KCLX [San Diego CA] 1991

KWFM [Tucson AZ] 1995
Dave Parks died August 24, 2015.
See 'Boss Jock' Dave Parks Passes (All Access Music Group); RIP legendary Philly boss jock, WFIL’s Dave “The Rave” Parks
Michael Parks

KKUS [San Luis Obispo CA] 1983-1986
Now: Michael says (9/04), "I'm Creative Director
for S. Lombardi & Associates Advertising, San Luis Obispo, California; still doing voice-overs
for my old friends at KPRL. I miss radio the way it was. In fact, I miss TV the way it was.
Hell, I miss me the way I was..."
Jack Parnell

WMC [Memphis TN] 1971
Now: Jack says (7/04), "I'm consulting for the
Information Radio Network, Memphis,
Tennessee; and I am a freelance voice talent with an in-home studio."

Russ Parsley

KMJ [Fresno CA] 1997-2004
Now: Russ says (8/06), "I own and operate Panda DJs and PandaCam productions, a mobile DJ
& videography business..."
Dale Parsons

WTID [Norfolk VA] 1968

WVAB [Norfolk] 1970

WROV [Roanoke VA] 1970 - Dee Parsons

WTVR [Richmond VA] 1971 - D.J. Parsons

WGH [Norfolk] 1971

WTAR/WLTY [Norfolk] 1976

WNBC [New York NY] 1984

WLTW [New York] 1989

KLHI [Lahaina Maui HI] 1991-1996 - owner
Now: Dale says (6/10), "I am a radio consultant
and voice-over artist, based in Hana on the island of Maui, Hawaii; Web site is alohanews.com -- it has, among other
features, a WGH radio tribute I developed (jingles, pictures, airchecks, etc.)."
Linda 'Gabby' Parsons

WWUH [Hartford CT] 1971

WAAF [Worcester MA] 1973

WHCN [Hartford] 1975

WRHY [York PA] 1977

KATT [Oklahoma City OK] 1977

KZOK [Seattle WA] 1979

WMAD [Madison WI] 1979

WWQM [Madison] 1981

WMAD [Madison] 1982

WIBA [Madison] 1987

WQBK-FM [Albany NY] 1993

WRVE [Schenectady NY] 1994

ResultsRadio [Madison WI] 1999-1999


WMMM [Madison] 2001
Now: Evenings and Music Director at Adult
Album Alternative WMMM-FM, Madison Wisconsin.

Pete Parsons

KFWB [Los Angeles CA] 1984-1997
Now: Pete says, "I am operating a
copywriting service and writing Inland Empire (Riverside and San Bernardino
County) news via email for MetroNetworks (LA) -- doing it all out of my home
in Southern California."
Bob Partee

WDEL [Wilmington DE] 1974-1975
Now: Bob is "retired in Delaware."
Dick Partridge

WHAN [Charleston SC] 19??

WAAB [Worcester MA] 19??

WHIM [Providence RI] 19??

WNEW [New York NY] 1958-1963

ABC-TV [New York] 196?

WIOQ [Philadelphia PA] 196?

W??? [?] 1973-1998 - owner
Now: Retired. Dick says, "I am only interested in
re-connecting with any of my former compatriots during the good ol' days at what
was then the 'flagship of the world', WNEW, N.Y. (presuming one or two to still
be alive!)."

Jane Pascual

KGU [Honolulu] 1988

KHFX [Honolulu] 1990

KHVH [Honolulu] 1991

KHNR [Honolulu] 1992

KRTR [Honolulu] 1992
Now: Doing news/commercials at KRTR.
Residing in Honolulu.
Jamie Paterson

CIEZ [Halifax NS] 2003

CKUL [Halifax] 2005
Now: Jamie says (6/05), "I'm working afternoon drive on CKUL
(Kool FM), Halifax, Nova Scotia. I quit radio in 1990 to try standup comedy; quit standup
comedy in 1994 and returned to radio."
Carl Patrick

CJCL [Toronto ON] 2001-2003
Now: Carl says (7/06), "I had a great run flying
under the radar for 21 years; been teaching elemntary school in Toronto for the TDSB for
the last six; miss the people but not the BS..."

Jay Patrick

WKSZ [Philadelphia PA] 1983-1991
Now: Jay (Joe Fortunato) says (12/09), "I am a
math, physics, computer science teacher at a school near Philly."
John Patrick

WLSW [Scottdale PA] 2001-2003
Now: John says (4/05), "After getting my degree
in broadcast meteorology, I have persued a career in TV weathercasting. I am in my dream
location in sunny Southwest Florida; and am the morning meteorologist at WZVN-TV, Fort
Lou Patrick

WIZE [Dayton OH] 1972

WTMC [Ocala FL] 1975

WAZY [Lafayette IN] 1978

WKZW [Peoria IL] 1980

WYKS [Gainesville] 1982

WNKS [Columbus GA] 1986

KJYO [Oklahoma City OK] 1986

WASH [Washington DC] 1987

WKSZ [Philadelphia PA] 1988-1990
Now: Lou says (6/06), "Since 1991, I've been
involved in market research and consulting for radio; in 2004 I founded and am president of Evolution Research,
Chicago, Illinois; it has been great to work with so many of the great minds in the
business, and to be a small part of some of their success."
Big Mike Patrick

WNCO-FM [Ashland OH] 1977

WMAN [Mansfield OH] 1980

WBEA [Cleveland OH] 1983 -
Mr. Mikey

WFLY [Albany NY] 1986 -
Shadow Michaels

New School of Radio & TV [Albany] 1991 - instructor

WPTR-FM [Albany] 1997

WKKG [Columbus IN] 1998

WWFY [Montpelier VT] 2002 - Big Mike

WBEC/WBEC-FM [Pittsfield MA]

WUPE [Pittsfield] 2006

WFFG [Glens Falls NY] 2008

WGY/WGY-FM [Schenectady NY] 2011
Now: Mike says (6/15), "I've been with iHeartMedia,
Albany NY since early 2011. I'm 'multitasked' out the wazoo, from covering Newscasts on WGY
AM/FM, filling in on hosting the WGY Morning Show and the WGY Weekend Show, filling in on
producing the WGY Morning Show, playing TV Traffic Boy for WNYT in Albany. If THAT'S enough,
I provide News coverage for a number of iHeartMedia stations in New England, including (but not
limited to as of this writing) Springfield MA, Providence RI, New Haven CT, Manchester &
Portsmouth NH. I can also play the piano, and on occasion move it too."

Dale Patterson

CKFH [Toronto] 1974

Broadcast News wire service [Toronto] 1975

CING [Burlington Ontario] 1985

Canadian Press [Toronto] 1988

CFMU [Hamilton Ontario] 1992
Now: Editor at The Canadian Press,
Toronto and manager of Rock Radio Scrapbook.
'Fat' Pat Patterson

WAMS [Wilmington DE] 196?

WKIX [Raleigh NC] 1968

WDNC [Durham NC] 1995
Now: At WDNC, Durham, NC.
Rich Patterson

KPAM [Portland OR] 2003
Now: Morning show producer (w/ Bob Miller) at
News/Talk KPAM, Portland, Oregon. Rich says (2/04), "I'm still working as the radio
network producer for the Portland Trail Blazers -- the 2003-04 season is my 15th year
with the Blazers."

Smith Patterson

WSJS [Winston-Salem NC] 1982
Now: Smith says (8/03), "I'm still news anchor
at News/Talk WSJS, Winston-Salem North Carolina -- on the morning show with Glenn Scott
and J.R. (Ray) Snider."
Tom Patterson

KGIL [Los Angeles CA] 1978

KNX [Los Angeles] 1990

KCBS-TV/KCAL-TV [Los Angeles] 1999

CBS TV [LA] 2005
Now: Tom says (12/06), "After 21 years in
radio, I decided to dabble in radio with pictures; still having fun and they
keep sending a paycheck every Friday."
Vicki Patterson aka Vicki Kay

WTRX [Flint MI] 1976

WFDF [Flint] 1978

WFOM [Atlanta GA] 1981

WFDF [Flint] 1983

WOJC [Tampa FL] 1983

WQYK [St. Petersburg FL] 1984

WSGW [Saginaw, MI] 1984

WKCQ [Saginaw] 1987

WCFX [Mount Pleasant MI] 1991-2002 - mgr

WIOD [Miami FL] 2006
Now: Vicki says (7/07), "I am working full time
for an events and entertainment production company; still doing what I love on weekends,
news at NewsRadio 610 WIOD in Miami, Florida. I would love to hear from the folks I've
crossed paths with over the years, especially those from WTRX and WFDF in Flint."

Doug Paul

WKZL [Winston-Salem NC] 1978-1982
Now: Doug says (6/09), "After WKZL, I formed a
voice-over business and moved to Atlanta; I relocated to NYC between 1984-1987, then back
to Georgia ever since; I became one of those national guys that voiced promos before promos
were cool."
John Paul

WBUF [Buffalo NY] 1999
Now: John says (3/05), "I'm PD at Rock
WBUF-FM, Buffalo, New York."
Ralph Paul (Gernhardt)

KMYR [Denver] 1958
Now: Publisher of the Windy City
Times in Chicago, Illinois.
Ken Pauli

WERA [Morristown NJ] 1979

WRDR [Atlantic City NJ] 1982

WOBM [Monmouth/Ocean NJ] 1983

WJBR-FM [Wilmington DE] 1985

WWMX [Baltimore md] 1987

WFAS-FM [White Plains NY] 1987

WCNN/WALR [Atlanta GA] 1990 -
Tom Grayson

WFOX [Gainesville GA] 1991

WNNX [Atlanta] 1993

CNNRadio net [Atlanta] 1994

WFTL/WMEN [West Palm Beach FL]
Now: Ken says (2/08), "I'm Director of News &
Operations at the James Crystal Radio Group's four AM stations based in Fort Lauderdale FL;
unlike most radio jobs today, JCR is a small, one-man owned group, which allows for some
amazing opportunities; I'm loving South Florida, too. Would love to talk with former
co-workers from all my radio jobs, just to see how everyone is doing; I'm wondering how many
people jumped ship from the radio biz for something more stable."

Scott Paulsen

WLIT [Steubenville OH] 1977

WAMX [Huntington WV] 1978

WKEE [Huntington] 1979

WAMX [Huntington] 1982

WIMZ [Knoxville TN] 1984

WHTX [Pittsburgh PA] 1986

WDVE [Pittsburgh] 1986-1999

WBGG [Pittsburgh] 2001

WDVE [Pittsburgh] 2002-2006

KDKA [Pittsburgh] 2008

WEAE [Pittsburgh] 2008

WDVE [Pittsburgh] 2012
Now: Scott is back at WDVE, Pittsburgh, PA
(for a third time) and is contributing material to the morning show.
Dave Paulson

KSVN [Ogden UT] 1969

KPAS [Banning CA] 1970

KREL [Riverside CA] 1970

KIXX [Provo UT] 1971

KONI [Provo] 1971

KOVO [Provo] 1971

KFMC [Provo] 1971

KREL [Riverside] 1971

KEZY [Los Angeles CA] 1972

KWIZ [LA] 1972

KQLH [San Bernardino CA] 1973

KONI [Provo] 1974

KSUB [Cedar City UT] 1975

KFTN [Provo] 1976

KVON/KVYN [Napa CA] 1981

KPLA [Modesto CA] 1991

KNBA [Vallejo CA] 1991

KTRB [Modesto] 1993

KUBA/KXCL [Yuba City CA]
Now: Part-time at Nostalgia KUBA and
Adult Contemporary KXCL in the Sacramento Valley of California. During the week,
Dave is a school teacher teaching "Today's kids/Tomorrow's adults."
Dave Pavletich

[Centralia WA] 1988
Now: Part-time on air and in sales at
Oldies KITI and Hot AC KITI-FM (Live 95). Dave says, "My primary occupation now is

Don Payne

KAAY [Little Rock AR] 1978

KLPQ [Little Rock] 1980

WXUS [Lafayette IN] 1981

WAZY [Lafayette] 1982

WZPL [Indianapolis IN] 1983

WKRQ [Cincinnati OH] 1999 - CE

WHHH [Indianapolis] 2003 - CE
Don Payne died December 12, 2010
(age 53) in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Kevin Payne

WTAD [Quincy IL] 2004
Now: Kevin says (2/06), "I'm working as a news reporter and sometime DJ for
a five-station cluster in Quincy, Illinois. I've moved from classical host to news over
twenty years -- and find that I'm pretty good at the reporting and writing gig, though
it's not what I trained for."
Steve Payne

WBHP [Huntsville AL] 1977-1980
Now: Steve says (1/10), "I live in Huntsville,
Alabama and am working in customer service; my main goal in life is spoiling my
Bob Payton

WZAK [Cleveland OH] 1968

WWOW [Conneaut OH] 1969

WREO [Ashtabula OH] 1969

WGCL [Cleveland] 1972

WRBR [South Bend IN] 1974

XEROK [El Paso TX/Juarez Mex] 1975

KAZY [Denver CO] 1976

WZZP [Cleveland] 1977

KELP [El Paso TX] 1978 - GM

KRVA [Dallas TX] 1996-1997 - VP, GM
Now: Bob says (11/14), "I'm EVP/COO of R
Communications, Dallas, Texas. I came off the air in 1980 after being promoted to GM
of Clear Channel's KELP in El Paso; subsequently was in general, sales and group
management in Denver, Houston and Dallas."

'Country' Paul Payton

WWYZ [Hartford CT] 1985-1993
Now: Paul says (1/04), "After leaving WWYZ,
I have been working full-time doing voice-overs (Paul Payton: Have Voice, Will Travel) in the New York (Connecticut to
Philadelphia) area."
Mike Paz

WMGW [Meadville PA] 1972-1975

WHFM [Rochester NY] 1980-1982

WDKX [Rochester] 1987-2003
Now: Mike says (10/07, "I'm a motorsports and
PA announcer at Daytona International Speedway (since 1999), Watkins Glen International
(since 1984), Richmond International Raceway (since 2000), Homestead-Miami Speedway (since
1999), Phoenix International Raceway (since 2004) and California Speedway (since 2005) --
and many others; I still have a DJ business for weddings, private parties, corporation events,
etc. (since 1985)."
John Peace

WKBY [Chatham VA] 1972

WFTC/WRNS [Kinston NC] 1976

WISP/WQDW [Kinston] 1976

WSFL [New Bern NC] 1981

WZNS [Florence SC] 1986

WPEZ [Macon GA] 1988

WMXT/WWFN/WBZF [Florence SC] 1990-1996
Now: President of Audio Production Experts,Florence,
South Carolina.

Billy Pearl

KYMS [LA] 1969

KWIZ [LA] 1969

KUTY [Palmdale CA] 1970


KKDJ [LA] 1971

KIIS [LA] 1972

KKDJ [LA] 1973

KIQQ [LA] 1973

KHJ [LA] 1974

KFMB-FM [San Diego]
1976 - guest DJ for a day

KRLA [LA] 1976 - consultant

KIQQ [LA] 1977

KMPC [LA] 1981

KABC [LA] 1982-1984, 1986-1991
Now: Bill Pearl died Jan 4, 2022
in Long Beach, CA (cancer, age 71). See Bill Pearl, publisher of LBReport and City Hall antagonist, dies at 71
Donn Pearlman

KLWN [Lawrence KS] 1965

WREN [Topeka KS] 1966

WDAF [Kansas City MO] 1968

WBBM [Chicago IL] 1970-1996
Now: Don says (12/03), "In 1996 I left
WBBM/CBS in Chicago to follow the career path I orginally intended to take: public
relations, marketing and a touch of advertising. Now on 'The Dark Side of the Force,'
I am President of Minkus & Pearlman Public Relations, with offices in Illinois and Nevada.
Do I miss broadcasting? Yes, I miss many of the people I worked with, but the telephone
doesn't ring anymore at 3 o'clock in the morning with the Assignment Desk instructing me
to cover a lumber yard fire in Joliet."
Jason Peavy

WCAC [Baton Rouge LA] 1999-2000
Now: Jason say (4/03), "I will be getting
back on the air soon after a 2 year absence."

Jerry Peeler

WANS [Greenville SC] 1994-2005
Now: Jerry says (11/10), "I own a mobile DJ
service, which I have been in for 25 years, and am co-owner (with my wife) in a florist,
so we stay busy; still love all genres of music."
Butch Peiker

WNFQ [Lake City FL] 1978-1983
Now: Butch says (8/06), "I am classified outside SM
(automotive & real estate)for the Florida Times-Union, Jacksonville, FL."
John Pellegrini

WGRD [Grand Rapids MI] 2002
Now: John says (1/07), "...I am at Regent
Broadcasting as Creative Services Director for all five stations in the (Grand Rapids,
Michigan) cluster: WGRD-FM (ALT Rock), WLHT-FM (AC), WTRV-FM (Soft AC), WFGR-FM (Oldies)
and WNWZ (Spanish)."
Brian Perez

KWVE [Los Angeles CA] 2004
Now: Brian says (12/06), "I am assistant
PD and morning host at Christian Contemporary KWVE-FM, San Clemete, California; on the
side I produce Sound Doctrine for Calvary Chapel (U.S. and overseas); and I'm the
voice of The Advocate, nationally syndicated by the Information Radio Network."

John Perin

WOBO [Batavia OH] 1979
Now: John says (2/08), "I'm continuing to
cover sports on Variety WOBO-FM, Batavia, Ohio; ... over the years I've talked to everyone
from cheerleaders to professional wrestlers; trying when possible to feature
those who may not be heard anywhere else."
David Perkins

KMOO [Mineola TX] 1965

KWRD [Henderson TX] 1965

KBEL [Idabel OK] 1965

KCLE [Cleburne TX] 1966

WTHE [Long Island NY] 1966

KTOW [Tulsa OK] 1967

KBUY [Ft. Worth TX] 1967 - Charlie Brown

KBOX [Dallas TX] 1968

KPRC [Houston TX] 1968 - Charlie Brown

WYAM [Birmingham AL] 1970

WBAP [Ft. Worth] 1970 - Charlie Brown

KTVT Channel 11 [Dallas] 1971 - Charlie Brown: cohost: Cowtown Jamboree

KIKK [Houston] 1973 - Charlie Brown

KYND [Houston TX] 1974-1978
Now: David says (1/21), "I am in good health, retired,
living in my hometown Fort Worth. My wife Pat (Patricia Thomas) and I have 3 children, 7 grandchildren
and 3 great grandchildren." David remembers the radio biz...
Dee Perkins aka Dee Collins

WSGO [Oswego NY] 1985 - Dee Morgan

WSEN [Syracuse NY] 1985 - Dyan Jacobs

WKLX [Rochester NY] 1986

WYYY [Syracuse] 1988

WSYR [Syracuse] 1990

WBBS [Syracuse] 1996

WLTI [Syracuse] 2002-2004
Now: Dee says (2/08), "I work for Westwood One
as a satellite salesperson; I'm very lucky to still be in radio and not be on the air -
I couldn't be happier! I learned so much about how to sound on the air from the great guys
at KC-99 and WKLX; Bobby Hatfield (the PD not the singer) and Cary Paul taught me so much;
I also had the honor of working with Dave Coombs as a morning co-host in Rochester and that
was the best working experience I ever had; he was generous and one of the few non-crazy
guys I've worked with; I've also had the delight to work with many morning men in Syracuse
including Gomez (who is working with Dave currently), Bill Baker and Ron Bee; all were so
supportive of my work on the air. I was the promotions director for WSYR for many years and
Ken Charles was our PD; we had so much fun working together as the ultimate ying and yang.
My work at sybercuse.com helped me branch out from on-air work and for that I'm thankful to
Joel Delmonico and my current boss Conrad Trautmann; both allowed me to see beyond 'doing
and airshift'."

Lee Perkins

KWVR [Enterprise OR] 1984
Now: Owner, president, GM and "sports
guy" at Country KWVR, Enterprise, Oregon.
Chuck Perks

WEEI [Boston MA] 2000

WBZ-FM [Boston] 2009
Now: Chuck says (4/11), "I am with Sports
WBZ-FM, Boston, Massachusetts."
Mike Perras

CJTT [ New Liskeard ON] 1987-2002 - manager
Now: Mike says (12/03), "I am now

Keith Perron

China Radio International [Beijing, China] 2000
Now: Keith is with China Radio International.
Beijing, China. He says (10/02), "I host a national daily music show called The Keith
and Li Qian Show, and I host China's only weekly national jazz show,
Alan Perry

CFAX [Victoria, BC] 1971-2003 - reporter, talk-show
host, news director
Now: Alan says (9/09), "After 32 years on the
air, all of them at C-FAX, I left in June 2003 to take care of my elderly mom; I'm now
'Reporter Emeritus' at C-FAX, file the occasional news story and appear regularly on
C-FAX talk shows; I also host the weekly Opinion Panel on SHAW-TV, Victoria.
The most memorable events while at C-FAX: Flying with the Snowbirds, reporting live from
inside the crater of Mount St. Helen's, helping cover the 1994 Commonwealth Games, riding
in the inaugural Cops for Cancer Tour de Rock; most rewarding experience: helping
Victoria get through the Blizzard of 1996 which saw a record 124cm of snow in two days; most
memorable co-workers: mentor Mel Cooper, and the late Ken 'The Dobber' Dobson, who was
larger than life and an inspiration to anyone who works behind a microphone."
Bob Perry

WGHQ/WBPM [Kingston NY] 1980

WSPK [Poughkeepsie NY] 1981

WRSC [State College PA] 1982

WAVZ [New Haven CT] 1983

WNLC/WTYD [New London CT] 1985

WTIC-TV [Hartford CT] 1986

WEVD [New York NY] 1987-1988

WBZO [Bay Shore NY] 2000

WHLI [Hempstead NY] 2004

WLIX-FM [Ridge NY] 2005
Now: Bob says (3/05), "I've been with
Alternative WLIX-FM (RadioX), Long Island, New York since 2005. In 2000, I created the
original JACK-FM format; licensed in 2003 by Rogers Communications in Canada and by SparkNet
Communications for U.S. markets. I have been president of Big Sticks Broadcasting
since 2001. In 1999 I created a tribute website for
WVWA, Pound Ridge, NY (remember NINE?) with historic input from Randy West, Famous Amos,
Howard Hoffman and Pete Salant."
Celeste Perry

KQMQ [Honolulu HI] 1979

KKUA [Honolulu] 1980

KSFO/KYA [San Francisco CA] 1982

KYCY [San Francisco] 1994-1999

KKSF [San Francisco] 2005

KFRC-FM [San Francisco] 2007
Now: Celeste says (8/07), "I am co-host (w/the
‘Duke’ Dave Sholin) of the morning
show at Classic Hits KFRC-FM , San Francisco, California."

Dave Perry

WRHI [Rock Hill SC] 1956

WSJS [Winston-Salem NC] 1957

WIST [Charlotte NC] 1958-1958

WESC [Greenville SC] 1960

WSOC [Charlotte] 1961

KMO [Tacoma WA] 1963

WTOB [Winston-Salem] 1963

WSGN [Birmingham AL] 1963-1975

WERC [Birmingham] 1990-1992
Now: Dave says (9/05), "I'm concentrating on
voice work; no screaming car commercials, just serious and conversational information.
I miss radio; I loved it when it had no real competition for news; It was great knowing
that if people saw smoke on the horizon, they tuned to my station to find out what was
happening. I DON'T miss television. It is at once both the best and worst aspect of
our culture..." Click for more from
David Perry

KTYD [Santa Barbara CA] 1993-1998 - GM
Now: David says (Nov 1999), "I am living
in Santa Barbara, California, doing some consulting and on-line stock trading."
Ed Perry aka Johnny Steele

KPCS [Los Angeles CA] 1967 - Ed Poree'

KRAM [Las Vegas NV] 1970

KUDU/KBBY [Ventura CA] 1972

KKBC/KPTL [Carson City NV] 1972

KONE [Reno NV] 1974

KOLO [Reno] 1978

KOH [Reno] 1982

KBET [Reno] 1982

KIKF [LA] 1987

Transtar net [LA] 1989

Westwood One [LA] 1992-2004
Now: Michael
Hagerty reports (11/04), "Ed (Poree') passed away of lung cancer on November 6, 2004.
He was 65. I worked with him when he was Johnny Steele at KOLO in Reno. We'd gotten back
in touch via e-mail in the last five years. A very nice man. I'll miss him."

Michael W. Perry

WILS [Lansing MI] 1967

KKUA [Honolulu] 1972

KSSK [Honolulu] 1978

Hawaiian Moving Company KGMB-TV [Honolulu] 1980 -

executive producer/host
Now: Perry of Perry & Price (since 1983),
mornings on Oldies KSSK and Adult Contemp KSSK-FM. Michael continues to produce/host
the Emmy-winning Hawaiian Moving Company on KGMB-TV, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Movie/TV Credits: Blood & Orchids (Lt. Fisk), Jake & the
Fatman, Magnum, P.I., Island Son (Dr. George),
Marker, One West Waikiki, pilot for 1997 Hawaii
Five-O (CBS).
'Mustang' Mick Perry

KKBQ [Houston TX] 1991-1995
Now: Mick says (3/04), "I departed the broadcast
in 1995 for a more predictable future. I am now working in corporate asset rotection
(surveillance) for the world's largest entertainment corporation. I might be watching and
listening to you now!!! Be careful!"
Richard Perry

KHKK [Modesto CA] 1996
Now: Richard says (8/03), "I am PD and
doing middays at Classic Rock KHKK-FM, (104.1 The Hawk), Modesto/Stockton. California."

Gary Persons

KDKA [Pittsburgh PA] 1977-1979
Now: Regional Manager for the Western US
at WorldCom ("...that means that salespeople who work for me sell to Kansas, Arizona,
Texas, etc."), based in Los Angeles, CA. Gary adds, "I don't have a Web site, but am
playing and writing a lot of music (I'm really a musician at heart). My biggest
musical accomplishment was writing the orchestral arrangement for the Grammy-nominated
Randy Newman song, "A Fool in Love", which was the title song for the movie, "Meet the
Parents" (Ben Stiller, Robert De Niro}."
Maureen Pescaia aka Maureen Borromeo

KNUI-FM [Kahulu, Maui HI] 1987

KMVI-FM [Wailuku, Maui HI] 1989

KSSK/KSSK-FM [Honolulu HI]
1992-1995, 2005-2007
Now: Maureen says (11/11), "I am still in
Honolulu; went back to school and got two master degrees; one in Theater and the other
in Secondary Education; now a full-time teacher for the DOE. I Worked in ground zero
at KSSK with Perry and Price during Hurricane Iniki in 1992; learned from the best in
the business how to work a city newsroom with Erika Engle; worked with Michael
McCartney while on Maui as well as a boatload of other Hawaii radio greats; got a great
gig from Audy Kimura while working at KMVI on Maui; radio was very good to me."
Chuck Peters

WYNA [Whiteville NC] 1993-1994 - GM
Now: Chuck says (6/04), "I Left radio in 1999;
my real job is with the City of Clinton, TN Police Dept. I also operate an Internet radio
station at www.sglive365.com."

Jim Peters

WLAN [Lancaster PA] 1966

WDRC [Hartford CT] 1967

KPOI [Honolulu HI] 1968

KKUA [Honolulu] 1970

KORL [Honolulu] 1977

KIKI [Honolulu] 1977

KMAI [Honolulu] 1982

KULA [Honolulu HI] 1983-1987
Now: Jim Peters (real name, Jim Gagnon)
says, "I've been living in Florida since 1990. Any jocks who ran their cans too hot
may be talking to me soon about some hearing aids. I am a board-certified
hearing-aid specialist in Orlando. It's amazing that I'm not now wearing what I
dispense because I also ran my cans WAY too loud. I miss the great people I've had
the good fortune to work with."

Paul Peters

Forest FM [Verwood, Dorsett, UK] 2007
Now: Paul says (06/14),
"...Over the past few years I have been presenting 3 weekly 'oldies' radio shows for
Forest FM in the south of England. These are also aired by several stations in the U.S.,
New Zealand, Australia, Hungary, Malta, and the Falkland Islands."

Rick Peters

WXTA [Erie PA] 2006

WDOE [Fredonia NY] 2008
Now: Rick says (1/09), "I am PD and morning-show
host with Adult Contemporary WDOE (96 KIX Country), Dunkirk, New York."
Tim Peters

KEYN [Wichita KS] 1986-1990

KFKF [Kansas City KS] 2004
Now: Tim says (6/04), "I am doing evenings at Country KFKF-FM
in Kansas City; I'm also available available for voice-over work, imaging, commercial, etc."

Al Peterson

WMTR [Morristown NJ] 1971

WNNJ [Newton NJ] 1972

WHFM [Rochester NY] 1974

WBBF [Rochester] 1976

WMJQ [Rochester] 1977

WQXM [Clearwater FL] 1979

WYNF [Tampa FL] 1981

Pollack Media Group [Los Angeles CA] 1982 - Executive VP

Peterson Media Services [Studio City CA] 1984 - President

KKLQ/KIOZ [San Diego
CA] 1993-1997 - VP/Ops

Radio and Records [Los Angeles] 1997 - News/Talk/Sports Editor
Al Peterson died Jan 20, 2021 in Poway, CA.
See Remembering
Al Peterson (ramp247.com) and Al Peterson, Who Shifted From AOR To News/Talk/Sports, Is Mourned (rbr.com)

Alan Peterson

WNNK [Harrisburg PA] 1993-1995
Now: Alan says (10/21),
"I am National Production Director and Weekend Program Coordinator for the Radio America Network in Washington DC; also TV and movie actor under the
name 'Alan Darsen'."
Jay Peterson

KCSM [San Jose CA] 1981

KLRS [Santa Cruz CA] 1988

KSCO [Santa Cruz] 1988

KSFO [San Francisco CA] 1989

KEST [San Francisco] 1990

KPBS [San Diego CA] 1998

KWVE [Los Angeles CA] 1999-2001
Now: Jay says, "I own Little Cat
Productions, San Diego, California. I produce and voice commercials for stations
around the state and also provide public affairs programming to Southern California
radio stations."
Robb 'Jazzbro' Peterson

WIUS [Bloomington IN] 1969 - Airman Bobby

KSJO [San Jose CA] 1972-1974 - Tony Tyger

KBLE [Honolulu HI] 1982

KCCN [Honolulu] 1984

KPOI-FM [Honolulu] 1987

KIOV [Honolulu] 1988

KIPO [Honolulu] 1988

KTUH [Honolulu] 1993 - Univ of Hawaii

KHNR [Honolulu] 1997-2000

KORL [Honolulu] 2004-2007, 2010
Now: Robb (Jazzbro) says (3/10), "I'm
Music Director at Variety KORL-FM, Honolulu, Hawaii."

Howard Petrie

WBZ [Boston MA] 1929

NBC Radio net [New York] 1930

NBC Radio net [Los Angeles] 1943-1943
Bochynski reports (9/10), "After a long career in radio, television and movies,
Howard Petrie retired due to illness. Petrie had been living in semi-retirement at his
home, Autumn Hill, in Walpole, New Hampshire, when he died in Keene, New Hampshire, on
March 24, 1968. See my entry on Howard Petrie in Wikipedia."
Allen Pettit

WJPA [Washington PA] 1981

WOMP [Wheeling WV] 1987

WNRQ/WXRB [Pittsburgh PA] 1993
- Whipping Boy/Beau Harley

WKEG [Washington] 1995

WANB [Waynesburgh PA] 1997-1998
Now: Allen says (1/11), "I'm with
WRRK (BOB-FM 96.9), Pittsburgh, PA; was a police officer from 1993-2006 in Washington
County, PA; then a program assistant at Renewal Inc (alternative to prison program),
Pittsburgh. Was on the air when the WOMP-FM studios in Bellaire caught fire back in 1991;
still run into people who ask me about that, as well as the Frozen-Alive-in-95 stunt, and
living on a billboard for the Wheeling Thunderbirds hockey team for about a month ...
those were the days!"
Ray Peyton

KVCR [San Bernardino CA] 1976 - Rockin'

KBON [San Bernardino] 1977

KMEN [San Bernardino] 1980 - Ray at Peyton's

KPRO [Riverside CA] 1980 - Ray at Peyton's

KRLA [Los Angeles CA] 1980

KSOM [Ontario CA] 1985

KHNY/KWDJ [Riverside CA]
1986 - Ray at Peyton's Place

KWXY [Palm Spring CA] 1991 - Ray at Peyton's

KKLA [San Bernardino] 1994

Am. Freedom net [??] 1996 - Peyton's Place

KDES [Palm Springs CA] 2001 - Ray at Peyton's

KCAA [San Bernardino] 2003
Now: Ray says (2/04), "I do news at News/Talk
KCAA, San Bernardino, California as well as national voice-overs. In Southern California I
am the in-store 'radio' voice in all 157 Stater Bros. markets. From 1993-1999 I ran my
own company (Real Communications) that produced radio programs and spots for nearly
100 stations across the U.S.; I guested as an authority on conspiracies and prophecies
on more than 800 stations; I have authored three comedy books on life at middle-age;
I did voice-overs with Orson Welles, Al Lohman and ran Wolfman Jack's KRLA program
from his studios in Hollywood while answering the phone as Wolfman (one of 68 voices
I do). No one ever caught on."
more Ps...