Radio Broadcasting History
Radio People by Name (A)
Robert 'Rabbett' Abbett

WHCN [Hartford CT] 1976 -
Rob Abbett

WDRC [Hartford] 1978

KPIG/KIKI [Honolulu HI] 1979

KDEO [Honolulu] 1980

WOMN [New Haven CT] 1980

KQMQ [Honolulu] 1981

KGU [Honolulu] 1981

KPOI-FM [Honolulu] 1982

KCCN-FM [Honolulu] 1989
Now: Rabbett keeps busy running Internet Radio Hawai`i (RealAudio
Hawaiian music program with local news, calendar events and gags) from Honolulu,

Bob Abbott

WLRG [Roanoke VA] 1970

WPVR [Roanoke] 1971

WFRC [Reidsville NC] 1974

WTAL [Tallahassee FL] 1976

WLLL [Lynchburg VA] 1976

WGOL [Lynchburg] 1980

WRVX [Lynchburg] 1997 - station mgr

WLVA [Lynchburg] 2000 -
station mgr

WZZU [Lynchburg VA] 2001
Now: Bob says (1/12),
"I am the Market Manager for Centennial Broadcasting in Lynchburg, Virginia (since April of
2011); we have three stations WLNI, WZZU and WZZI; have been in Lynchburg radio market since

Ed Abels

WAWZ [New Brunswick NJ] 2002
Now: Ed says (4/07), "I'm Director of
Advertising for Christian Contemporary WAWZ-FM, Zarephath, New Jersey; after many years
in radio I still enjoy it almost every day."


KNEX [McPherson KS] 1966

KSAL [Salina KS] 1967

KLSI [Salina] 1968 - Chris Allen

KEYN [Wichita KS] 1968-1969 - Tom

KLEO [Wichita] 1971 - Chris Allen

KINA [Salina] 1972 - Chris Allen

KLMS [Lincoln NE] 1973-1978

KSKG [Salina] 1987

KSAJ [Salina] 1988-1989

KCMO-FM [Kansas City MO] 1991-1991
Now: Chris says (6/08), "I'm living in
Lindsborg, Kansas, in a home my family bought in 1894; I'm semi-retired, but doing
some commercial video and audio production work. In the fall of 2007 I was invited
to present a paper on the jingle business to the Great Plains Radio History Symposium
at Kansas State University in Manhattan. I'm on the board of the local historical
association, and have been locating and archiving historical audio, video, and film
about the Smoky Hill River Valley here in Central Kansas. I've also recorded a number
of oral histories with people of interest in the valley, and have done some research
into Kansas radio history as well."


WSYR/WSYR-FM [Syracuse NY]
Now: Dan (Bernath) says, "I left radio in
1982 and graduated from law school in 1984. I practiced law in LA until 1994 and now
live in Portland, Oregon. I have returned to my original profession as a photographer
of weddings, babies and beautiful women. Now that I work for myself, I rarely get


WWTC [Minneapolis MN] 1988-1990

KKFN [Sioux Falls SD] 1989-1989

KQQL [Minneapolis] 1990-2001
Now: Adam says (10/03), "I am the
public address announcer for the Minnesota Wild NHL franchise and the game producer,
host, announcer for the Minnesota Twins MLB Club; and I'm a general voice talent in
the Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota area."

Hal '9000' Abrams

WUMX [Charlottesville VA] 2000-2001
Now: Hal say (11/07), "I host and produce America's
most-listened-to pet talk Animal
Radio�, airing on some 100 stations; I spent 15 years doing mornings from San
Diego to Kauai (audio at animalradio.com/airchecks.html)."


WBZY [New Castle PA] 1974

WKST [New Castle PA] 1978

WEEP [Pittsburgh] 1979

WXKX [Pittsburgh] 1982

WHTX [Pittsburgh] 1983

KWFM [Tucson AZ] 1988

WWMG [Charlotte NC] 1989

KPYR [Memphis TN] 1990

WWMG [Charlotte] 1993

KBSG [Tacoma WA] 1999

KCPX [Salt Lake City UT] 2000

KXKL [Denver CO] 2003

Clear Channel [Cleveland OH] 2008
Now: Keith says (11/08), "I am Operations Manager
for Clear Channel Cleveland (WAKS, WGAR, WMJI, WMMS, WMVX, WTAM-AM); we left Pittsburgh in
1988 and have been out west for the past decade; to return to friends and family in this part
of the world is truly a blessing; plus, it's just an awesome group of stations and great
people to be working with."


WZCL [Norfolk VA] 1989

WBUF [Buffalo NY] 1990

WMXC/WCKZ [Charlotte NC] 1991

WIVY [Jacksonville FL] 1994

WFBC [Greenville SC] 1995

WMQX [Winston-Salem NC] 1996

WRIT [Milwaukee WI] 1999

KKOB-FM [Albuquerque NM] 2001

KOOL-FM [Phoenix AZ] 2007-2012
Now: Kris
is Operations Manager at Cumulus Media, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Mike Abrams aka Big Daddy

WKRB [Brooklyn NY] 1982 - Kingsborough CC

WAPP [New York NY] 1985-1986

WRCN [Long Island NY] 1985-1986

WJLK [Monmouth/Ocean NJ] 1986

WHTZ [Newark/NY] 1986

WAEB [Allentown PA] 1988

KFIV [Modesto CA] 1988

KHQT [San Jose CA] 1988 - Jo Jo Walker

KSXY [Reno NV] 1988 - Jay Knight

KKFR [Phoenix AZ] 1991

WQHT [New York] 1993

WBHK [Birmingham AL] 1996

WBTS [Athens/Atlanta GA] 1999

SATONE [Washington DC] 2000 - Dir of Operations

XM Satellite Radio [Washington DC] 2008-2011
Mike is Digital Music Programming Coordinator; National Programming Platforms at Clear
Channel Radio, Los Angeles, California.

Brad Abrell

WMMO [Orlando FL] 1990-1991
Now: Running AbrellWorks and doing
freelance voice-over work (he is the voice of Universal Studios Hollywood) in
Los Angeles, California.

Frank Absher

KFAL [Fulton MO] 1967

KSIS [Sedalia MO] 1969

KSRM [Soldotna AK] 1969

AFRTS [Ubon Thailand] 1970

KALG [Alamogordo NM] 1971

AFRTS [Anchorage AK] 1972

KBYR [Anchorage AK] 1972 - Bill Stevens

KNIK [Anchorage AK] 1972 - Bill Stevens

WJOL [Joliet IL] 1974

WBYG [Kankakee IL] 1975

WIBV [Belleville IL] 1977

KEZK [St. Louis] 1977

KADI [St. Louis] 1977

KMOX/KMOX-FM/KHTR [St. Louis] 1979

WSIE [Edwardsville IL] 1991

Metro Networks [St. Louis]
Now: Frank says (9/15),
"I am retired from radio, founder of the St. Louis Media History Foundation and
actively involved in finding and preserving media history." See the St. Louis Radio History page.

Dave Acosta

KDGL [Palm Springs CA] 2005

KRCK [Palm Springs] 2007 - Jojo

KMRJ [Palm Springs] 2012
Now: Dave says (11/12),
"I'm doing morning
drive on Classic Rock KMRJ-FM and am production director for Marker Broadcasting's
4-station Palm Desert cluster, KPLM, KAJR, KMRJ and KJJZ."

Derek Adams (Derek Shetterly)

KRWQ [Medford OR] 1997
Now: Derek says (7/05),
"Since 1997 I have been Production Director for the Clear Channel-Medford cluster of stations

Paul Adams

WAUG [Augusta GA] 1966

WRDW [Augusta] 1967

WBRO [Augusta] 1969

WPGA [Macon GA] 1970

WRBN [Macon] 1970

KINT/KINT-FM [El Paso TX] 1970

WAUG [Augusta] 1972

WBBQ [Augusta] 1973-1999

WZNY [Augusta] 1993-1999

WUUS [Augusta] 1995-1999
Now: Paul says (6/10), "I am employed within a
major component of the U.S. Army's Network Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM)." Click for more from Paul.

R. David Adams

KDLR [Devils Lake ND] 1965

KWAD [Wadena MN] 1969 - Moose

KNOX [Grand Forks ND] 1972

KVOX [Fargo ND] 1973

KYJC [Medford OR] 1974

KFYR [Bismarck ND] 1975

KIZZ [Minot ND] 1978

KTYN [Minot] 1980

WDAY [Fargo] 1982

KLXX [Bismarck] 1982

KRRZ [Fargo] 1982

KHHT [Minot] 1984

KBQQ [Minot] 1985

KIZZ [Minot] 1994-1998
Now: David says (11/05), "I work out of my home
in Minot, North Dakota. I run an Ebay business in high-end tube communications radios and
stereo gear; as well as voice-over and production work." Click for more from David.

Randy Adams

KKRB [Klamath Falls OR] 1989
Now: Randy (Shuck) says (1/06),
"Since 1989, PD/OM of Wynne Enterprises,
LLC (Klamath Falls), a four-station independent cluster in Southern Oregon! Looking to
connect with folks I've worked with through my 31-year career!"

Ron Adams

WGMR [State College PA] 1977

WMAJ/WXLR [State College] 1977

WDSY [Pittsburgh PA] 1982

WHYW [Pittsburgh] 1982

WIOF [Hartford CT] 1985

WLIS [Old Saybrook CT] 1985

WRIE [Erie PA] 1986

WHJB/WSSZ [Pittsburgh] 1987

WTAE/WVTY [Pittsburgh] 1993-1999

WKYE [Johnstown PA] 2002-2004
Now: Ron says (2/09), "I manage, announce,
program and produce the on-line 24/7 radio station The Valley, Ligonier, PA; I'm lucky enough to have some great radio
vets helping out with voice tracks and production: Scott Goettel formally of 50k watter
WHAS, Brian Nichols of WSMR Sarasota, Ursula from WSSZ Z-107/WKPA Piitsburgh, and Kevin
Slick of WXLR, State College, PA; looking to talk with old radio pals! So many funny stories:
Broadcasting from the roof of a radio station for a promotion (ouch that tar was hot!), doing
the morning show from a 40' diving board at a local pool (then jumping off on the last break),
hosting a CHR station Dance Bash inside the local mall ... jamming the mall with
shoulder-to-shoulder teens back in the 1980s. Rewarding things include gift drives for the
needy during the holidays at various stations, being contacted from former interns that are
now at various stations, helping start up new stations/formats (with Rick Pantale in Erie,
Z107 in Greensburg, X-103's AC format in State College), and chatting Beatles with other

Ron Adams (Ron Mruk)

WQNZ [Natchez MS] 1982-1986 -
Now: Ron says (1/10),
"I'm a marketing and IT consultant in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania."

Sally Adams

KORA [Bryan TX] 1983-1987
Now: Marketing Communications Director
at Compaq, Houston, Texas.

Stan Adams

WAXO [Kenosha WI] 1969

WKZN [Kenosha] 1969

WZBN [Zion IL] 1969

KWIX [Moberly MO] 1970

KRES [Moberly] 1970

WEXI [Chicago IL] 1970

WWMM [Chicago] 1972

WFYR [Chicago] 1975

WAIT [Chicago] 1977-1977

WSEX [Chicago] 1985-1985
Now: Stan says (5/11), "I am
living in Chicago, Illinois and have been doing freelance acting and voice-overs,
having appeared in several films and TV programs and on many TV & radio commercials."

Bill Addison

WIL [St. Louis] 1963
Now: ???

John Mackin Ade

Katz [New York] 1970 - sales

WKTU [New York] 1975 - GSM/Asst GM

WTAE/WXKX [Pittsburgh] 1980 - GSM

KLUV [Dallas] 1982 - VP/GM

WIP [Philadelphia]/WNEW [New York] 1984 - GSM

WBEU [Beaufort SC] 1985 - owner

WFTW [Fort Walton Beach FL] 1985
- owner

KEYI/KNOW [Austin TX] 1990 - VP/GM

1985 - President/GM
Now: Retired. Residing on
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, in "radio remission".

Lou Adler

WCBS [New York NY] 1959

WOR [New York] 1981-1985

WINS [New York] 198?

WABC [New York] 198?

WCNN [Atlanta GA] 1995
Lou Adler
died Dec 22, 2017 in Meriden CT (age 88; Alzheimer's disease).

J.T. Aguila

KERA [Dallas TX] 1995-1997
Now: Producer at WVIZ-TV/PBS,
Cleveland, Ohio.

Tim Ahlborn
Now: After too much stress, Tim Ahlborn
(aka Tim O'Brien) left management of WIDG/WMKC, St. Ignace MI and became a
Deputy Sheriff! Tim says, "The only radio I get to talk on now is KVA-413,
covering all of Mackinac County with 300 watts! Beaming to police scanners

Denny Ainsworth

WBSJ [Laurel MS] 1975

WHSY [Hattiesburg MS] 1979

WCNN [Atlanta GA] 1984 - executive producer

WPBD [Atlanta] 1987 - station mgr

WSB [Atlanta] 1989

WLKQ [Atlanta] 1989-1992
Now: Denny says (11/10), "I have
taken over the reins and on-air duties of Ludlow Porch on the FunSeekers Network (Atlanta, Georgia);
I have produced and cohosted the show for over twenty years..."

Harve Alan

WBAB [Babylon NY] 1980-1985

WGBB [Freeport NY] 1982-1985

WCCC/WCCC-FM [Hartford CT] 1985

WAAF [Worcester MA] 1988


KPRR/KHEY/KHEY-FM [El Paso TX] 1994 - Station Mgr

DeMers Programming [Philadelphia PA] 1994 - media consultant

WZGC [Atlanta GA] 1995

Capstar, AMFM, Clear Channel [San Antonio TX] 1996 - Sr. VP Programming

ABC Radio Networks [New York NY] 2004 - Dir of Programming

Mercury Radio Research [Minneapolis MN] 2005 - Exec VP
Now: Harve says (5/06), "I am with Mercury Radio Research, Minneapolis,
Minnesota. We do perceptual research for radio stations across North America. We survey
radio listeners so radio stations can better understand what radio listeners want to
listen to. We also just launched a brand new company called hear2.0 ... working with audio entertainment providers to better understand
the latest trends in audio entertainment."

Jeff Alan

WTHU [Frederick MD] 1979

WEEO [Waynesboro PA] 1979

WHAG [Hagerstown MD] 1979

WARK [Hagerstown] 1979

WFMD [Frederick] 1981

WFRE [Frederick] 1981

WXCS [Hagerstown] 1984

WKIS [Orlando FL] 1987

WFIV [Kissimmee FL] 1986-1993
Now: Jeff says (11/07), "I am community leader of the
AD NASCAR forum, AOL's largest and most popular auto racing community; in addition to designing
and publishing commercial web pages, I also do freelance reporting for several auto racing
magazines, and am staff columnist for catchfence.com, a leading NASCAR Web site." Click for a chuckle from Alan.

Lee Alan

WJLB [Detroit MI] 1955

WGH [Norfolk VA] 1957

WJLB [Detroit] 1959

WJBK [Detroit] 1959

WKMH [Detroit] 1960

WCPO [Cincinnatti OH] 1961

WXYZ [Detroit] 1962

WHFI [Detroit] 1968

WJR [Detroit] 1974

WDRQ [Detroit] 1974 - specials

WNIC [Detroit] 1982-1984

WPON [Detroit] 2004

KJUL [Las Vegas NV] 2006-2007
Now: Lee says (12/08), "I'm still in Michigan,
have released the audio-book version of Turn Your Radio On (info at detroitradiolegends.com/), and
am doing commercial production for radio, voice-over, ad campaigns for station sales teams,
and special programs..."

Rick Alan

KWIZ [Los Angeles CA] 1983-1990

KWDJ [Riverside CA]] 1984-1985

KQLH [San Bernardino CA] 1991-1992

KOLA [San Bernardino] 1994-2014
Now: Rick says (4/16),
"Still in So Cal. Publications Director for medical university since 1997. Retired from radio but
always have my radar on for opportunities.
KWIZ - We made WKRP look like Rhodes Scholars. Easy gig, union pay, my first gig and yes, I know how lucky I was.
KWDJ - C/W, lucky to get out alive, no kidding. Super cheap operation, politics were murder.
KQLH - "Lite Hits", not much to say. Studio looked out into a mall across from a movie theater. Got the finger on a nightly basis.
KOLA - Oldies, now Hits of 70's - 90's. One of those stations where the jocks stay for years and years, live & local throwback to radio 30 yrs ago."

Ralph Carney Albani

CFAR [Flin Flon MB] 1974

CKRC [Winnipeg MB] 1974 - Racoon Carney

CFUN [Vancouver BC] 1977 - Racoon Carney

CKLG [Vancouver] 1978 - Racoon Carney

CKY [Winnipeg] 1983 - Racoon Carney

Palmer Jarvis Advertising [Winnipeg] 1988

Ralph Carney Communications [Winnipeg] 1989 - president

CFWM [Winnipeg] 1997 - Riley

AdManagement Canada [Winnipeg MB/Calgary AB] 1998
Now: Ralph is managing partner with
AdManagement Canada. He says (7/04), "We just launched the In-House Digital Network in
a few cities in western Canada. Can't say that I miss radio, but I certainly miss
the people."

Craig Albers

WCKW [New Orleans LA] 1991-1992 - Craig
Now: Craig says (11/09), "I left radio in 1992
and became a financial planner; I work in Jacksonville, IL for Stifel Nicolaus; I also
do voice-over work for a local ad agency; you can hear my work on Springfield, IL Rado and

Jack Albert

WKIZ [Key West FL] 1975

WIRK [West Palm Beach FL] 1977

WEAT [West Palm Beach] 1979

WRMF [West Palm Beach] 1980

WIRK [West Palm Beach] 1981

WAFC [Clewiston FL] 1999

WKJX [Elizabeth City NC] 2004
Jack (John A.
Ferguson) died in January 2008 in Jupiter Florida.

Brent Alberts
aka Big Wally Londo

WMFJ [Daytona Beach FL] 1968

WTAL [Tallahassee FL] 1969

WJBS [Daytona Beach] 1969

WOGO [Daytona Beach] 1970

WPDQ [Jacksonville FL] 1971 - Fat Albert

WSGA [Savannah GA] 1971

WVLD [Valdosta GA] 1972 - Jon Kirby

WIIN [Atlanta GA] 1973

WKLS [Atlanta] 1974

WAIV [Jacksonville] 1976

KISW [Seattle WA] 1977

WLPX [Milwaukee WI] 1978

WISN [Milwaukee] 1978 - Jon Kirby

WLUP [Chicago IL] 1979

WQFM [Milwaukee WI] 1980

WYFE [Rockford IL] 1981

WSB-FM [Atlanta] 1984

WIQB/WNRS [Ann Arbor MI] 1985

KMYZ [Tulsa OK] 1986

WQFM [Milwaukee] 1987

KFMQ/KLMS [Lincoln NE] 1987

WGTR [Miami FL] 1989

KTHK [Tulsa] 1990

KLUV [Dallas TX] 1992

KZPS [Dallas] 1992

WNRQ [Nashville TN] 1998

WLAV [Grand Rapids MI] 2002

WMMQ [Lansing MI] 2007-2010

WFMK [Lansing] 2008-2010

WCSX [Detroit MI] 2010

WXKR [Toledo OH] 2013
Now: Brent says (7/13), "I am program
director & afternoons
on Classic Rock WXKR-FM and PD, middays on New Rock Alternative
100.7, Toledo, Ohio. I got the radio bug when I was 10, on the air first time at 13,
earned my first pay check at 15, and haven't looked back since! I also enjoy
travelling and riding my Harley Davidson Ultra Classic."

Chris Albracht

KDJW [Amarillo TX] 2010
Now: Chris says (9/10), "After 29 years of
working nearly every day at a radio station, I am now Director of Communications for the
Diocese of Amarillo, where I am also editor of The West Texas Catholic, the diocesan
newspaper; to keep my foot in the door, I do a one-hour show on KDJW, 1360AM, the Catholic
radio station."

Bucky Albright

WMIL [Milwaukee WI] 1993-1994
Now: Bucky says (8/07), "I'm with Metro Networks
doing fill in; keeping my options open for more steady work; I'm a member of a group of some
of the best veterans in radio, as a member of The Milwaukee Broadcasters Club. Never in my
wildest dreams would I figured that I'd be doing traffic; ironically, traffic has been the
longest position that I've had in broadcasting."

Jaye Albright

KMPS [Seattle WA] 1998-2000
Now: Jaye says (11/07), "I'm in Seattle,
Washington at Albright & O'Malley (country radio consultancy)." Check out Jaye Albright's Breakfast Blog.

Jim Albright

WTNS [Coshocton, OH] 1977

WNIR [Canton OH] 1978

WHBC [Canton] 2001

WHLO [Akron OH] 2010
Now: Jim is doing
9-noon at News/Talk
WHLO, Akron, Ohio.

Roger Aldi

KHJ [Los Angeles CA] 1964

KRLA [Los Angeles] 1971

KPOL [Los Angeles] 1973

KDAY [Los Angeles] 1975-1989 - ND
Now: Roger says (4/07), "I left radio in 1989 and
went into ministry; served the Burbank Church of Religious Science until 1999 when called to
serve the Houston (TX) Church of Religious Science; returned to LA March 2007; happily kickin'
it, unless someone needs a liberal Dennis Prager! Boss Radio was a heck of a way to get
started in radio; I was a 'copy boy' in the news dept BEFORE KHJ went rock, and was lucky
enough to work my way up, thanks to some incredibly wonderful and supportive mentors, like Art
Kevin, Lyle Kilgore, J. Paul Huddleston and Ron Jacobs, although Ron scared the hell out of me;
I was still afraid of him at the 25-year anniversary party (1990); several years after that,
he walked into my church, and for the first time I got the feeling he really did like me; I
didn't think he'd even remember me; wounded inner child found healing!"

Tom Aldrich

KSOU [Sioux Center IA] 1994
Now: ???

Rusty Aldridge

WQLD [Montgomery AL] 2003
Now: ???

Bill Alexander

WLSW [Scottdale PA] 1989 - Dave Ericson

WMBS [Uniontown PA] 1993

WASP [Brownsville PA] 1995

WMBS [Uniontown] 1997

WJPA [Washington PA] 1999

WMBS [Uniontown] 2002

WJPA [Washington PA] 2004-2006

WMBS [Uniontown] 2012

WMCK.FM [Pittsburgh/McKeesport, PA] 2018

WLDJ-LPFM [New Castle, PA] 2020-
Now: Bill says (1/23),
"I am part of Hall of Fame Music Network that airs on WLDJ, WASP and Fayette TV.
See anchor.fm/the-bill-alexander-show."

Bob Alexander

CFRB [Toronto ON] 1972

KXTZ [Las Vegas NV] 1984

KJUL [Las Vegas] 1992-1999
Now: Retired. Residing in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Dixie Alexander

KGU [Honolulu HI] 1978 - Ryn Alexander

KHVH [Honolulu] 1978 - Ryn Alexander

KPOI [Honolulu] 1979-1980 - Ryn Alexander

WRXL [Richmond VA] 1982

KEZY [Los Angeles CA] 1985

WRXL [Richmond] 1987

KFWB [Los Angeles CA] 1990-1993
Now: Dixie says (11/06), "I am in Orange County
California taking tai chi and karate, looking for writing and news gigs. The Dick and Dixie
Show on WRXL (1982-1985) was actually a pretty big deal; the station threw a huge party when
I left, giving out 'aloha Dixie' t-shirts; guess I was missed enough to be hired back in 1987
for a two-year experience of radio's star treatment (limo lunches, big bucks); they spoiled me
and I loved it; thanks to Ilyse Jennings for getting me to Richmond in the first place; she and
I met originally in honolulu; I was doing news at KPOI and she was newly arrived from the
mainland for the launch of KPIG."

Hudson Alexander

WKDA [Nashville TN] 1973

WAGG [Nashville] 1975

WKDA [Nashville] 1977 - Bill Hudson

WAGG [Nashville] 1979

WTJT [Nashville] 1980

WAKM [Nashville] 1983-1983

WAKM [Nashville] 2005
Now: Hudson says (7/05), "I am doing freelance
writing for several national magazines; my forte is Civil War history; I also work with
the Williamson County Highway Department in my hometown of Franklin, Tennessee; and I
have gotten back into radio on a parttime basis at WAKM here in Franklin." Click for more from Hudson.

Lance Alexander

KBGO [Las Vegas NV] 1996-1996
Now: Lance says (1/04), "I own
Phat Rock radio (1650-lpAM),
Las Vegas, Nevada."

Rick Alexander

WVLV [Lebanon PA] 1979 - Rick Allen

WQVE [Harrisburg PA] 1979

WKBO [Harrisburg] 1982

WIKZ [Chambersburg PA] 1983
Now: Rick says (1/03), "I am Operations Manager
at Dame Broadcasting (WIKZ, WQCM, WDLD, WCHA, WHAG), as well as mornings and PD at Hot AC WIKZ-FM, Hagerstown, Maryland."

Scott Alexander

WZPT [Pittsburgh PA] 2002
Now: Scott says (10/13),
"I am Music Director and middays at Hot AC WZPT-FM (STAR 100.7); also V/O announcer for WTAE-TV,
Pittsburgh, PA."

Ted Alexander

WELW [Willoughby OH] 1999
Now: Air talent,
Operatons Manager and Chief Engineer at Oldies WELW, Willoughby, Ohio. Ted says, "I came back 'home' to WELW,
suburban Cleveland, after spending 30 years with the 'big guns' and desiring to escape from
the corporate environment."

Kevin Alfultis

KFVS/KGIR [Cape Girardeau MO]
1983 - Kevin Roberts

KJAQ [Cape Girardeau] 1984

KCGQ [Cape Girardeau] 1987

KMOD [Tulsa OK] 1993

KAKC/KQLL [Tulsa] 1996

KSLZ [St. Louis MO] 1998

KYKY [St. Louis] 2003-2005
Now: Kevin says (2/07), "In late 2005 I left
radio to pursue a career with an online auto advertising site; while it's been a great
move, I will always miss radio people, they're crazy ... nuts ... and ya gotta lov'm.
In 1992 I helped put together a promotion called The Radio Reunion Weekend; we
had over 50 former on-air personalities (who had worked at ANY station) in Cape
Girardeau come back for the 5-day event; Ron Harris of Westwood One fame brought in a
great jingle package and liners from Don Pardo and Casey Kasem; this event captured the
power and imagination that only radio can; it made me a believer all over again; a lot
of great people made this a once-in-a-lifetime experience: Rock'n Ron Harris, Thom
Price, Clear Channel's Jim 'Dave Lundy' Smith, Debbie Connor (WIL), Tom Stine, Fran
James, Doug Cannon, ESPN Radio's Bruce Gilbert and too many to list; each person made a
huge impact on my career and confirmed to me why I had my mom clear out my closet at 8
years old so that I could have my own radio 'studio' to play in; I'd love hear from old
radio friends."

Dick All

CKWX [Vancouver BC] 1999
Now: Dick says (11/02), "I am senior
copywriter at CKWX-FM, CKKS, CKVX, CISQ and CKSR, Vancouver, British Columbia."

Angela Allen

KOOL-FM [Phoenix AZ] 1994

KHOM [New Orleans] 1995

WJPS [Evansville IN] 1996

WIKY [Evansville] 2009
Now: Angela says (12/09), "I am not on the air at
WIKY, but am still associated with the station; I'm continuing on-air duties with
Radio Free Phoenix"

Bob Allen (Bob Manfredo)

KARM [Fresno CA] 1979-1982

KSKS [Fresno CA] 2009
Now: ???

Brad Allen

WMYU [Knoxville TX] 1992
Now: ???

Burke Allen

WLOG [Logan WV] 1982 - Burke Adkins

WVOW [Logan] 1983 - Burke Adkins

WKEE [Huntington WV] 1985

WVSR/WBES-FM [Charleston WV] 1989

WXLK [Roanoke WV] 1993

WAEV-FM/WLVH [Savannah GA] 1994

KISN [Salt Lake City UT] 1996

KMZQ [Las Vegas NV] 1998

WOCL [Orlando FL] 1999

WFLC [Miami FL] 2000

WWZZ [Washington DC] 2001-2001
Now: Burke says (7/07), "In 2005, I launched
Allen Media Strategies
(broadcast consultants); in 2006, Allen Media Stations purchased our first
station, WMOV in Ravenswood/Ripley,
WV; in 2007, we expanded our station holdings to include WRLB-FM,
Raneille/Lewisburg WV; I am also a proud founder of amdaytimers.org."

Chris Allen

WDBL [Nashville TN] 1981-1982
Now: I have been Weather Director for
WBKO-TV, Bowling Green Kentucky since 1986; I spent many years in Nashville radio
right out of high school which eventually led me to my current position; I miss the
radio days back in the 1980s and early 1990s because it was still fun and energizing."

Dale Allen

WJPA [Washington PA] 1994
Now: Dale says (5/04), "I'm Promotions Director,
Web Developer and do PM drive at
Oldies WJPA AM/FM, Washington, Pennsylvania."

Dan Allen

WSAI [Cincinnati OH] 2002-2005
Now: Operations
Manager for Clear Channel Format Labs, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Dave Allen
Now: In TV news at WMAR-TV, Baltimore, MD.

Dex Allen

KTLN [Denver] 1962

KQV [Pittsburgh] 1965

KOL [Seattle] 1966

KCBQ [San Diego] 1968

KMZQ [Las Vegas] 197? - owner

KRST [Albuquerque] 197? - owner

KROY [Sacramento] 198? -
Dex Allen died May 6, 2018 (age 74) in Sacramento CA.
See Veteran Broadcaster Dex Allen Dies (radioink.com).

Jack Allen

WXCI [Danbury CT] 1978

WBIS [Bristol CT] 1978

WAQY [Springfield MA] 1978

WIOF [Waterbury CT] 1981

WNTY [Southington CT] 1982

WWCO [Waterbury] 1983

WSNG [Torrington CT] 1983 - Tom Collins

WRKI [Danbury] 1984

WCCC/WCCC-FM [Hartford CT]
1988 - Grim Reaper

WPLR [New Haven CT] 1996
Now: Jack (Paul/William Rowe) is a staff
announcer and producer for Smith & Barber Morning Show and nights at Classic Rock WPLR-FM
(99Rock), New Haven, Connecticut.

Jack Allen

WHBI [Newark NJ] 1942

WMTR [Morristown NJ] 1947

WCTC [New Brunswick NJ] 1949

Mutual Broadcasting [New York NY] 1959 - NY bureau chief

WOR [New York] 1962

ABC News [New York] 1984 - News Editor
Now: Jack Allen (Potts) passed away of
heart attack in 1987. Jack's son (John S. 'Stoo' Potts) may be contacted at stoo.potts@gmail.com.

Jack Allen

KRKO [Everett WA] 1968

KPNW [Eugene OR] 1970

KVI [Seattle WA] 1974

KMPS [Seattle] 1979

KSEA/KIRO [Seattle] 1983

KWYZ [Everett] 1988 - GM

KEZX/KWJZ [Seattle]

VIP Studios [Seattle] 1996 - VP
Now: Retired from radio after 35 years (1996)
and partnered in a video/audio production company and marketing agency. Jack now writes &
produces television and radio commercials, marketing, media buying, agency promotion -- and
runs Radio Dog House. KVI memories from Jack.

James Allen

WATO [Knoxville TN] 1991-1996

WYSH [Knoxville] 1993-1997

WGOC [Blountville TN] 1997
Now: ???

Jeff Allen

KISY [Boise ID] 1998
Now: ???

Joe Allen

WGUF [Gulfport MS] 1979 - Ramblin' Joe

WJRS [Jamestown KY] 1981

WSAI [Cincinnati OH] 1982 - J.B. Allen

WUBE [Cincinnati] 1994-2003
Now: Joe (Burton) says (5/06), "I am not in radio,
but am a full-time police officer; hopefully back to Country radio on a part-time basis soon;
it gets in your blood and does not leave so easily." He remembers, "In 2002, George Strait was
at WUBE; he was very gracious with the photo ops and I took a roll of good pics -- except
there was no roll of film in the camera; that's when I went digital."

Keith Allen

KTWV [Los Angeles CA] 1990-2002
Now: Keith (Deister) says (10/04),
"I am retired -- in Lake Taho, California."

Keith Allen

WCEN [Saginaw MI] 2003
Now: ???

K.J. Allen

WSM [Nashville TN] 2003
Now: ???

Les Allen

WRHQ [Savannah GA] 1989
Now: ???

Mark Allen

KNRO [Conroe TX] 1967

KLVI [Beaumont TX] 1971

KBPO [Beaumont] 1975-1978

consulting engineer [Houston TX] 1978-1998

consulting engineer [Orlando FL] 1998
Now: Mark says (11/04), "I am a semi-retired
consulting engineer living in Orlando, Florida. I enjoyed some time on air as The 'Real'
Mark Allen in late 1960s and very early 1970s when that phraseology was popular. I enjoyed
my time in the classic days of radio, however, I generally gravitated to engineering work;
have worked much of my professional consulting career overseas in high power shortwave
radio." Click for more from Mark.

Mark Allen

KASY [Tacoma WA] 1965

KING [Seattle WA] 1968

KREM [Spokane WA] 1970

KASH [Eugene OR] 1973

KSJO [San Jose CA] 1974

KUUU [Seattle] 1976

KJR [Seattle] 1976

KWIZ [Los Angeles CA] 1976-1980
Now: Mark says (4/05), "I've been a broadcast
communications attorney since 1980. I'm now the President & CEO of the Washington State Association of Broadcasters,
Olympia, Washington; mainly the legislative and congressional lobbyist for the broadcasting
industry in Washington state."

Mark S. Allen

KSFM [Sacramento CA] 1987-1996
Now: Mark says (5/04), "I am a national celebrity
interview host on Premiere Radio Networks; and seen each day hosting a live TV morning show
on KMAX-TV, Sacramento, California."

Michael Allen

WOYS [Apalachicola FL] 1986
Now: Michael
says (10/13), "I own Adult Contemporary WOYS, the first FM on the air in Apalachicola;
we're all here, there is only one way off the Forgotten Coast..."

Nic Allen

WKXN [Montgomery AL] 2006
Now: ???

Perry Allen

KNEB [Scottsbluff NE] 1945

KTLN [Denver CO] 1949

Far East networks [Tokyo Japan] 1952

KTLN [Denver] 1956

WKBW [Buffalo NY] 1958

KRLA [Los Angeles CA] 1960

KHJ [LA] 1962

KVI [Seattle WA] 1964

KHOW [Denver] 1968

WEBR [Buffalo] 1974

KDEO [San Diego CA] 1974

KFI [LA] 1976-1977

KCBQ [San Diego] 1979-1980

KFI [LA] 1980

KFMB [San Diego] 1985

KSDO [San Diego] 1995

KVSD [San Diego] 1998-2000
Perry Allen died Jan 31, 2007 (75,
heart attack, Los Angeles). See a note from Lee Allen on
his dad's passing; and click for details of the infamous Find
Perry Allen contest.

Ric Allen

WMJT [Bay City MI] 1990-1991
Now: Ric says (5/10), "I am semi-retired,
living in my hometown of Bay City, MI; have been emceeing outdoor concert gigs in Auburn,
MI (rock-n-wheels) as well as custom car cruise-ins at Bay Cafe in Bay City, still love
the Oldies and miss all the great friends along the way; and I still do voice-overs when

Rick Allen

WGRT [Indianapolis IN] 1974

WTTS/WGTC [Bloomington IN] 1978

TM Productions [Dallas TX] 1982 - producer

Earmark Productions [Indianapolis IN] 1983 - sales

WIBC [Indianapolis] 1985

WQHT [New York NY] 1986-1994
Now: Rick says, "After leaving WQHT, New York
(after 8 years as their production director), I started Rick Allen Creative Services Inc..
I love being able to focus on station imaging. I started a production library service
called Continuous Climax in 1993. In 1996, I moved the studios from NYC to
Scottsdale, Arizona and continued producing sweepers and creating material for the
library. In 1998, I also started working with ABC Radio Networks producing image
libraries for various formats."

Ron Allen

WAKR [Akron OH] 1976-1978
Now: Ron says (5/03), "I hang around the
Villages Polo Club, Orlando, Florida."

Ron Allen

WARM [Scranton PA] 1959-1996
Ron Allen
died Sep 23, 2008 in Scranton, Pennsylvania; Mary Ann, his wife of 48 years, died just two months
later; see MRS.

Todd Allen

KYSN [Wenatchee WA] 2003-2006
Now: Todd says (5/10), "I'm 'on the beach'
after leaving NNB to join my wife in British Columbia; while searching for a new gig,
enjoying occasional voice over acting, commercial work and auditioning for TV and films."

Tom Allen

WEBC [Duluth MN] 1961

WPOP [Hartford CT] 1963

WSPR [Springfield MA] 1964 - Rockin' Robin

WJIM [Lansing MI] 1964 - Big Jim Allen

KJR [Seattle WA] 1965 - Tom Larson

WUBE [Cincinnati OH] 1966 - Jack London

WITL [Lansing] 1967

WIL [St. Louis MO] 1969

KBOX [Dallas TX] 1973

WDEE [Detroit MI] 1978

KVET [Austin TX] 1979

KASE [Austin] 1981

KVET-FM [Austin] 1998-2010
Now: Tom says (10/10), "I retired from full-time
radio on in 2008 and on 9/10/10 I retired from the Saturday morning Country Gold Show
on KVET-FM in Austin." Tom remembers three greats
from KJR.

Whitney Allen

KATA/KFMI [Eureka CA] 1979

KSDO [San Diego CA] 1984

KKOS [Oceanside CA] 1985

KKLQ [San Diego] 1987

KQLZ [Los Angeles CA] 1989

KIIS [LA] 1991

KZLA [LA] 1995

After Midnite Weekends [LA] 1995 - syndicated

KMLT [LA] 2000
Now: ???

Bill Alley

WINY [Putnam CT] 2007
Now: Bill says (8/11), "I remain on Sunday
evenings on Adult Contemporary WINY as host and
producer of Juke Box Gold, playing favorites from 1946 (the Roots of Rock) to the
1970s (early Disco era)..."

Keith Allgood

KYOS [Merced CA] 1962

KAFY [Bakersfield CA] 1962

KRAM [Las Vegas NV] 1963 - Terry

KYNO [Fresno CA] 1965 - Terry

KUTY [Palmdale CA] 1965 - Mike

KKAR [Los Angeles CA] 1968 - Mike

KCKC [San Bernardino CA] 1973 - Craig

KCEY [Modesto CA] 1975 - Craig

KLIT [LA] 1977 - Craig

KAJK [Eureka CA] 1985-1999 -
Now: Keith says, "I am working, but
not in the radio biz, in Grants Pass, Oregon." Click for more from Keith.

Kevin Allison

KFSG [Los Angeles CA] 1994
Now: ???

Steve Allison

KBBT/KUPL [Portland OR] 1999-2000
Now: Steve says (8/07), "I'm in Portland, Oregon,
doing quite a few weddings and parties; maybe one day ....that dream job will come BACK

Gary Allyn

KEZL [San Diego CA] 1983-1984
Now: Gary says, "I actually worked for
two KEZLs: the one Gannett had first (later became KS-103) and the latter KEZL,
owned by PAR Broadcasting. Strange, but true! For the past decade or so, I've
been been writing, voicing & producing through Gary Allyn Radio Enterprises,
San Diego, California."

Al Alonzo

WEMG [Camden NJ] 1996-2002 - CEO
Now: Al says (4/08), "Since 2004 I have served
as SVP Hispanic Radio for Clear Channel Radio."

Dave Alpert

WQAM [Miami] 1972

WYEN [Chicago] 1973

WDHF/WMET [Chicago] 1976

WXRK [New York] 1985

ABC News [New York] 1982

Westwood One Radio Networks [Los Angeles CA] 1999

ABC News [LA] 2000
Now: Entertainment Correspondent, ABC News,
Los Angeles, California.

'Brother' Alex Alvarez

KSYM [San Antonio TX] 1967

KBER [San Antonio] 1969

KBUC [San Antonio] 1974

KKYX [San Antonio] 1988
Now: Alex says (9/05), "I do a Sunday morning
gospel music program on Country KKYX. I am now a full-time pastor. I really miss doing a
full-time gig, but I love country gospel music. It was great to see some of my old friends on
this site."

Ted Alvy

KVFM [Los Angeles CA] 1967

KPPC [Los Angeles] 1968

KMET [Los Angeles] 1968

KYMS [Los Angeles] 1970

KPPC [Los Angeles] 1970 - Cosmos Topper

KFMI [Eureka CA] 1972 - owner, GM

KMET [Los Angeles] 1973

KILO [Seattle WA 1977 - Captain Kirkland

KXXN [Santa Barbara CA] 1982-1982

KCQR [Santa Barbara] 1989-1989
Now: Ted says (10/07), "I am back in my hometown
(Los Angeles, California) researching and writing books -- about radio, including:
"I Was A Teenage Disc Jockey" (about 1960s L.A. underground radio) and "Songs & Sets &
Segue-Ways" (West Coast underground radio). The first FM rock underground radio station in
Southern California (after its pioneering sister station KMPX in San Francisco) was KPPC-FM
106.7 in Pasadena, CA; it was originally located in the basement of the Pasadena Presbyterian
Church and broadcast hippie rebop from 11/01/67 until the entire KPPC-FM airstaff was fired
on 10/24/71; FM 106.7 is now KROQ Los Angeles."

Mike Ambrose

KLIF [Dallas] 1961

KDEO [San Diego] 1964

KFWB [LA] 1965

KRLA [LA] 1969

KOGO [San Diego] 1970

[San Diego] 1973-2001 - Captain Mike's Weather
Mike Ambrose died Aug 29,
2008 in San Diego California. He was 69 years old.

Christopher Ames

KHJ [LA] 1970

KRLA [LA] 1973

KNX-FM [LA] 1973
Now: Christopher says (4/20),
"After a long career as a screenwriter/producer, I moved to the Pacific Northwest in 2011.
Now, having come full circle, I am narrating The Odyssey File on the web version of my alma mater, KNXFM93.COM."
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