Radio Broadcasting History
Radio People by Name (W2)
Brock Whaley aka B. Rock

WUSF [Tampa FL] 1971

WFSO [St. Petersburg FL] 1973

WQSR [Sarasota FL] 1975

WQXM [Tampa] 1977

WORJ [Orlando FL] 1978

KAZY [Denver CO] 1979

WMET [Chicago IL] 1980

WSHE [Miami FL] 1983

KPOI [Honolulu HI] 1983

KRTR [Honolulu] 1994

KHNR [Honolulu] 1995

KPOI-FM [Honolulu] 1996-2000

WSB-FM [Atlanta GA] 2001-2002

WFOX [Gainesville GA] 2001-2002

KPOI-FM [Gainesville GA] 2007-2009
Now: Brock was PD for the five Oahu stations
belonging to Maui-based Visionary Related Entertainment LLC -- through Apr 2009 -- see: 'B-Rock's'
third tour on KPOI draws to close."
Harvey Wharfield

WDNH [Dover NH] 1971 - Bill Warfield

WBBX [Portsmouth NH] 1972 - Bill Warfield

WHEB [Portsmouth] 1972 - H. William

WVBF [Boston MA] 1972

WAAF [Worcester MA] 1975

WGNG [Providence RI] 1975 - Harvey Wallbanger

WACQ [Boston MA] 1975

WAAF [Worcester MA] 1979

WCOZ [Boston] 1983-1984

WZLX [Boston] 1986

WCGY [Boston] 1991-1994
Now: Harvey says (2/21), "I write screenplays, among other projects,
with co-writer, actor, director George P. Saunders in L.A. Our first script is "Hey Joe" loosely based on the
lyrics of this iconic classic rock song covered by Jimi Hendrix, but it was first a hit for The Leaves in 1965 ...
and actually written by Billy Roberts in the late 1950s and copyrighted in 1962. George and I are currently
offering the script to studios, producers and directors for potential licensing. If you have any Hollywood, etc.
contacts or would like a copy go to https://twitter.com/HarveyW26. To contact me directly and get my cell # use
Cleveland Wheeler

WMOC [Chattanooga TN] 1964 -
Dave Randall

WMFJ [Daytona FL] 1966 -
Dave Randall

WMAK [Nashville TN] 1967 -
Dave Randall

WMFJ [Daytona] 1967 -
Dave Randall

WGOW [Chattanooga] 1968 -
Dave Randall

WDAT [Daytona] 1969 -
Dave Randall

WQAM [Miami FL] 1969 -
Paxton Quigly

KTLK [Denver CO] 1970 -
Dave Randall

WGOW [Chattanooga] 1970

WAPE [Jacksonville FL] 1971

WAYS [Charlotte NC] 1974

WAPE [Jacksonville] 1975

KUPD [Phoenix AZ] 1976

KROY [Sacramento CA] 1976

WMAK [Nashville] 1977

WRBQ-FM [Tampa FL] 1978

KKBQ [Houston TX] 1991

WQYK [St. Petersburg] 1994

WYUU [St. Petersburg] 1996-1998
Now: Now "Broadcast Design Architect
of XM6: The 60s Decade Channel at XM Satellite Radio, Washington D.C."
Scott Wheeler

WYXB [Indianapolis IN] 2002
Now: Scott is doing PM drive at Adult
Contemporary WYXB-FM, Indianapolis, Indiana. He says (8/07), "I eorked for Emmis as
the company started in 1981 and returned to Emmis Communications in 2001 after 14 years

Lisa Wheeler

KRDO [Colorado Springs CO] 1982 - Lisa

KCRS [Midland TX] 1984 - Lisa

KODM [Odessa TX] 1990 - Lisa

KLBJ [Austin TX] 1992-1994 - Lisa Barker
Now: Lisa says (5/08), "I'm a media
spokesperson for a state agency in Austin, Texas; in my spare time I hunt for vinyl
radio station compilations for my Web site, radiouseonly.com." See Record collector satisfies old radio nostalgia for the MP3 age
(from Austin American Statesman).
Tom Whetston

WSRS [Worcester MA] 1992-1996
Now: Tom says (10/06), "After WSRS, I
semi-retired and was announcing for the Talking Phonebook for a couple of years and
eventually found a new calling in computers. It has been a great run; thanks for
listening." See afrtsarchive.blogspot.com
Bill White

WLDS [Jacksonville IL] 1957-1958

WXRA/WPIK [Alexadria VA] 1970

WEAM [Washington DC] 1972-1974

Airs Radio [Washington DC] 1973-1974

WTOP [Washington DC] 1974-1975

AFKN [Seoul Korea] 1975 - pgm mgr

Defense Info School [Ft. Meade MD] 1977 - instructor

WATI [Indianapolis IN] 1977

Armed Forces Radio/TV [Los Angeles CA] 1980 - production engineer

Voice of America [Washington DC] 1981-2003
Now: Bill says (12/04), "I am retired from
46 years of mostly government broadcasting; enjoying the kids, grandkids, and renewing
old ties and friendships; and keeping up with trends in broadcasting, especially
interested in Internet broadcasting. Hometown: Greenfield, Illinois. First military
station was TV Channel 8 in Wildwood Station, AK. Also hosted Mr. Midnight Show
in the early 1960s on American forces Network in Taipei Taiwan; corespondant in Belgium
for AFN Europe in late 1960s, before coming back to DC to assist in hosting The Army
Hour radio show that was broadcast on 1250 radio stations in the U.S. until 1972.
The past 20 years, I worked for Voice of America, with special English news and features
broadcast to the Far East. Enjoy collecting old radio shows from the 1940s and all types
of comedy bits and drop-ins. Favorite disc jockey: Ed Bonner-KXOK, St Louis Mo (in the
1950s); favorite broadcaster: Gary Owens ... none better.. favorite comedy bits: Mel
Blancs Superfun series ... and, of course, Chickenman."

Brian White

KREL [Corona CA] 1970

KAMP [El Centro CA] 1971

KSEA [San Diego CA] 1972

WDRQ [Detroit MI] 1972

WXLO [New York NY] 1974

KCBQ [San Diego] 1975

KDAY [Los Angeles CA] 1975

KROY [Sacramento CA] 1976

KIIS [LA] 1977

WEFM [Chicago IL] 1978

KGGI [Riverside CA] 1979

WDRQ [Detroit] 1982

KKBQ [Houston TX] 1984

KITY [San Antonio TX] 1986

WBJW [Orlando FL] 1987

KSFM [Sacramento] 1988

WMXB [Richmond VA] 1991

KFRC [San Francisco CA] 1993

WMAS [Springfield MA] 1995

KBGO [Las Vegas NV] 1999

WSYN [Myrtle Beach SC] 1999

WKOO [Jacksonville NC] 2003

WILT [Wilmington NC] 2005

WKXB [Wilmington] 2007
Now: Brian says (5/13), "I've been production
director since 2007 and pulling evenings on WKXB-FM (Jammin' 99.9) Wilmington, NC. Thanks Johnny ...
Long Live Boss Radio! During the summers I would stay up late to listen to you. Then
when I was going to Ogden's in 1970, I was one of those pesky students who called you
on the Boss Line. It's been 30 years now and I am enjoying working in the industry as
much as ever."
Dave White

WSMA [Port Huron MI] 1988

WKMF [Flint MI] 1989

WCRZ [Flint] 1990-1991

WMMQ [Lansing MI] 1990-1993

KCBS-FM [Los Angeles CA] 1993

CIDR [Windsor ON - Detroit MI] 1996

CIMX [Windsor - Detroit] 1996

WWBR [Detroit] 1997

WIQB [Ann Arbor MI] 1998-1999
Now: Dave says (5/06), "In 2000, I earned a
Master's degree at Michigan State University and started teaching at the University of
Michigan; I have also taught at Wayne State University and the University of Detroit Mercy.
In addition to my work in academia, I do some voice work and am working on completing a Ph.D.
in media law and policy."
Greg White

WCHS [Charleston WV] 2005
Now: Greg says (10/07), "I left left full-time
radio in 1997 for a full-time National Guard gig; and to WCHS doing play-by-play for high school football and basketball."

Heather White

WKQL [Jacksonville FL] 1995

WBGB [Jacksonville] 2005

KPEZ [Austin TX] 2006

KASE [Austin] 2008

KVET-FM [Austin] 2013
Now: Mornings with longtime radio partner
Bama Brown at Country KVET-FM, Austin, Texas.
Jim White

WLTL [Chicago] 1973 - Chief

WTAQ [Chicago] 1974

WYEN [Chicago] 1974 - Chief

WBBM [Chicago] 1975

WTAO [Carbondale IL] 1977 - Chief

WFMT [Chicago] 1980

WMET [Chicago] 1983 - Chief

WNUA [Chicago] 1987 - Chief Engineer
Now: Jim says (4/04), "I am running ChicagoServer.com (Web services),
Chicago, Illinois."
Jim White

WHJB [Pittsburgh] 1953

WDFM [Penn State Univ.] 1955

WAKU [Pittsburgh] 1958

WMCK [Pittsburgh] 1958

WJAS [Pittsburgh] 1959

KDKA [Pittsburgh] 1966

KMOX [St Louis MO] 1969
Jim White died Sep 2, 2009 (complications
from surgery); see Jim White, KMOX's "Big Bumper," dies (from stltoday.com).
Larry White

WBBF [Rochester NY] 1965

WAXC [Rochester] 1972

WWWG [Rochester] 1978

WVOR [Rochester] 1979

WBUF [Buffalo NY] 1984-1991 - VP/GM
Now: Larry says (4/06), "I am doing full-time
commercial voiceover work from my
studio in the Charlotte, North Carolina area."

Larry White

KEXS [Kansas City MO] 1975-1976

KCNW [Kansas City] 1979

KBEA [Kansas City KS] 1981

KMBC-TV [Kansas City] 1983 - news writer

KMBZ [Kansas City] 1984

KGSP [Kansas City] 1985-1988
Now: Larry says (2/17), "After I left on-air work,
I became a part-time Instructor at three colleges here in Kansas City, Missouri. I am now
retired, but still living in the area."
Scott White

WPLO [Atlanta GA] 1975-1979, 1986-1988
Now: Scott says (1/07), "I'm doing freelance
voice-over work (scottwhitevoices.com), plus working full time as a training developer
at V. Nelson Associates in Decatur, GA; my brother and I produced a two-hour show called
Poets and Troubadours, which ran on WBCX in Gainesville, GA for two years; we
have recently begun efforts to syndicate the show (www.poetheads.com).
Roy Whitfield

WOR [New York NY] 1985-1996
Now: Roy says (12/10), "I freelance in New
York, South Florida and Los Angeles as a voice-over talent and actor."
Larry Whitler

WOCA [Ocala FL] 2002
Now: Larry says (8/05), "I am on the air mornings
on AM Ocala Live on News/Talk
WOCA, Ocala, Florida with my co-host and friend, Robin MacBlane. We are also Robin and
the Giant, a children's recording act. I spend most of my time (when I'm not on the air
at WOCA) doing artwork."

Tom Whitlock
Now: President and CEO of an Electronics parts
and supplies distributor in Central California. Also doing "a little Broadcast
Engineering on the side."
Bob Whitney

WCRB [Boston MA] 1947

WDHL [Sarasota FL] 1948

WLOF [Orlando FL] 1949

WBET [Boston] 1949

WPJB [Providence RI] 1950

WALE [Fall River MA] 1951

WBSM [New Bedford MA] 1951

WRNH [Rochester NH] 1952

WARC [Rochester NY] 1952

WOLF [Syracuse NY] 1952

WSYR [Syracuse] 1952

KALL [Salt Lake City UT] 1957

KBOX [Dallas TX] 1958

WIL [St. Louis MO] 1959 - Nat PD Balaban

Mars Broadcasting [Stamford CT] 1960-1963 - co-founder

WWTC [Minneapolis MN] 1965 - GM

Westinghouse Broadcasting [New York NY] 1965 - Group W Nat PD

KYW [Philadelphia PA] 1966 - GM

WATL-TV [Atlanta GA] 1969 - CEO

WERE [Cleveland OH] 1971 - PD

WNAC-TV [Boston MA] 1973 - TV news consultant

KYA [San Francisco CA] 1973-1974 - PD

OurRadioShow Web Podcast [Grass Valley CA] 2001 - co-founder/producer/host
Now: Bob says (1/06), "I'm living in Grass
Valley, California after retirement from Macromedia, Inc., where I was Training Manager
from 1991 to 1999; left commercial radio after programming KYA, San Francisco in 1974;
worked at the University of California as Supervisor of Educational Television (1974-1978);
was founder-president Whitney Educational Services (1978-1990) working for Apple, HP, Adobe,
Macromedia and other hightech companies 12 years; other broadcasting career details on the
Web. In 2001, Bob Todd and I started ourradioshow.net; we are running around the country digging up famous old
disc jockies and interviewing them (forcing confessions). These precious stories are told
in audio and video podcasts on the web at OurRadioShow.net. We've started doing some pretty
wild podcasts with our audio and video web interviews of famous deejays; new radio guys and
girls being exposed constantly." See also thenowexplosion.net.
Rick Whitney

KORL [Honolulu HI] 1971 - Komo

KIOE [Honolulu] 1977

KLEI [Honolulu] 1980

KHLO [Hilo HI] 1982
Now: Rick says (12/21), "I retired in 2018.
I had a heart transplant February 2018."

Dick Whittinghill

KPFA [Helena MT] 19??

KIEV [Los Angeles CA] 194?

KGFJ [LA] 194?

KMPC [LA] 1950-1979

KPRZ [LA] 1982-1988
Now: Dick Whittinghill passed away
Jan 24, 2001, following complications from surgery.
Sweet Dick Whittington

K??? [Stockton CA] 1957

KROW [San Francisco CA] 195?

KSFO [San Francisco] 1958

KNEW [San Francisco] 1959

KNOB [LA] 1960

KLAC [LA] 1960

KGIL [LA] 1965

KFI [LA] 1975

KIEV [LA] 1982

KHJ [LA] 1983

KGIL [LA] 1985

KIEV [LA] 1988

KABC [LA] 1989

KMPC [LA] 1990

KNJO [Thousand Oaks CA] 1994
Now: Dick lives in Thousand Oaks (California) and is writing a book, he said,
"loosely based on my life, consisting of a trilogy of three cities in the
Ray Whitworth

KSCH [Sulphur Springs TX] 2004-1004
Now: Ray says (11/04), "I am self employed
doing audio production, which I enjoy more than being on the air. My company is
Central, Terrell. Texas."

Tony Wike

KGOR [Omaha NE] 1995-2000

KEFM [Omaha] 2002
Now: Tony says, "I am Production Director at
Hot AC KEFM (Mix96.1), Omaha, Nebraska. I am also active in voiceover and animation work."
Robert Wikstrom

KSTV [Stephenville TX] 1967 - Bob

AFKN [Seoul, Korea] 1968

KQOT [Yakima WA] 1970 - Bob

KUUU [Seattle WA] 1972 - Bob

KODL [The Dalles OR] 1973 - Bob

KXLY [Spokane WA] 1974 - Bob

KXA [Seattle] 1977 - GM

KYYX/KXA [Seattle] 1979
- Bob Summers

KHIT [Seattle] 1984

KKFX [Seattle] 1986-1992 - GM

Jerden Records [Seattle] 1995 - VP/COO
Now: Bob says, "I co-own Jerden Records,
play in a Rock 'n' Roll band and do studio work (voice & music) in Seattle,
Washington." Click for more from
Don Wilbanks

WMJY [Biloxi MS] 2006
Now: Don says (10/06), "I am production
director for Clear Channel, Biloxi, Mississippi (WMJY, WKNN, WBUV, WQYZ)."

Randy Wilcox aka Mudflap

WESI/WAPP [Winchester VA] 1988

WFQX [Winchester ] 1989

WLCC/WRAA [Harrisonburg VA] 1991

WUSQ [Winchester] 1994

WSIG [Harrisonburg] 1994 - Bobcat Baker

WKCY [Harrisonburg] 1995 - Dale Carpenter

WNKT [Charleston SC] 1998

WEGX [Florence SC] 2003
Now: Randy says (4/16), "I'm OM, PD and doing
mornings at Country WEGX-FM (as 'Mudflap'), Florence, South Carolina."
Charlie Wilde

KPKE [Denver CO] 1985 - Charlie Hackett

WHYN-FM [Springfield MA] 1986 - Charlie Hackett

WTHZ [Tallahassee FL] 1987 - Charlie Hackett

KDWB [Minneapolis MN] 1988 - Bobby Wilde

KSAN [San Francisco CA] 1994

KISS 100 [London England UK] 1995

WVMX [Cincinnati OH] 1998

WQSX [Boston MA] 1999-2001
Now: Charlie says (8/12), "I am ACTIVELY looking
for a way back into the business, so if you know anyone who's looking for a pro. It was 2001
when I hosted my last morning show in Boston at Entercom's Star 93.7. Richard Hatch (first
winner of Survivor) joined me, Karen Blake, Matty Blake, and Heather Gersten on The Wilde
Thing morning show. Within five months I was voted off the island. After Hatch's 2006
conviction for tax evasion, the first thing that came to mind was, Karma is a bitch." Click for more from Charlie.
Rita Wilde

KEZY [Los Angeles CA] 1980

KLOS [Los Angeles] 1983-2009

KSWD [Los Angeles] 2011
Now: Rita says (7/11), "I am doing evenings
at KSWD-FM (100.3 The Sound), Los Angeles, California, and loving it."
Wendy Wilde

WTSO [Madison WI] 1979 - Jennifer Wilde

WJEZ/WJJD [Chicago IL]
1980 - Jennifer Wilde

WBCS [Milwaukee WI] 1980 - Jennifer Wilde

KUUY [Cheyenne WY] 1981 - Jennifer Wilde

WMIL [Milwaukee WI] 1982 - Jennifer Wilde

KTBB [Tyler TX] 1984 - Jennifer Wilde

WYNK [Baton Rouge LA] 1986-1988

WHIO [Dayton OH] 1990-1992

KZPK [St. Cloud MN] 1996

WCCO [Minneapolis MN] 1997

KTNF [Minneapolis] 2003

KQQL [Minneapolis] 2007

KTLK [Minneapolis] 2008

KTOE [Minneapolis] 2012

WHO [Des Moines] 2016
Now: Wendy says (11/24), "I am Midwest Region News Director
for iHeartMedia based at WHO in Des Moines, and KFAB in Omaha, Nebraska. I work with a talented team of
15 Anchors and Reporters covering news for iHeart radio stations in six states: Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin,
Illinois, Missouri, and Nebraska. We have a contemporary news style: conversational and fast-moving, but
old fashioned journalism ethics: unbiased, fact-checked, reliable. We've won multiple awards, and in 2024
a National Murrow Award for Best Newscast. I'm honored (and amazed) to be in my 46th year in radio."
Lee Wilder

WMIK [Middlesboro KY] 1952

WMPS [Memphis TN] 1955

WJJD [Chicago] 1960-1972

WREC [Memphis] 1983-1985
Lee (Leon Wolder) died in 1987. See
Wilder 1950's -- Wilder: A Life, from his daughter, Cheryl D. Wolder.
Stew Wilkins aka Bill Stewart

WWSR [Burlington VT] 1970

WQAL [Cleveland OH] 1971

WLEC [Sandusky OH] 1972

WFIN/WHMQ [Findlay OH] 1973

WRFD [Columbus OH] 1976-1980

WAAM [Ann Arbor MI] 1979-1980

WSPD [Toledo OH] 1980-1993

KVOO-FM/KUSO [Tulsa OK] 1987-1988

WWWM-FM [Toledo] 1988-1989

WHND/WCSX [Detroit MI] 1989-1993

WXKR [Toledo] 1990-1990

WSPD [Toledo] 1993

WCWA [Toledo OH] 1994-1995

WRQN/WWWM-FM [Toledo] 2008
Now: Stew/Bill says (7/08), "I'm
back in radio working part-time for Cumulus in Toledo as Bill Stewart; I have
regular weekend shows on Oldies WRQN-FM (93.5) and Hot AC WWWM-FM (Star
105.5) and also fill in doing news in the morning on various stations. Since
2007, I have also been a staff and media Writer for the Toledo Free Press
under my professional name of Bill Stewart. I also work part-time in the health
care industry; and in 2008, I earned my second degree Black Belt in the Japanese
martial art of Aikido, having initially earned my Black Belt at the age of 50.
I'm still married to Mary after 33 years and my children are grown and doing
very well. This web-site and service is awesome and I appreciate the time,
talent, and effort you put into it." Click for more from Stew.
Charlie Willer

WITB [Ft. Wayne IN] 1968

WPTH [Ft. Wayne] 1971

WXUS [Lafayette IN] 1973

WLYV [Ft. Wayne] 1974

WRCH? [Archbold OH] 1976

WZRQ [Ft. Wayne] 1990

WAJI [Ft. Wayne] 1994-2004
Charlie Willer died January 27,2004 at
age 49 from cancer. He used Chuck Franklin and Choo Choo Charlie on the air. He was
also the owner of Charles Willer Productions in Ft. Wayne, IN (Audio production).
Dates of stations may be inacurate. Submitted by B. Eric
Rhoads (eric@radioink.com), Radio Ink magazine.

Ray Willes

KFI [Los Angeles CA] 1980-1986
Now: Ray says, "I left radio to do
full-time voice-over acting and although I kinda retired in 1999, if you look
real hard, you'll find me in a recording studio every once in a while."
Steve Willett

WAAL [Binghamton NY] 1999
Now: Co-hosting Dawn Patrol with
Steve and Kathy at Rock WAAL-FM, Binghamton, New York.
Billy Williams

KMOD [Tulsa OK] 2000
Now: At Classic Rock KMOD-FM, Tulsa,

Bruce Williams

CKWW [Windsor ON] 1998-2000
Now: Bruce says (9/06), "I am manager of
community relatiuons for A Channel, Vancouver Island, and on air doing the weather
segment of our newscasts; I also host our on-air community features."
Carol Williams (Field)

WPAC [Patchogue NY] 1961

KRIZ [Phoenix] 1963

KUEQ [Phoenix] 1964

Ron Cash Associates [Pittsburgh] 1975 - VP of Creative Services

Field-Williams Advertising [Pittsburgh] 1985 - President

KHVH [Honolulu] 1991 - Marketing Director

KHNR [Honolulu] 1993 - Business Manager/Creative Director

Network Media [Honolulu] 1996-1998 - Marketing Dir/Sales Mgr
Now: Carol is a freelance commercial copywriter and
editor, former Executive Director of Hawaii's Professional
Women's Network and Vice President of 440 International Inc., Honolulu, Hawaii.
Chris Williams

WFRB [Cumberland MD] 1995
Now: OM and PM drive at Country WFRB-FM,
Frostburg, Maryland.

Curt Williams

KSSK-FM [Honolulu HI] 1994
Now: PM drive at Adult Contemporary KSSK-FM,
Honolulu, Hawaii.
Danny Williams

KTXN [Austin TX] 1947

KTBC [Austin] 1948

KTSA [San Antonio TX] 1949

WKY-TV [Oklahoma City OK] 1950 - anncr/host

WKY [Oklahoma City] 1957-1979

Dan D. Dynamo Enterprises [Oklahoma City] 1979 - founder

KEBC [Oklahoma City] 1984

KOMA [Oklahoma City] 1992-2008
Now: Danny Williams retired at 81 years of age on Aug 29, 2008. Click for more on Danny.
Dave Williams

KOBO [Yuba City CA] 1969

KROY [Sacramento] 1970

KRTH [LA] 1973

KNDE [Sacramento] 1974

WHBQ [Memphis] 1975

KGNR [Sacramento] 1976

KFBK [Sacramento] 1981

KABC [Los Angeles CA] 2000

KNX [Los Angeles] 2001

KFWB [Los Angeles] 2002

KNX [Los Angeles] 2004

KABC [Los Angeles] 2009

WIQI [Chicago IL] 2011

KLIF [Dallas TX] 2012
Now: Dave says (6/12), "I am
delivering News & Information in the Morning on News/Information KLIF,
Dallas, Texas."

David Williams

KSJO [San Jose CA] 1986-2003
Now: I am working from home in Palm Springs, CA for
iHM Engineering support.
Dick Williams

CKCR [Kitchener ON] 1956

WSAI [Cincinnati OH] 1958

KDEO [San Diego CA] 1961

KROY [Sacramento CA] 1961

CFPL [London ON] 1961-1969

CJBK [London] 1977

CIQM [London] 1980

CKSL [London] 2000-2006
Now: Dick says (6/07), "I retired from
full-time radio in 2006 after 50 years of broadcasting, and now devote myself to
international radio and TV voice-overs (Dick Williams Voice Talent) plus jingle production; two fully equipped
digital studios, one in Port Stanley, Ontario in the summer months, and another in
Key West Florida in the winter months." Click for more from Dick.
Don Williams

WHK [Cleveland OH] 1965-1966

WDBO [Orlando FL] 1997-2000
Now: Don says "Since 2000, I have been Sales
Manager for Watermark Media, a newspaper published in Orlando and Tampa/St. Petersburg,
Greg Williams

WYLV [Knoxville TN] 2001-2001
Now: Greg says (12/06), "The Lighthouse Group
is my freelance production company (commercials, creative services); we have produced
imaging for
various radio stations, as well as for Tom Kent's Hall of Fame Coast to Coast
and Into the 70s; just can't seem shake this radio bug, I guess."

Hal Williams

KREL [Riverside CA] 1964

KEZY [Los Angeles CA] 1966

KIEV [Los Angeles] 1968 - CE

Salem Communications Corp. [Camarillo CA] 1998 - CE
Now: Hal says (5/07), "I am with Salem
Communications corporate engineering; Salem has over 100 stations in the 30 major markets
and having the pleasure of working under the direction of John Ehde, our corporate
Engineering staff is part of one good family with all the individual station engineers;
often times at KIEV, I would work a board shift with our various talk hosts; Dick
Wittington had a late drive time show for a while in the mid 1990s, and I had the
pleasure to work that summer with him; I don't think I have ever had more laughs and
funny calls to a show in my whole life."
Janice Williams

KNUE [Tyler TX] 1999-??
Now: Unknown. Update needed.
Jerry Williams

WVFJ [Atlanta GA] 1998-2004
Now: Jerry says (5/06), "I am Director of Programming for Gospel Music Channel, cable TV network, Atlanta, Georgia."

Jerry Williams

WCYB [Bristol TN] 1946

WIBG [Philadelphia PA] 19??

WMEX [Boston MA] 1961

WBBM [Chicago IL] 1965

WBZ [Boston] 1968

WMCA [New York NY] 1976

WWDB [Philadelphia] 1977

WRKO [Boston] 1981
Jerry died April 29, 2003 in Boston
Massachusetts. He was 79 years old. Williams was inducted into the Radio
Hall of Fame in 1996.
Jim Williams

WKWF [Key West FL] 1964

WOKC/WLMC [Okeechobee FL] 1971

WDVH [Gainesville FL] 1973

KMPS [Seattle WA] 1978

KRPM [Tacoma WA] 1986

KLSY [Bellevue WA] 1991

KIXI [Seattle] 1993-1999
Now: Jim says (7/03), "I drifted out of radio
and into computer network technology. Then the tech crash hit! Dammit, shoulda' stayed in
radio." Click for more from Jim.
John Williams

KTAC [Tacoma WA] 1972

KREM [Spokane] 1976

KGW [Portland] 1978

KKSN-FM [Portland] 1991

KXL-FM [Portland] 1994

KEX [Portland] 1997

KKSN-FM [Portland] 2001

KKSN [Vancouver WA] 2005-2005
Now: ???

Johnny Williams
(Separate file. Just click it.)
Kirt Williams

KFLG [Bullhead City AZ] 2002
Now: Kirt says (10/07), "I'm doing mornings at
Country KFLG-FM, Bullhead City, Arizona."
Mark Williams

WPOC [Baltimore MD] 1998
Now: Mark says, "I am doing morning and
afternoon traffic, as well as Creative Services/Production Director, at Country
WPOC-FM, Baltimore, Maryland."

Mike Williams

WYCD [Detroit MI] 1999
Now: Mike says (Aug 2002), "I work full-time
for a direct mail marketing company and part-time doing Classic Country
Saturday on Country WYCD-FM, Detroit, Michigan."
Paul Williams aka Wild Child

KGKB [Tyler TX] 1956

KDOK [Tyler] 1958 - Tall Paul

KILE [Galveston TX] 1960

KNUZ [Houston TX] 1960-1973

KQUE [Houston] 1965-1973

KTRH/KLOL [Houston] 1973

KRBE [Houston] 1975

KILT [Houston] 1980

KODA [Houston] 1983

KPRC [Houston] 1987

Univision Radio [Houston] 1992
Now: Paul says (7/08), "I am senior account
exec for Univision Radio, Houston, Texas (since 1992); we own six stations in Houston and
80 stations in the U.S. and Puerto Rico; we also own 80 TV stations. I was on the air
nine years, have been selling Houston radio for 43 years, and was nominated for the Texas
Radio Hall of Fame [2008]. I enjoyed being 'The Wild Child' in the early 1960s at KNUZ;
KNUZ and KILT were the two Top-40 radio stations in the market and we had many battles for
the number one slot; many of the DJs on the air then are now in the Texas Radio Hall of
Fame; we are all friends now and often fight the old battles of the early 1960s verbally;
those were the fun days of radio."
Phil Williams

WELL [Dadeville AL] 1990-2001 - owner
Now: Phil says (May 2002), "I am in
interim retirement pursuing future radio challenges."
Randy Williiams aka R Dub!

KOHT [Tucson AZ] 2001
Now: R Dub! says (8/04), "I am PD and PM drive at Hip Hop KOHT-FM,
Tucson, Arizona; also nights at CHR KZZP-FM, Phoenix, AZ (live, not tracked)."

Rod Williams

WHIZ [Zanesville OH] 1953

KMVI [Wailuku Maui HI] 1954

WING [Dayton OH] 1959

WSAI [Cincinnati OH] 1965

KMVI [Wailuku Maui] 1980 - GM

KBYR [Anchorage AK] 1985 - GM

KHEI/KVIB [Kihei Maui] 1987 - GM

WCVG/WRBZ [Cincinnati] 1992 - GM
Now: Director of marketing at Cyber River Multi
Media (documentary videos for adventure-travel market), Burlington, Kentucky
(suburb of Cincinnati).
Roy Williams

KFIV [Modesto CA] 1968

KJOY [Stockton CA] 1971

KHOP [Modesto] 1992

KJOY/KWIN/KWNN [Stockton] 1995
Now: President/GM at Silverado
Broadcasting, Stockton, California.
Russ L. Williams

WRTR [Tuscaloosa AL] 2004
Now: Russ says (11/06), "Oct 31, 2006 ended my
run with Clear Channel Tuscaloosa, part of the "get ready to sell" nationwide bloodbath;
now searching for my next opportunity..."

Sally Williams

WRIT [Milwaukee WI] 1956 - record librarian

KILT [Houston TX] 1958 - continuity dir

KPRC [Houston] 1965-1967 - secretary

KODA [Houston] 1974-1976 - secretary

KNUZ/KQUE [Houston]
1980-1988 - GSM
Now: Sally (Stephenson, English) Williams says
(8/06), "I am retired and living in Brenham, Texas, home of Blue Bell Ice Cream; began in
Milwaukee at WRIT when Bill Weaver was GM and needed all the new 45s categorized; McLendon
had put the station on the air the year before and was rarely there; upon graduation from high
school, I went to Texas and worked part time at KILT while in college; married, went off to
the Navy and came back to KILT just as management was changing from Bill Weaver to Dickie
Rosenfeld; other interesting bosses included Jack 'The Colonel' Harris at KPRC, Tom
Hoyt at KODA and the early Top-40 pioneer Dave Morris at KQUE/KNUZ; both ex-husbands were
on the air at some time, Lindsey English and Paul (The Wild Child) Williams, long at KNUZ
in the 1960s; I stay in touch with Bill and Beverly Weaver and several old radio guys via
the Internet."
Steve Williams

WNWF [Destin FL] 2004
Now: Steve says (8/22), "I am Director of Product at vCreative
in Florida."
Steve Williams

WOZN [Greensboro NC] 2002
Now: Steve says (6/03), "I am PD at
Hot AC WOZN-FM (The Zone), Greensboro/Winston-Salem, North Carolina."

Steve Williams

WKMZ [Martinsburg WV] 1986

WESI/WAPP [Winchester VA] 1989

WXIE [Oakland MD] 1990

WPKZ [Harrisonburg VA] 1992

WNTW [Winchester VA] 1993

WOWW [Pensacola FL] 1995

WQPO [Harrisonburg VA] 1995-19??
Now: ???
Steven B. Williams

KKUA [Honolulu HI] 1970

KIKI [Honolulu] 1972

KORL [Honolulu] 1976

KAHU/KULA [Honolulu] 1977

KQMQ [Honolulu] 1977

KDEO [Honolulu] 1979

KBPI [Denver CO] 1980

KPKE [Denver] 1984

KRQR [San Francisco CA] 1987

KXKL [Denver] 1988

World's Greatest Hits [San Francisco] 1992-1994

KIOI [San Francisco] 1993

KHOW [Denver] 1996

KSPZ [Colorado Springs CO] 2000-2001
Steven's last note to us (9/01), "While
attending a recent function at my favorite winery, V. Sattui Winery in Napa Valley,
I was stunned when Daryl Sattui, owner and great-grandson of the founder, offered me
a job. After exhaustive analysis of all the pros & cons, I accepted his offer just
slightly before he was able to finish his sentence. I am now living and working in
what can only be described as a dead ringer for the Bordeaux region of France where
I continue to provide voice imaging to my radio & TV clients. If my newspapers have
started piling up call 911; it just may mean that I've died and gone to Heaven."
On May 18, 2006 Steven B. Williams' body was
found floating off Catalina Island in Southern California by the captain of a passing ship;
on May 22 the Los Angeles County coroner's office was able to make a positive identification.
See the story from Honolulu Star-Bulletin.
UPDATE (11/09/2011): Former stockbroker convicted of murdering Denver radio host (Los Angeles
Stew Williams

WIRO [Ironton OH] 1974

WNOP [Cincinnati OH] 1980

WVXU [Cincinnati] 1984

WING [Dayton OH] 1988

WKRC [Cincinnati] 1990

WHIO [Dayton] 1991

WTKS [Orlando FL] 1992

WWKY [Louisville KY] 1994

WSCC [Charleston SC] 2000-2001

WQSC/WQNT/WTMZ/WJKB [Charleston] 2003-2006
Now: Stew says (7/08), "I retired from
programming for the Kirkman Broadcasting cluster in 2006 and live on a farm 15 minutes
from beautiful Charleston South Carolina; I can't imagine a better place to live; it has
everything anybody needs: the ocean, interesting history, wonderful restaurants and plenty
of things to keep you busy; I thought I would miss radio but kicking back and relaxing for
the first time in 30 years soon became a way of life; I still do some unofficial
consulting for a few old friends and write material for two stand-up comics; I made a lot
of good friends, worthy enemies and wouldn't change a thing."

William B. Williams

WNEW [New York] 1944; 1953-1986
Died Aug 3, 1986. gcatlin@ix.netcom.com says, "He was a
legend. Willie B. made us all love Sinatra, the Chairman of the Board."
William F. Williams

KDAY [LA] 1960

KMEN [Sa Bernardino CA] 1964

KBLA [LA] 1965

KBBQ [LA] 1967

KRLA [LA] 1968

KPPC [LA] 1971

Film: Being There [LA] 1971 - actor

TV [LA] 1970s/1980s - writer
William F. Williams died December 27, 2019
in Raleigh, NC. He was 84 years old.
Tim Williams

KGSR [Austin TX] 1989-1995 - GSM
Now: Tim says, "My wife, Diane, and I have
owned Great American Sales & Marketing, Austin, Texas since 1994. We're a full-service
advertising agency specializing in media placement, radio and TV creative, musical
image campaigns and sales training."

Tom Williams

WUSS [Atlantic City NJ] 2004
Now: Tom says (8/04), "I am Program Director
of Sports WUSS (1490-The Game) and director of Prime Events (Web sites and high school basketball tournaments).
I continue to cover the Miss America Pageant (since 1976) with daily reports during
competition to radio stations around the country."
Diane Williamson

WXMA [Louisville KY] 2000-2003
Now: Diane says (11/07), "After a wonderful career on
the radio and TV airwaves in Louisville Kentucky, I'm still 'in the air', but only because I work
for a tower crane company; I'm blessed with the opportunity to do a lot of freelance voice work for
clients across the U.S. - from my home studio -- check out some samples at dianewilliamson.com."
Kathy Williamson

WKZS [Auburn ME] 1994-2002
Now: Kathy says (5/08), "I'm doing freelance
news and voice-overs from my Web site at WhoZatVoice.net..."

Liz Willis

WWCT [Peoria IL] 1985

WNNS [Springfield IL] 1986

WYMG [Springfield] 1987
Now: Mornings at Classic Hits WYMG-FM,
Springfield, IL. Liz says, "I've been at WYMG since 1987 (with a year off in
1995 to travel the Caribbean). I do the station web site, promotions for the
morning show, and head up our charity which raised 20-grand last year. I
went to Bradley University. I'm married to an eye doctor but can't get an
Mike Willis

WCOS-FM [Columbia SC] 1991-1994
Now: Mike says, "I work for the South Carolina
Department of Natural Resources as Communications Director (responsible for media relations
and public affairs)."

WLIR [Long Island NY] 1982

WMJY [Long Branch NJ] 1986

KCQR [Santa Barbara CA] 1988

KKDJ [Fresno CA] 1991

KEDJ [Phoenix AZ] 1993-1995

KPEZ [Austin TX] 2003

WEFX [Norwalk CT] 2004

WEQX [Manchester VT] 2005

WEZX/WQFM/WEJL [Scranton PA] 2010
Now: Willobee (William Carlan) says (5/10),
"I am Operations Manager for Rock 107 WEZX, Cool WQFM and ESPN Radio WEJL (Shamrock
Communications), Wilkes Barre-Scranton, Pennsylvania."

John Willyard

KEZR [San Jose CA] 1990-1991
Now: John says (6/07), "In my private
home-based voice studio, I do daily sessions for over 60 country radio stations,
narrations, TV affiliates and cable channels including CNN and HDNet; I've been the
official voice of the CMA Awards since 1996, and have been called one of the only real
voice actors in the imaging voice-over business; for over 6 1/2 years I was the
promotional voice for WCW until it was sold to the WWE; I've been priviledged to rub
elbows with many of the current and past greats of the country music industry."
more Ws...