Radio Broadcasting History
Radio People by Name (T)
Michael T.

KIKI [Honolulu HI] 1981

KULA [Honolulu] 1987

KXPW [Honolulu] 1988

KSSK-FM [Honolulu] 1989

KAIM-FM [Honolulu] 1998

KHNR-FM [Honolulu] 2000

KGU [Honolulu] 2000

KAIM-FM/KHNR-FM [Honolulu]

KHUI [Honolulu] 2005-2006

KUMU [Honolulu] 2010
Now: Michael says (2/17), "I am PD and midday jock
at Rhythmic Oldies KUMU-FM, Honolulu, HI."
Jim Taber

KOSI [Denver CO] 1958

WABB [Mobile AL] 1963

WSGN [Birmingham AL] 1965

KLIF [Dallas TX] 1969

KROQ [LA] 1973

KINT/KINT-FM [El Paso TX] 1974
- owner
Jim Taber died Mar 15, 1993 in Dallas, Texas (brain cancer, age 52).
Stan Tacker

KWPR [Tulsa OK] 1970

WNAD [Oklahoma City OK] 1973

KXXO [Tulsa] 1974

KWEN [Tulsa] 1974

KOFM [Oklahoma City] 1975

KMOD [Tulsa] 1975

KATT [Oklahoma City] 1976

KLTE [Oklahoma City] 1979-1980

KMUS [Tulsa] 1998-2003 - owner

KAHS [Wichita KS] 1998 - owner

KRVT [Tulsa] 2000 - owner
Now: Stan says (9/04), "I own Reunion Broadcasting
L.L.C., Tulsa, Oklahoma, which acquires and develops stations, including Nostalgia KRVT,
Claremore Oklahoma."

Charlie Tahaney

WVPO [Stroudsburg PA] 1997
Now: Charlie says (7/03), "I am doing air
shifts when my schedule allows and vacancies exist at Nostalgia WVPO, Stroudsburg,
Joe Talbot

KCXX [San Bernardino CA] 1996-1998

KGO/KSFO/KMKY [San Francisco CA] 2004
Now: Joe says (12/05), "I am Director of
Engineering for KGO, KSFO, KMKY, San Francisco, CA."
Paul Talbot
Now: GM at Hot AC KZZP-FM, Phoenix,

Nathan Tannenbaum

KNPR [Las Vegas NV] 1991-2003

KDWN [Las Vegas] 2007
Now: Nathan says (2/08), "I'm an anchor and reporter for NewsTalk
KDWN, Las Vegas, Nevada."
Bill Tanner

WJDX [Jackson MS] 1970

WHYI [Miami] 1974

Heftel Broadcasting [Miami] 1975 - VP Programming

WKTQ [Pittsburgh] 1975

Metroplex Communications [] 1978 - VP Programming

WASH [Washington DC] 1983

WNEW [New York] 1983 -

WHQT [Miami] 1985

WPOW [Miami] 1986 - VP

Bill Tanner & Associates, Inc. [Miami] 1992 - owner

WPOW [Miami] 1992 - consultant

100 JAMZ [Bahamas] 1992 - consultant

WXDJ [Miami] 1993 - consultant

WQAM [Miami] 1996 - consultant

Heftel Broadcasting [LA] 1994 - VP Programming: KLVE/KTNQ
Bill Tanner died Jan 27, 2021
at his home in Birmingham, Alabama (kidney failure, age 75). See Legendary Programming
Exec Bill Tanner Dies (rbr.com) and Remembering Bill Tanner... (insideradio.com/)
Greg Tanner

WMXQ [Jacksonville FL] 2003
Now: Greg says (5/08), "I'm hosting mornings at
80s Rock WMXQ-FM, Jacksonville Florida; living one mile from the beach and enjoying every
bit of it."
Rod Tanner

WGL [Ft. Wayne IN] 2002
Now: Production Director for the Fort
Wayne Radio Group (WGL, WCKZ, WXTW, WHTD, WGLL), Ft. Wayne, Indiana. Rod says, "I do
air work for Talk WGL (1250 AM) and 80s Rock WCKZ-FM (94.1)."

Rod Tanner

KOTN [Pine Bluff AR] 1967

KONO [San Antonio TX] 1969

KTLK [Denver CO] 1971

KXOL [Ft. Worth TX] 1972

KRLY [Houston TX] 1974

KOUL [Corpus Christi TX] 1976-1977 - Tom Meade/GM

KILT [Houston TX] 1990-1995
Now: Rod (William T. Meade) says (3/04) "I am a
full-time writer -- in Houston, Texas. I have written two screenplays and a novel, SURGE
(published May 2004)."
Kirk Tanter

WJZW [Washinton DC] 2004
Now: Kirk says (11/04), "I am an air
personality with Smooth Jazz WJZW-FM, Washington DC."
Greg Tantum

WING [Dayton OH] 1970 - G. Paul Tantum

WSAI [Cincinnati OH] 1974

WIFE [Indianapolis IN] 1978

KSDO [San Diego CA] 1978

KOGO [San Diego] 1980

KING [Seattle WA] 1984

WCAU [Philadelphia PA] 1988

WIP [Philadelphia] 1990

KFWB [Los Angeles CA] 1992

KGO [San Francisco CA] 1999-2006
Now: Greg says (8/10), "I couldn't resist
an opportunity to create a new format with Bonneville and the Washington Post in the Nation's
Capitol and (as of 2006) am Executive Producer for Westwood One's Fred Thompson

Glen Tapley

WYDE [Birmingham AL] 1984-1988 - GM
Now: Glen says (12/02), "I am Affiliate
Engineering Manager for EWTN Television/Radio Network, Birmingham, Alabama."
Bill Tash

WZAK [Cleveland OH] 1966

WXEN [Cleveland] 1968

WDBN [Akron OH] 1978

WJW [Cleveland] 1979-1979
Now: Bill says (9/14), "I am retired and living
in Pinellas Park, FL. Designed and built six radio stations and two TV stations in my career.
In my TV-engineer days in Washington DC, I spent a long day setting up a remote in a Crown
Plaza hotel; went up on the roof to check on the microwave signal; called the operator back
at the studio and he confirmed the signal was coming in; I asked him, "How does the video
look on the waveform monitor?" He replied, "Green"; I realized this guy needed some basic
Jim Taszarek

KTAR [Phoenix AZ] 1987-1994 - GM
Now: Jim says (6/03), "I am President of TazMedia (consulting & workshops for
GMs and SMs), Scottsdale, Arizona."
Jim Tate

KISN [Portland OR] 1959

KICN [Denver CO] 1959

WIP [Philadelphia PA] 1960

WKNR [Detroit MI] 1971

KULF [Houston TX] 1972

KTRH [Houston] 1975

WTMJ [Milwaukee WI] 1982
Passed away of cancer (1989-1990). Click for more on Jim.

Julie Tavares

1976 - Julie Winn

KPUA [Hilo HI] 1977 - Julie

KHVH [Honolulu HI] 1978 - Julie

KKUA/KQMQ [Honolulu]
1978 - Julie Winn

KPOI/KDUK [Honolulu]
1979 - Julie Winn

KFWB [Los Angeles CA] 1980 - Julia

KHVH [Honolulu] 1987

KGU [Honolulu] 1990

KINS/KEKA [Eureka CA] 1995

KNUU [Las Vegas NV] 1997-1999

Talk America [Las Vegas NV] 2000
Now: With Talk America and Metro
News Network, Las Vegas, Nevada. Julie tells us, "I have been with Metro since
November 1999. I anchor on KXNT, KJUL and KOOL, and write for the national network.
(I am known as McKay Winn on some Las Vegas stations)."
Andy Taylor

KLPX [Tucson AZ] 2000
Now: Morning drive (w/Barry Donovan)
at Rock KLPX-FM, Tucson Arizona. Andy says, "The team has been together for 11 years."
Bill Taylor

KMO [Tacoma WA] 1966

KJNO [Juneau AK] 1966

KTAC [Tacoma] 1967

KOL [Seattle WA] 1967

KVI [Seattle] 1970

KAYO/KSPL [Seattle]
Now: Since 1984, Bill has been a
senior information officer for the Washington State Legislature.

Bruce Taylor

KEYJ [Jamestown ND] 1960

KCJB [Minot ND] 1961 - Bruce on the Loose

KXAB-TV [Aberdeen SD] 1962

KFYR AM-FM-TV [Bismarck ND] 1963

WIBC [Indianapolis IN] 1969

KTAR-TV [Phoenix AZ] 1972

KPNX-TV [Phoenix] 1979-1985

KYCA [Prescott AZ] 2003-2006
Now: Bruce says (2/06), "I have finally
retired; am residing in Prescott, Arizona."
Chuck Taylor

WISE [Asheville NC] 1978-1980
Now: Chuck says (3/06), "Came out of retirement
and am doing talk and public affairs at KRLY-FM, San Diego, California."
Doug Taylor

WDRC-FM [Hartford CT] 1996
Now: PM drive at Oldies WDRC-FM,
Hartford, Connecticut.

Eric Taylor aka Eric Chase

KODJ [Salt Lake City UT] 2001
Now: Eric says (1/06), "I work in the traffic
department for Clear Channel, Salt Lake City, Utah, while doing weekends and fill-in for
three of the stations here."
Frank Taylor

KMWX [Yakima WA] 1973 - part owner
Now: Frank says (4/04), "I left KMWX/KFFM,
Yakima in 1998 ... Went into real estate on Kitsap Peninsula, WA for a year; asst mgr
for an auto parts wholesaler in Bellevue, WA from 2001-2003. I'm still doing voice
production from home as well as an occasional narration project."
Gene Taylor

WOKY [Milwaukee] 1960

WLS [Chicago] 1961

WLS [Chicago] 1967 - GM

WIXY [Cleveland] 1972 - GM
Passed away in October, 1996 in Redondo Beach,

Captain Jack Taylor

WJOK [Gaithersburg MD] 1984

WMTG [Washington DC] 1985

WWRC [Washington DC] 1986

WQSR [Baltimore MD] 1988

WGRX [Baltimore] 1990

Metro Traffic Control [Washington DC] 1994-2002
Now: Jack says (1/07), "I'm still chugging
along at XM Radio (since 2004), running
the Traffic & Weather Division; I am only doing traffic now for Washington DC amongst
my other 'desk duties'..."
Jay Taylor

WWKX [Nashville] 1980 - Craig Stevens

KQKQ [Council Bluffs IA] 1982

KLUC [Las Vegas] 1984

WRBQ [Tampa FL] 1990

KDGE [Las Vegas] 1992

KOME [San Jose CA] 1993

KITS [San Francisco CA] 1998
Now: Program Director at Alternative
KITS-FM, San Francisco, California.
Jed Taylor

WNLK [Norwalk CT] 1982

WREF [Danbury CT] 1984

WVIP [White Plains NY] 1986

WMJV [Patterson NY] 1991

WHUD [Peekskill NY] 1994
Now: At WHUD, Peekskill NY.

Jon Taylor

WXPS [White Plains NY 1993-1994
Now: Jon says (7/06), "I am Vice President,
Information Technology with priceline.com,
Norwalk, Connecticut."
Kevin Taylor

KPOP [San Diego, CA] 1997-2004

KWXY [Palm Springs CA] 2002
Now: Kevin says (7/06), "I am living in Palm Springs,
California doing on-air
work for Easy Listening KWXY-AM/FM; this legendary station in the desert is 42 years old in
2006 and has been owned and operated by Glenn Barnett the entire time."
Mal 'Toxic' Taylor

WIOQ [Philadelphia PA] 1999-2000
Now: Mel says (5/07), "I am in Internet sales for
worldnow.com, helping TV, radio and
newspapers build their on-line businesses."

Michael E. Taylor aka Qquincy

WTMG [Gainesville FL] 1998-2004

WXJZ [Gainesville] 2003

WYGC [Gainesville] 2014
Now: Qquincy says (3/15), "I'm doing weekends
at Classic Hits WYGC-FM, Gainesville, Florida; and I own Qquincy's FunHouse SoundWorks
(imaging, commercials, Web site development), Gainesville, Florida."
Mike Taylor

WGRO [Lake City FL] 1971

WHYN [Springfield MA] 1973

WDRC [Hartford CT] 1974

WKYS [Washington DC] 1976

WDRC [Hartford] 1977

KYA [San Francisco CA] 1979-1980

KOPA [Phoenix AZ] 1982

WEZI [Miami FL] 1982-1983

WMJJ [Birmingham AL] 1985

WUSA [Tampa FL] 1987

WWRM [St. Petersburg FL] 1994

WLVU-FM [Tampa] 1996

WYUU [St. Petersburg] 1996

WKTK [Gainesville FL] 1997

WSKY [Gainesville] 1998

WLTY [Columbia SC] 1999-2003
Now: Mike says (9/03), "After being
downsized by Clear Channel in one of their budget cuts, my wife and I have returned
to our home in North Central Florida."
Rick 'Bubba' Taylor

KUPL [Portland OR] 1985
Now: Rick says (8/03), "I've been at
Country KUPL-FM, Portand, Oregon since 1985; music director and PM drive."

Scott Taylor

KSMA [Mason City IA] 2007
Now: Scott says (4/16),
"I am on disability due to kidney failure, but still work occasionally at Country KSMA-FM,
Mason City, IA."

Sky Taylor

WWMJ [Bangor ME] 2002
Now: Sky (Natalee Kohls) says (4/07),
I am on air and Web master at Classic Hits WWMJ-FM, Bangor, Maine."
Steve Taylor

KLMS [Lincoln NE] 1971

KOIL [Omaha NE] 1972 - Scott

WHBQ [Memphis TN] 1973 - Steve

KCBQ [San Diego CA] 1973 - Sam

KFRC [San Francisco CA] 1973 -
'Citizen' Bill Carpenter

KLMS [Lincoln] 1974 -
'Citizen' Bill Carpenter

KREM [Spokane WA] 1975 -
'Citizen' Bill Carpenter

KING [Seattle WA] 1977 -
'Citizen' Bill Carpenter

KYA [San Francisco] 1977 -
'Citizen' Bill Carpenter

KSFO [San Francisco] 1979

KIOI [San Francisco] 1982

KWSS [San Jose CA] 1985

KQKS [Denver CO] 1987

KSYY [Denver] 1989

KGO [San Francisco] 1990-1997

KBAY [San Jose] 2000

KZQZ/KKDV [San Francisco] 2001

KBAY [San Jose] 2003-2017
Now: Steve says (2/21), "I am retired, in Denver, CO."
Steve Taylor

KSOK [Winfield KS] 2003-2007
Now: Steve says (3/08), "I decided that it was
time to take a vacation from broadcasting and spend more time raising my daughter; I'm
working for a local construction company and enjoying life without the incumbent stress
related to management in broadcasting..."
Susan Leigh Taylor

KCBS [San Francisco CA] 2000
Now: Morning co-anchor at News KCBS,
San Francisco, California.

Tony Taylor

WDXB [Chattanooga TN] 1973

WFLI [Chattanooga] 1974

WQXI [Atlanta GA] 1975 - Chris Marshall

WAAY [Huntsville AL] 1975

WRJZ [Knoxville TN] 1977

KIKI [Honolulu] 1978

KPIG [Honolulu] 1978

KMAI [Honolulu] 1980

KQMQ/KKUA [Honolulu] 1981

ICRT [Taipei] 1984-2000

ICRT [Taipei] 2002

98.5 FM [Bangkok Thailand] 2004-2006
Now: Tony (Allen S. Peeples) says (10/07), "I gave
radio a rest and wanted to try something different; got into real estate (Atlanta, Georgia)
just as the real estate market began to tank; Bangkok is looking real good at the moment.""
David Teer

KLOZ [El Paso TX] 1979
Now: David says (3/18), "I got out of radio
in 1985; got into Nursing 1992-2002; in New England doing some acting, voice overs."
Frank Terry (Terrance Crilly)

KMEN [San Bernardino] 1962

KMAK [Fresno] 1962

KHJ [LA] 1965

KFI [LA] 1969

KFRC [San Francisco] 197?

KSAN [San Francisco] 198?

KNEW [San Francisco] 1995

KFGY [Santa Rosa CA] 1998-1999
Frank Terry died June 20, 2007 at his home
in California.
Bruce Thalhuber

KLQL [Luverne MN] 1993
Now: Bruce says (5/07), "I'm Operations Manager
and Sports Director at KQAD/KLQL in Luverne, Minnesota; I'm on Country KLQL-FM mornings, and
voice-track afternoons on Adult Contemporary KQAD."

Gene Thayer (Bill Thayer)

KMBY [Monterey] 1963 - Bill

KORL [Honolulu] 1964

KHAI [Honolulu] 1964

KPOI [Honolulu] 1965

KCUB [Tucson] 1966

KTKT [Tucson] 1966

KKUA [Honolulu] 1967 - Mark

KIKX [Tucson] 1967 - Lester Steven

CKFH [Toronto] 1969

KWFM [Tucson] 1970

KIKX [Tucson] 1970

KRLA [LA] 1972 - Bronco Birdbath

KIKX [Tucson] 1972

KAVV [Benson AZ] 1986 - Wade Thruit
Now: Ranching on Davidson Canyon,
southeast of Tucson, Arizona. "We spend a lot of time goofing off in Mexico,
scuba diving and surfing."
John Thayer aka Dr. Dr.

WHQT [Miami FL] 1987-1987 - John Thayer on the Ayer
Now: Dr. Dr. says (12/10), "My name was
legally changed from John Thayer to Dr. John Thayer, with doctorate from FIU, Miami,
am now Dr. Dr. Thayer; I bought a small station in Zephyrhills, FL, 96.7 fm WZPH [The
Zephyr]; switched format to Oldies rock 'n' roll, and played ONE MILLION songs in a
row ... NO commercials, no interruptions, just song after song for 6 years -- as of
Jan 2011 still continuing, now going for 1.1 million."
Brad Theissen

KYSM [Mankato MN] 1970-1980
Now: Brad says, "After ten years at KYSM,
I moved to Minneapolis, to become the head DJ at The Gay 90s/Dance Annex 1981-1991. I
got into Public Access Cable TV in 1986, which I won State (Minnesota) Cable Access
Awards. In 1995 I transformed my Computer Bulletin Board into an Internet Service
Provider and now serve most of Minnesota with Internet service. We do streaming
audio/video webcasts at http://www.lakes.com general: In 1992 I organized the Mankato (MN)
Radio/TV Hall Of Fame project. 50 or more Mankato radio personalities returned for
the event."

Dom Theodore aka Domino

WHYT [Detroit MI] 1987

WDFX [Detroit] 1990-1991

WIOG [Saginaw MI] 1988-1992

WTCF [Saginaw] 1992

WFLZ [Tampa FL] 1994

KRBE [Houston TX] 2001

WKQI [Detroit] 2002

WVMV [Detroit] 2009

WXRK [New York NY] 2009
Now: Dom says (12/09), "I am VP/CHR Programming,
CBS Radio, also PD WXRK,
New York and WVMV Detroit."
Gary Theroux

WXPS [White Plains NY] 1987-1993

WKHL [Stamford CT] 2004
Now: Gary says (9/04), "I'm doing weekends
and fill at Oldies WKHL-FM (KooL 96.7), Stamford, Connecticut; still doing voice-overs,
commercials and acting on film and TV."
Norm Thibeault

WHEB [Portsmouth NH] 1973 - Scott Michaels

WSAR [Fall River MA] 1974

WJTO [Portland ME] 1976

WGIR [Manchester NH] 1976

WFTN [Franklin NH] 1977

WHEB [Portsmouth] 1979

WSNE [Providence RI] 1984

WNNR [New Haven CT] 1986

WWBB [Providence] 1989-1994

WODS [Boston MA] 1998
Now: Norm says (3/06), "I am running my own
production company, NT Productions, Boston, Massachusetts (since 1994), doing voiceovers,
production and on-air for CBS Radio Boston (WODS and WBMX). My old college radio station --
Northeastern University -- had a reunion of the old (carrier current) WNEU staff, graciously
hosted by Ron Frizzell at his stations in North Conway, NH in 2004. The famous and the
infamous were there! Our honored guests were J.J. Jeffrey, Arnie Ginsberg and John Garabedian.
What a blast!"

Peter Thiele

WVNN [Huntsville AL] 1996
Now: PD and morning co-host at Talk WVNN,
Huntsville, Alabama.
Gary Thieman

WGUF [Gulfport MS] 1979-1984 - GM
Now: Gary says, "I own GRT Productions,
Los Angeles, CA. We produce the ongoing syndicated radio show The Bottom Line."
Gerry Thom

CKKS [Vancouver BC] 1994-2000 - Jack Casey
Now: Gerry says (1/21), "I'm retired in the Vancouver BC area."

Bill Thomas

WARR [Warrenton NC] 1971

WHNC [Henderson NC] 1972

WSGN [Birmingham AL] 1974

WRVQ [Richmond VA] 1978

WMJJ [Birmingham] 1982

Capitol Broadcasting [Birmingham] 1985 - VP Programming

Ameron Broadcasting [Birmingham] 1992 - President

Capstar/AMFM [Birmingham] 1997 - 2000 - VP/GM
Now: With Sharepoint Management Inc.
(since 1990), Birmingham, Alabama.
Bob Thomas

WIVK [Knoxville TN] 1976-1996
Now: Bob says (3/04), "I am an actor and writer
in Hollywood. Father of Jake Thomas star of Lizzie Mcguire. Writer of Lizzie
Mcguire episodes."
Dan Thomas

KMVV/KZND [Anchorage AK] 2008
Now: Dan says (9/10), "I'm back in Anchorage,
Alaska doing afternoons on Rhythmic AC KMVV-FM and weekends on Alt Rock KZND-FM; I am also
a senior AE for the Anchorage Integrated Media cluster."
Dave Thomas

KSIR [Estes Park CO] 1982-1984 - station mgr
Now: Dave says (1/07), "I left the radio
business in 1984 and spent the next 16+ years in marketing/communications/PR for two
large non-profit conference centers in Colorado; since Jan 2001, I've been a mission
worker with Presbyterian Church (USA), serving with my wife, Susan, in Mexico; we're
living in Cuernavaca, south of Mexico City, but still have our home in Estes Park,

Doug Thomas

KSSJ [Sacramento CA] 2004
Now: Doug says (11/06), "I host the Smooth Ride Home at
Smooth Jazz KSSJ-FM, Sacramento, California; once I discovered Smooth Jazz, I fell in
love with it; being part of this great radio station, KSSJ, and getting to work with
world-class musicians is so much fun."
Ed Thomas

KFXM [San Bernardino CA] 1959

KDEO [San Diego CA] 1960

KSON [San Diego] 1963

KCRL-TV [Reno NV] 1965 - news

KOLO [Reno] 1966

KSAY [San Francisco CA] 1968

KEEN/KBAY [San Jose CA] 1973-1992
Now: Ed says (3/05), "I am semi-retired
in the Austin, TX area enjoying my my daughter and two grandchildren. Still doing
advertising consulting."
George Thomas (George Apfel)

KLUC [Las Vegas NV] 1997

WGR [Buffalo NY] 2010
Now: George says (1/16), "I am IT Manager for
CBS Radio, Houston."

Jeff Thomas

KIQQ [LA] 1985
Now: Actor, living in Los Angeles.
Jeff Thomas

WSSR [Clearwater FL] 2001
Now: Mornings at Hot AC WSSR-FM,
Clearwater (Tampa), Forida.
J.J. Thomas

KOFM [Enid OK] 2005 - GM
Now: J.J. says (3/06), "I am GM and midday personality at
Country KOFM-FM, Enid, Oklahoma."

Joe Thomas

WLAN-FM [Lancaster PA] 2002
Now: AM drive at Top-40 WLAN-FM, Lancaster,
Pennsylvania. Joe says (10/02), "I'm still rousing rabble in between raising my three
kids and keeping my wife happy."
John Thomas

WRXL [Richmond VA] 1979

WWWV [Charlottesville VA] 1980

WWDC [Washington DC] 1981

KOST [Los Angeles CA] 1982

KFI [LA] 1984

WLS-FM [Chicago IL] 1985

KLTE [Oklahoma City OK] 1987

WCLR [Chicago IL] 1988

KLSY [Bellevue WA] 1988

WFYR/WWBZ [Chicago]
Now: John says (4/07), "I'm Director of Public
Relations for East-West University, Chicago, Illinois."
Mike Thomas

WVAM/WPRR [Altoona PA] 1985

WWZU [Williamsport PA] 1988

WBXQ [Altoona] 1990-1997
Now: Mike says (Aug 2002), "I am a music
specialist with Clear Channel Entertainment. I still do a little fill in at Classic
Rock WBXQ-FM, Altoona, Pennsylvania."

Morgan Thomas
Now: At WKIX, Raleigh, NC.
Ray Thomas

WIOO [Carlisle PA] 1999
Now: Ray says (8/07), "I'm PD and afternoon
driver at WIOO (Country Gold 1000), Carlisle, Pennsylvania; I write copy, do much of the
production, do some sales, and have a mobile DJ business that I developed in the area back
in the early 1980s; many years in the business ... it's still fun."
Rick Thomas

KBBT [San Antonio TX] 2004
Now: Rick says (5/05), "I am running four
stations (including #1 in market) for UnivisionRadio in San Antonio, Texas." And, oh,
the memories, "I was doing a weekend shift at Z90 in 1991. I was almost ready to get
off. Jerry Clifton called me and said (as only he can) "I've been listening for three
hours, when does your show start?"

'Rocking' Rob Thomas

WGNE [Daytona Beach FL] 1988-1989
Now: Rob (T.R. Brown) says (8/11), "In 1989
I moved to Austin, Texas, as a deputy sheriff, and am still working in law enforcement..."
Scott Thomas

KXGE [Dubuque IA] 2000
Now: PD and afternoons at Classic Rock
KXGE-FM, Dubuque, Iowa.
Steve Thomas

KILS [Salina KS] 2003-2005
Now: Steve says (3/10), "I've returned to
locally owned and operated radio by acquiring a 5kW AM station on the outskirts of Boston;
we’re playing all the Top 40 hits from the 1960s & 1970s (just like we used to when we were
all kids in this business) with a bit of Motown and Doo-Wop; we're having fun at AM 1540-WXEX,"
Tony Thomas

WDOK [Cleveland OH] 1991-1999
Now: Tony says (12/09), "I'm in Cleveland,
Ohio and on Internet radio at legatocafe.net; more about me at tonythomas.net."
Vic Thomas

ABC Radio Networks [Dallas TX] 1999
Now: Vic says, "I am a multi-format show
host for ABC Radio Networks, Dallas, TX; including the Real Country, Stardust,
Memories and Pure Gold formats, as well as the ABC LocalMax system where I currently
do afternoons on WDTL in Cleveland, MS and V105 in Minneapolis-St. Paul."

Wilson 'The Python' Thomas

WSML [Graham NC] 1971
SuperCFL@aol.com reports, "Python passed on a
few years ago. I don't really remember any details, but perhaps Dusty Dunn or another
area alumnus would know more detail."
more Ts...