Radio Broadcasting History
Radio People by Name (A2)
Dennis Andersen
Now: "...Looking for next radio opportunity due to
network (R&R Oldies) failure."


KONP [Port Angeles WA] 1978 - Anderson in the Afternoon

KAPY [Port Angeles] 1981 - Anderson in the Afternoon

KQEU [Olympia WA] 1982

KOSO [Modesto CA] 1984-1984

KBYR [Anchorage AK] 1984-1988

CBS Radio Network [Anchorage] 1984 - freelance at-large reporter
Now: Cary says (7/06), "I live in Anchorage, Alaska,
where I freelance covering issues of national interest in the far north, primarily for the CBS
Radio Network. Radio career highlights: interviewing President Carter, VP Quayle, and working as
producer for President Clinton's weekly radio address. I am also a writer and photographer (from
Newsweek to National Geographic with subjects from rattlesnakes to grizzly bears). I have published
three books about bald eagles and one on the aurora borealis. Latest endeavor: shooting high
definition documentary video of eagles nesting, roosting and soaring."

Greg Anderson

WOWE [Chattanooga TN] 1979

WGOW [Chattanooga] 1980

WDOD [Chattanooga] 1983-1988

WLMX [Chattanooga] 1991-1995
Now: Greg says (9/07), "I retired from broadcasting
in 1995 to persue other intrests -- with the increasing use of automation and satellite services,
it was becoming apparent that live DJs were becoming a thing of the past, at least outside of
drive times, and even there live and local shows were being replaced with syndication; I work as
a truck driver with Averitt Express and, though I do enjoy the work, I miss broadcasting; I
would at some point like to put together a Web site of Chattanooga radio history -- something
similar to LARadio.com; if
anyone else would be interested in this, e-mail me..."

Gregg Anderson

WNAZ [Nashville] 1974-1976

WMAK [Nashville TN] 1975-1976

WKDA/WKDF [Nashville] 1977

WLAC [Nashville] 1978

WBHP [Huntsville AL] 1978

WHFD [Toledo OH] 1978

WQHK/WMEE [Ft. Wayne IN] 1979

WRFD [Columbus OH] 1980

WCIN/WBLZ [Cincinnati OH]
1980 - field ops dir

Storer Cable News [Covington OH] 1983-1986 - news dir

WKRC [Cincinnati] 1987 - aka Gregg Winston

WIZF [Cincinnati] 1990-1993
Now: Gregg says (Sep 2002), "While covering
the tragic and deadly church bus crash in Carroll County, Kentucky God gave me a new
'news assignment': to report the good news of Jesus Christ. I have travelled the world
doing ministry work, especially in the Republic of Latvia. I have been an interim pastor,
youth pastor and prison chaplain. During my days as a chaplain, I was able to minister to
inmates I already knew since I covered their crimes as a reporter." Click for more from Gregg.

Herb Oscar Anderson

WDGY [Minneapolis MN] 195?

WMCA [New York] 1958

WMGM [New York NY] 1959

WABC [New York] 1960 - Morning Mayor of New
York City
Herb Oscar Anderson died January 29, 2017 (Bennington, Vermont; age 88).See Herb Oscar Anderson, Crooning D.J. for WABC-AM, Dies at 88 (nytimes.com); Herb Oscar Anderson dead; WABC radio DJ was 88 (newsday.com); and
More on

Jerry Anderson

WCSY [South Haven MI] 1981-1982 - Scotty Jackson
Now: Jerry says (1/03), "I'm with
Cingular Wireless, Cincinnati, Ohio."

Jimmy Anderson

Braiker Radio Services [Bellevue WA] 1980-1990 - on air, ass't PD

KJR [Seattle WA] 1985

KXA/KYYX [Seattle] 1985

KAPA [Raymond WA] 1986

KLDY [Olympia WA] 1987

KMGI [Seattle] 1987

KJR [Seattle] 1988

KLTX [Seattle] 1988-1990

KidStar Radio [Seattle] 1993-1996 - on air, prod, character voices

RealNetworks [Seattle] 1998
Now: Jimmy says (9/06), "I am working at
RealNetworks, Inc based in Seattle, WA; I am the Security Operations Manager, but
still often freelance for voice-overs for software games, internet programs and other

Sleepy Lee Anderson

KNED [McAlester OK] 1965
Now: PD/DJ/GM at
Country KNED, McAlester, Oklahoma.

Mike Anderson
Now: General Manager at the Pickering
Companies, St. Louis MO.

Pat Anderson aka P.A.

KXRO/KDUX [Aberdeen WA] 1990

KWOK/KXXK [Aberdeen] 2001
Now: Pat says (1/07), "I am still at the Grays Harbor Radio Group (KXRO KDUX KXXK KWOK), Aberdeen WA --
Operations Manager (and mornings at Classic Rock KDUX-FM); doing local community-involved radio
and having a great time."

Robert Wayne Anderson

WQSM [Fayetteville NC] 1974-1975
Now: Robert Wayne says (6/05), "I retired from
radio in 1975; retired as a U.S. postmaster in 2001; living in Fayetteville North Carolina."

Todd Anderson

WCSJ [Morris IL] 1990

WJOL [Joliet IL] 1995-2000
Now: Todd says (3/13), "I run an online radio
station (WTRA) out of
my home studio in Palos Heights, IL that carries every Billboard #1, #2 and #3 hit from
1955 to present..."

Bill Andres

KSLX [Phoenix AZ] 1995-1996
Now: Bill says (5/06), "I successfully moved from
radio into PR and media training -- as president of Andres Associates, Phoenix, Arizona. I help clients get publicity in local,
national and international media. I also teach corporate execs and government officials how to
make their points in media interviews without getting sidetracked or misquoted by reporters.

Mark Andrew

WHTX [Pittsburgh] 1990

WIXZ [Pittsburgh] 1991

WWKS [Beaver Falls PA] 1992

WRRK [Pittsburgh] 1993

WVTY [Pittsburgh] 1993

WZPT [Pittsburgh] 1994

KOA [Denver CO] 1997

KNBR [San Francisco CA] 2001

KOA/KKZN [Boulder CO] 2002
Now: Creative Director, part-time talk-host,
bit producer at News/Talk KOA and weekends at Sports KKZN, Boulder/Thornton, Colorado.
Mark says (Sep 2002), "In addition to having a blast imaging one of the best radio stations
in the USA (KOA), I also am enjoying my opportunity to host a weekend show with Patrick
Watkins on KKZN (760 The Zone). Radio is fun." Click for more from Mark.

Bob Andrews

WLBE [Orlando FL] 1980
Now: Bob says (8/03), "I'm still hanging in
at one of the first stations I worked for (Talk WLBE); doing the morning show and more:
from grounds maintenance (keeps me in shape) ... to studio maintenance (very small
operation now); love being able to work and having somewhere I can use what little talent
I have left."

Chris Andrews

CFRB [Toronto ON] 1999 - Punch Andrews
Now: Chris/Punch says (Aug 2002), "I do
swing on Hot AC CKFM-FM, aerial traffic on News/Talk CFRB, and teach broadcasting
at Seneca College, Toronto, Ontaro,

'Outlaw' Dave Andrews

KRBE [Houston TX] 1988

Seattle Music Network [Dallas] 1990 - Davey Kuhl

KSAQ [San Antonio TX] 1992 - BOB

KLOL [Houston] 1993-2004

KIOL [Houston] 2005
Now: djrage2005@aol.com reports (5/05), "Dave has returned
to the airwaves on Rock KIOL-FM, Houston, Texas -- along with many KLOL alumni."

Smilin' Jay Andrews

KEOS [Flagstaff AZ] 1975 - Crazy Jay

KXIV [Phoenix AZ] 1980

KBBC [Phoenix] 1981

KARZ [Phoenix] 1983

KQYT [Phoenix] 1984

KMZK [Phoenix] 1985

KMEO [Phoenix] 1985

KSLX [Phoenix] 1986

KTOL [Olympia WA] 1988

KXXO [Olympia] 1990

KGY [Olympia] 2009
Now: Jay says (3/09), "I'm doing evenings at Adult
Contemporary KGY (AM 1240), Olympia, Washington." See oinkernet.com/emailjay.htm.

Jay Andrews

WMJE [Gainesville GA] 1995
Now: Vice President of Broadcasting for
Jacobs Media Corporation (WDUN, WMJE, WGGA), Gainesville, Georgia.

Mark 'Doc' Andrews

WJMS [Ironwood MI] 1970

WDET [Detroit MI] 1971

WBRB/WBRB-FM [Detroit] 1976

WOMC [Detroit] 1978

WQBH [Detroit] 1982 - Scooter

WCZY [Detroit] 1983

WOMC [Detroit] 1996-2003
Mark Andrews died Feb 21, 2004 after a
ten-month battle with colon cancer (age 51). See the Mark Edward Andrews (Grosse Pointe News).

Aaron Anthony

WSDR [Sterling IL] 1992

KMXG [Davenport IA] 1994

WHMS [Champaign IL] 1998

KURB [Little Rock AR] 1999

KSLZ [St. Louis MO] 2000

KYKY [St. Louis MO] 2003-2006

WNNS [Springfield IL] 2008

WVBO [Oshkosh WI] 2010

WRZQ [Greensburg, IN] 2012
Now: Aaron says
(1/21), "I do VO and Imaging Production for WMCE Erie, PA and WSRQ Sarasota, FL; also independent VO and production."

Al Anthony

KFXM [San Bernardino CA] 1965-1984
Now: Al says (1/17),
"I own Al Anthony Productions, Knoxville, TN; working on documentary, writing screenplay,
writing book about rock and roll, it's roots, development and its effect on a whole new

Big Bob Anthony

KLSN [Seattle WA] 1970

KSPO [Spokane WA] 1970

KREM [Spokane] 1972

KYNO [Fresno CA] 1974

KIQQ [Los Angeles CA] 1974

KGW [Portland OR] 1975

KREM [Spokane] 1976

KHJ [LA] 1977

KFRC [San Francisco CA] 1978

KLVR [Santa Rosa CA] 1981 - owner

KYUU [San Francisco] 1983

KFRC [San Francisco] 1985

KRLD [Riverside CA] 1999

KPKL [Spokane WA] 2012 - owner
Now: Big Bob Anthony (Fogal) is co-owner of,
and doing morning drive on, Classic Hits
KPKL-FM, Spokane, WA. See (Bob's Facebook page).

Dave Anthony

WJPA [Washington PA] 2002
Now: Dave says (9/12), I am
doing evenings at Oldies WJPA AM-FM, just outside of Pittsburgh; I'm also a Manager at
ACOSTA Sales and Marketing, a nationwide company that works in the grocery industry."

Ed Anthony

WLOL [Minneapolis] 1965
Now: Selling insurance in
Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Frank Anthony

KCBQ [San Diego CA] 1975 - Frank Phillips

KFMB/KFMB-FM [San Diego] 1978

XEPRS [San Diego - Tijuana, Mexico] 2003
Now: Frank says (12/03), "I am Production Manager
at the Mighty 1090, San Diego (Sportstalk XEPRS-AM)."

Gabe Anthony

WSFW [Seneca Falls NY] 1979

WDWN [Auburn NY] 1982

WECQ [Geneva NY] 1983-1991
Now: Director of Marketing & PR for the
Williamsport Crosscutters
Baseball Club (a farm club of the Pittsburgh Pirates). Gabe says, "I also host
a weekly show on the team, Cutters Close-Up. And I do voice-overs for local
radio and TV ads and national cable ads."

James Anthony

KRLG [Lawton OK] 1982 - Rick Austin

KKJO [St. Joseph MO] 1982 - Jim Scott

KLUR [Wichita Falls TX] 1984-1984 - Bobby
Hay Mitchell

KQUS [Hot Springs AR] 1987

KRMD [Shreveport LA] 1988
Now: James says (1/08), "KRMD-FM is owned by
Cumulus Broadcasting and is part of a five-station cluster in Bossier City, Louisiana; I
started out doing nights and am now the Assistant Program Director, Music Director,
Webmaster for two of the stations in our cluster and on the air Middays
from 10am-3pm; I've worked with a lot of cool people and look forward to hearing from
any you -- let's catch up!"

Jay Anthony

KARS [Belen NM] 1986-1989
Now: Jay says (6/04), "I am a family
entertainer/actor who loves to entertain people of all ages."

Jon 'Rock-n-Roll' Anthony

WSGN [Birmingham AL] 1974

WOKY [Milwaukee WI] 1975

WMPS [Memphis TN] 1976

WWKX [Nashville TN] 1978

WAVA [Washington DC] 1984

WZOU [Boston] 1985

WRBQ-FM [Tampa FL] 1985

WFLZ [Tampa] 1989

WRBQ-FM [Tampa FL] 1994 - 'Rockin'

WFLZ [Tampa] 1997

WLCL [Atlanta GA] 2004
Jon 'Rock-n-Roll'
Anthony (Thomas Andrew Tuggle) died Dec 30, 2012 in Tampa, Florida. See Jon ‘Rock and Roll’ Anthony: Goodbye to a Longtime Friend (from
JoJo Kincaid, Q105 (WRBQ-FM), Tampa, FL.

K.J. Anthony

WDRQ [Detroit MI] 1997
Now: Production Director at Top-40 WDRQ-FM,
Detroit, Michigan.

Marc Anthony

WWST [Knoxville TN] 2001
Now: Marc says (4/04), "I am Marc of Marc &
Kim in the Morning on Top-40 WWST-FM, Knoxville, Tennessee."

Mark Anthony

KIHT [St. Louis MO] 2000
Now: Mark says (1/03), "I am Marketing
Director and doing weekends at Classic Rock KIHT-FM, St. Louis, Missouri; and I'm doing
plenty of voice-over work."

Mike Anthony (Tony Jones)

KEWI/KMAJ [Topeka KS] 1986-1987
Now: Tony says (7/13), "Using some skills
learned in broadcast automation, I transitioned into IT for the Federal Government;
I accepted a buy-out at the end of 2011 after 25 years in Information Technology
and Telecommunications Management responsible for operations at as many as 47
offices. I'm keeping busy working on my golf game and enjoying photography &

Nick Anthony

KEAP [Fresno CA] 1962

KYNO [Fresno] 1963

WUBE [Cincinnati OH] 1966

KJR [Seattle WA] 1967

WSAI [Cincinnati] 1969

WWDJ [Hackensack NJ/NYC] 1971

WEFM [Chicago IL] 1973 - GM

KJR [Seattle] 1974

WIXY/WDOK [Cleveland OH] 1975 - VP

WGCI-FM [Chicago] 1975 - VP

KSEQ [Visalia CA] 1984 - owner
Now: Partner in Nick Anthony & Associates,
Visalia, CA (public relations, marketing, market research, event marketing:
209-740-4230 fax: 209-740-4232). Nick resides in Visalia, where he farms 40
acres of blue berries.

Rey Anthony

KOAZ [Tucson, AZ] 2003-2004
Now: Rey says (6/05), "I am doing freelance
voice work from my home studio in New York City."

Rick Anthony (Cipriani)

WCAM [Camden NJ] 1963

WPEN [Philadelphia PA] 1981-1988
Now: Rick's daughter Debbie Cipriani says (09/06), "Rick Cipriani
aka Rick Anthony suffered a fatal heart attack on December 2, 1988 while on the air at WPEN;
as my mother said at the time, 'He died doing what he loved.' Rick was my father; he loved
music and radio; he started out as a Top-40 Deejay at WCAM in Camden and was part of the
group who played "All Request Radio" there in the 1960s. In the early 1980s he was hired for
his dream job: hosting a weekly Big-Band show (Saturday nights) on WPEN; he loved the music
and was more knowledgable on the subject than anyone we knew; he developed a huge following,
and we received letters and Christmas cards from his appreciative listeners for years; he
brought joy to endless numbers of people through his work; and these people provided him
with joy, right back."

Ron Antill

WSHH [Pittsburgh PA] 1996
Now: Ron says (8/03), "I'm PD and doing
mornings (with partners Sara Lockard and Hank Baughman) at Adult Contemporary
WISH-FM, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania."

Dave Anton

KEYX [Phoenix AZ] 1986

WCBR-FM [Chicago IL] 1989

KREV [Minneapolis MN] 1994

KCFE [Minneapolis] 1997

WCCO [Minneapolis] 1998
Now: Dave says (8/05), "I am Production Director
at News/Talk WCCO, Minneapolis, Minnesota."

Charlie Apple

WPSL [Pittsburgh PA] 1966

WKPA [Pittsburgh] 1980

WLSW [Scottdale PA] 1993-2008
Charlie Apple
(Appel) died June 17, 2019 (age 77) in Pittsburgh, PA.

Bob Arbogast

WHB [Kansas City MO] 1951

WMAQ [Chicago IL] 1951

WEAW [Chicago] 1955

KSFO [San Francisco CA] 1959

KMPC [Los Angeles CA] 1962

KLAC [LA] 1967
Now: Retired. Residing in
Mariposa, California.

Pete Arbogast

KLIX [Twin Falls ID] 1978

KCIN [Victorville CA] 1979

KBOS [Tulare CA] 1980

KTIP [Porterville CA] 1980

KPRO [Riverside CA] 1982

KNX [Los Angeles CA] 1984 - USC pbp

KRTH [LA] 1984 - Clippers pbp

KFI [LA] 1990-1991 - Pete Hernandez

KNNZ [LA] 1994

WBOB [Cincinnati OH] 1997 - Bengals pbp

KMPC [LA] 2001 - USC pbp
Now: Pete is (July 2001) back for his second
stint as the voice of USC Trojan football on Sports KMPC, Los Angeles. Pete says,
"I have been married to Linda since 1983. I met her at Pro Riverside. Three kids:
Stephanie (1984), K.C. (son-1987), Veronica (1992). My dad is Bob Arbogast, also on
this site. Good to see so many familiar names here."

Earl Arbuckle

KRLA [Los Angeles CA] 1971-1977
Now: Currently VP of Engineering for Fox
Television Stations, Inc., New York, NY. Earl says, (July 2002), "My favorite years
were those spent at the KRLA transmitter in South El Monte. That water-cooled 50kw
Continental was awesome! Loved working (via the studio talkback) with Johnny Hayes,
Art Laboe, B. Mitchel Reed, Shadoe Stevens, Brother John, and all the rest. The
engineering staff, Jack Reeder, T. Q. Weatherall, Marv Collins, Phil Little, Chris
Hayes, et al were the best! Oak Knoll Broadcasting was a truly unique place to work!
It did a great job of putting me through college."

Archer (Dusablon)

WWON [Providence RI] 1968

WNRI [Providence] 1973

KBPS [Portland OR] 1973

KOIN [Portland] 1974

KROY [Sacramento CA] 1976

KMJK [Portland] 1977

KKBQ [Houston TX] 1980

KKRZ [Portland] 1986

KXYQ [Portland] 1987

KQLZ [Los Angeles CA] 1989

WPLJ [New York NY] 1989

WZLX [Boston MA] 1991

KMTT [Tacoma WA] 1992

KJOI [Fresno CA] 1995

KSOF [Fresno] 1998

XHEPR [El Paso TX/Juarez Mex] 2000

KQMT [Denver CO] 2002

KINK [Portland] 2008
Now: Archer reports (5/09) that he is with Adult
Album Alternative KINK-FM, Portand, Oregon.

Buzz Argo

WRXQ [Memphis TN] 1995

WMC-FM [Memphis] 1996

WMBZ [Memphis] 2001

Sirius Satellite Radio [Memphis] 2005
Now: Argo says (9/07), "I'm having a blast with Sirius
Elvis Radio; on LIVE mornings from Graceland 8am-1pm (CST)."

Amy Beth Arkawy

WGCH [Greenwich CT] 2000-2003
Now: Amy says (8/06), "I'm still in the metro
New York area, working as a freelance writer/radio talent and creativity coach/counselor;
I've had several plays produced in NYC and across the country; and I just finished my first
novel, Radio Karma!"

Dave Arlington

WBUD [Trenton NJ] 1971

WGRG [Pittsfield MA] 1971

WKIS [Orlando FL] 1973

WEAM [Washington DC] 1974

WCBM [Baltimore MD] 1974

WASH [Washington DC] 1983

WLTT [Bethesda MD] 1983

WTOP [Washington DC] 1990-1991
Now: Click on over to www.voanews.com -- and listen to
the Voice of America for news anchoring from Dave. He says, "WBUD was the ultimate
first job. The station turned me in to the NJ police for not changing my
out-of-state plates (that's okay ... they had no jurisdiction since I lived in
PA). Greetings also to the fine people of WLTT who fired me after I had the
highest morning ratings the station ever had ... which they haven't matched to
date (3/01)."

Bernie Armstrong

WTAE [Pittsburgh] 1964

KHON-TV [Honolulu] 1974

KHNR [Honolulu] 1992

KSSK [Honolulu] 1993

KQMQ [Honolulu] 1995

KHNL-TV [Honolulu] 1999-2003
Bernie Armstrong died Dec 21, 2007, in
Pleasanton, California after a long battle with cancer; Click
for more.

Don Armstrong

KLYX [Houston TX] 1971

KPRC [Houston] 1975-1993
Now: Don says (12/02), "I am news
anchor (since 1993) at KPRC-TV, Channel 2, Houston, Texas."

Jack Armstrong

WCOG [Greensboro NC] 1964 - John Larsh

WAYS [Charlotte NC] 1965 - John Larsh

WIXY [Cleveland OH] 1966

WKYC [Cleveland OH] 1967 - Big Jack

WMEX [Boston] 1968

CHUM [Toronto Ontario] 1968

WPOP [Hartford CT] 1969

KTLK [Denver] 1969

WKBW [Buffalo] 1970

WKTQ [Pittsburgh] 1973

KDKA [Pittsburgh] 1975

WHYI [Miami] 1975

WIFE [Indianapolis IN] 1976


KFI [LA] 1980

KFRC [San Francisco] 1982

KKHR [LA] 1984

KBOS [Tulare CA] 1988

WMQX [Winston-Salem NC] 1997

WWKB [Buffalo] 2002-2006
Jack Armstrong (John C. Larsh) died March 22,
2008 (62) after a fall down the stairs in his townhome in Greensboro, NC. See http://www.rollye.net/.

Mark Armstrong

KFYR [Bismarck ND] 1990-2002
Now: Mark says (12/09), "I am working as
Communications Liaison for North Dakota's Workforce Safety & Insurance (workers' comp);
I'm also an elected Burleigh County Commissioner and have lived in Bismarck, North Dakota
for 20 years; I'm dad to 10 kids (although my wife of 28 years does most of the work!);
I keep my hand in radio by doing substitute hosting on the Relevant Radio network of stations."

John Arndt

WPEN [Philadelphia PA] 2000
Now: John says, "I started with Greater
Philadelphia Radio Group in July 2000. Was promoted to Assistant Chief Engineer in
January 2002. Certified as Professional Broadcast Engineer (CPBE) in June 2001."

Matthew Arnett

WZXL [Atlantic City NJ] 2000-2003
Now: Matthew says (3/04), "I'm on the golf
course looking for the real killer and another morning radio job; R&R 2001 Industry
Achievement Award for Rock Personality/Show of the Year nomination."

Dave Arnold

WDRV [Charlotte NC] 1989-1996
Now: Dave says, "I have been in
newspaper advertising since 1996 at The County News, Statesville, North

Ed Arnold

WIOD [Miami FL] 2002
Now: I left radio full-time in 1996, and
journeyed into the business world; I still do radio part time whenever I can, and
voice-overs from my home studio."


KWG [Stockton CA] 1980

KWIN [Stockton] 1981

KUIC [Vacaville CA] 1984

KVYN [Napa CA] 1987

KHYL [Sacramento CA] 1997-2001

KVYN [Napa] 2003-2007
Now: Jay says (1/24),
"I am creator/host of The Arnold Almanac, a 90-second music-history feature that has grown
exponentially since going into national syndication in March 2022, carried on stations such as KNWN
Seattle and KYNO Fresno. In addition, I still play occasional co-host/co-producer of Friday Flashbacks
on KSJS, San Jose with BARHOF deejay Dennis Terry, playing great songs from 1955-1980, often going
DEEP into the pop charts."

Jim Arnold

KKZX [Spokane WA] 1991
Now: Jim says (03/14),
"After 35 years of wake up duty at a whole bunch of stations, I'm now doing afternoons in Spokane,
which is my hometown; it's a place I know all about, and appreciate living here and having the
opportunity to ply my trade with Classic Rock KKZX."

Lee Arnold

WTAI [Melbourne FL] 1968

WKPE [Cocoa Beach] 1970

WKKO [Cocoa FL] 1971

WORJ [Orlando FL] 1972

WGVL [Gainesville] 1976

98 Rock [Tampa FL] 1977

WAAF [Worcester MA] 1978

RCA Records [NY/Atlanta] 1979 - U.S. album director

WQFM [Milwaukee] 1982

WLLZ [Detroit] 1985

Lee Arnold Marketing [Milwaukee WI] 1987 - owner
Now: Lee says (5/07), "I am running Lee Arnold
Marketing (independent record promotion firm) and Lee Arnold Promotions (producer of ad
specialties and promotional products for radio and record companies), Milwaukee,
Wisconsin." See leearnold.com and

Don Arnsan

WGQR [Elizabethtown NC] 1997
Now: PM drive at Oldies WGQR-FM, Elizabethtown NC. Don says (8/04), "I am enjoying
a wonderful life, playing Oldies and Carolina Beach music here in Southeastern North Carolina.
It's great to be playing the same music I was playing when I started in this business. I
also own my own telecommunications company. I consult business owners on telecommunications

Daniel Arreger aka Danny Dare aka Dan Fox

KDUO [San Bernardino CA] 1965

KDES [Palm Springs CA] 1966

KFXM [San Bernardino] 1966

KWIZ [Los Angeles CA] 1967

KASH [Eugene OR] 1968-1968

KMEN [San Bernardino] 1973

KORL [Honolulu HI] 1973

KGMQ [Honolulu] 1973

KIOE [Honolulu] 1975-1976
Now: Dan says (1/09), "I'm living in Hawaii,
retired." See Danny
Dare Biography (from tigerradio-kfxm590.com) and KFXM's Danny Dare (1967) (from classicdjradioscrapbook.blogspot.com).

Richard Arsenault

Bob Arthur

KABC [LA] 1968
Bob Arthur retired in 1990. He died
March 25, 1997. Click for more on Bob.

Ray Arthur

WNNT [Warsaw VA] 1971

WMGM-FM [Atlantic City NJ] 1972

KLSS [Mason City IA] 1973

WCSM [Celina OH] 1974

WBTH [Williamson WV] 1978

KRRP [Coushatta LA] 1981 - GM

WKOL [Amsterdam NY] 1983 - VP/GM

WBSM [New Bedford MA] 1986 - VP/GM

WELV [Ellenville NY] 1988-1991 - GM

KZIQ [Ridgecrest CA] 1988-1991 - VP/GM

KRAJ [Ridgecrest] 1992-2003

KLOA [Ridgecrest] 2003-2007
Now: Ray says (7/23), "After
retiring from 21 years in radio in 1992 (DJ to VP/GM of 11 stations in 8 markets), I created and became
executive director of the Ridgecrest Area CVB and film commissioner of the Ridgecrest
Regional Film Commission; in 2007, I ended my 15-year-old weekend oldies show in
Ridgecrest and moved to Fresno, CA to create another new film commission there. In 2021 I retired from the
City of Fresno after 14 years and relocated to San Marcos, CA."

Jim Asendio

KDKA [Pittsburgh PA] 1976

WIND [Chicago IL] 1978

WINS [New York NY] 1980

CBS Radio News [New York] 1986

WCBS [New York] 1986

KFBK [Sacramento CA] 2001

KFWB [Los Angeles CA] 2002

WLIU [Southampton NY] 2002

WAMU [Washington DC] 2006-2012
Now: Jim says (8/12),
"I resigned from WAMU in February 2012..."

Leo Ashcraft aka Leo

WGUL [Tampa FL] 1986-1987
Now: Leo says (9/12), "I'm running Nexus Broadcast LLC, Mt. Vernon, Texas;
we handle FCC licensing for new and existing stations."

Chris Astle aka Chuck Adams

WUVA [Charlottsville VA] 1958

AFRTS [Tripoli Libya] 1961

WGH [Norfolk VA] 1964

WKEZ [Yorktown VA] 1983

WNIS [Norfolk] 1984

WQSF [Williamsburg VA] 1985

WHRV [Norfolk] 1990
Now: Mornings at NPR's WHRV,
Norfolk, Virginia. Chris (Chuck Adams) runs NPR's "Morning Edition" and
coordinates a project that presents tours and seminars for high school students
interested in journalism and broadcasting careers.

Phillip 'Buzz' Aston

WWSW [Pittsburgh PA] 1929

KDKA [Pittsburgh] 1933 - Buzz and Bill

WDTV/KDKA-TV [Pittsburgh] 1950-1957 - Buzz and Bill
Buzz Aston was the 'Buzz'
in the 'Buzz and Bill' Pittsburgh radio/TV team. He
died Dec 5, 2001 in Pittsburgh, PA. Click for more on

Ted Atkins aka Capt. Showbiz

KLAK [Denver CO] 1957

KCKN [Kansas City KS] 1958

KUDL [Kansas City] 1959

WHB [Kansas City MO] 1960

KIMN [Denver] 1961

KDAB [Denver] 1962

KBTR [Denver] 1964

KIMN [Denver] 1965

WOL [Washington DC] 1967

CKLW [Detroit MI] 1968

KFRC [San Francisco CA] 1969

KHJ [Los Angeles CA] 1970

KIIS [LA] 1973

WTAE [Pittsburgh PA] 1973 - GM

KROY [Sacramento CA] 1985 - co-owner

WWSW/WWSW-FM [Pittsburgh] 1989 - GM

WMXP [Pittsburgh] 1992 - brokered the
O'Brien & Garry show
Ted Atkins died Jul 19, 2012 (pancreatic
cancer, age 72) at Shadyside Hospital, Pittsurgh, PA. See Ted Atkins was
the architect of 1250/WTAE (Jeff Roteman's Radioville) and Ted Atkins / 'Captain Showbiz' leaves rich radio legacy

Steve Atkins

KHOF [Los Angeles CA] 1965

KCAL [Riverside CA] 1967

KTHO [South Lake Tahoe CA] 1968 -
Atkins in the AM

KSRO [Santa Rosa CA] 1969-1981 -
Atkins in the AM

KCLB/KLVR [Santa Rosa] 1981-1983

KZST [Santa Rosa] 1981-1983, 1985-1986

KYMS [Los Angeles] 1986-1989

KEZY/KORG [Los Angeles] 1992-1993

KMXN [Ontario CA] 2002-2003
Now: Steve says (11/16),
"I have been living in the beautiful Pacific Northwest since 2005, while packaging syndicated
programming from my studio in West Linn, OR. And, what would semi-retirement be without voice
work and programming your own flavor of radio on line. So I do those too. Along the way, there
were plenty of side jobs like recording engineer, Mass Comm instructor, video production, and
Sr. VP at Dab-Row Broadcast Advertising (Los Angeles - 1988-2001); through it all, I've learned
to appreciate the vital talent and passion demonstrated in every broadcast team member."

Jim Atkinson

WILS [Lansing MI] 1973

WVIC [Lansing] 1974

WILS-FM [Lansing] 1977

KADI [St. Louis MO] 1977

KWK [St. Louis] 1979-1984

WKBQ [St. Louis] 1986-1992

3WK [St. Louis] 1997 - owner
Now: Owner/Program Director
Web station 3wk.com. Jim says, "The
station has been on the net since December 97. Format: alternative. Listens:
400,000+ per month. Unique listeners: 150,000+ per month."

Gary Aube aka Magic Christian

CKQB [Ottawa, Ontario] 1992-1997 - GM
Now: Gary says (10/03), "
I am Director of Programming at Iceberg Media, Toronto, Ontario, Canada."

Mark Aulabaugh Mark McNeill

KSEY/KSEY-FM [Wichita Falls TX]
2002 - owner
Now: Mark owns Tejano KSEY and Country
KSEY-FM, Seymour (Wichita Falls), Texas."

Chip Austin

WAAL [Binghamton NY] 1981-1985
Now: Chip says, "I am self-employed;
design and write custom accounting software, including broadcast T&B software, in
Binghamton, New York."

J.T. Austin

WKZL [Winston-Salem NC] 1992-2003 - creative services dir
Now: J.T. says (3/04), "Unemployed since 12/2003,
I'm feverishly looking for work while trying to enjoy my time "On the Beach." Have set up
shop/studio here at home and am using it to produce and send out new demos as often as

Ronn Avalon

KGA [Spokane WA] 1992-2002
Now: Ronn says (9/07), "I am a quality
assurance specialist working with Virgin Mobile USA. I am a long-time radio vet who
believes in the power of speech and free music and I run kfir.iscool.net (Internet radio Web site)."

Avey aka John McKay

KKEG [Fayetteville AR] 1976

KERN [Bakersfield CA] 1977

KFXM [San Bernardino CA] 1978

KBZT [San Diego CA] 1979

KMJC [San Diego] 1979

KFMB [San Diego] 1979

KFMB-FM [San Diego CA] 1980-1983
Now: John says (6/07), "I am an AVID editor
at NBC News doing stories for NBC Nightly News and the Today show; it is
just like being in radio except for the delay..."

Loren Ayresman

KHAI [Honolulu HI] 1963

KORL [Honolulu] 1964

KPOI [Honolulu] 1966

KIVM [Lihue, Kauai HI] 1973

KGMB [Honolulu] 1973

KAHU [Honolulu] 1974-1974

KMAI [Honolulu] 1982-1982

KHLO [Hilo HI] 1984-1988

KAHU [Hilo] 1990-1990

KFMN [Lihue, Kauai HI] 1992-1992
Now: Loren is a bus driver for Jacks Tours,
Hilo (Big Island), Hawaii. He says, "I'm doing the least that I can in paradise. Too
many memories to list. Plus, I don't think the statute of limitations has passed
for some of those people..."