Radio Broadcasting History
Radio People by Name (R)
Joel Raab

WTHE [Long Island NY] 1972

WNYN [Canton OH] 1975

WGSM [Long Island] 1976

WJJD/WJEZ [Chicago IL]
1977 - Jay Stevens

WEEP [Pittsburgh PA] 1978 - Jay Stevens

WHK [Cleveland OH] 1981 - Jay Stevens

WHN [New York NY] 1983-1985

Joel Raab Associates [Langhorne PA] 1985 - president
Now: Joel says (5/07), "After leaving day-to-day
programming in 1985, I opened a radio programming consultancy specializing in country radio;
my clients include stations owned by major operators, including CBS Radio, Entercom, Beasley,
Bonneville International, Saga and others; I also work with ABC's Real Country and
Coast-to-Coast Networks; I am married with two children and live in Newtown, PA; favorite
story: when I was on the air in Pittsburgh I did a spirited talk about how great Barbara
Mandrell was, not knowing she was in the lobby listening; she burst into the studio, and
did the rest of the show with me sitting on my lap; don't you just love radio? I do!"
Jimmy Rabbitt

KGKB [Tyler TX] 1961 - Eddy Payne/Ronnie

KRYS [Corpus Christi TX] 1962 - Eddy Payne

KOLE [Beaumont TX] 1962 - Eddy Payne

KDOK [Tyler] 1963 - Eddy Payne

KLIF [Dallas TX] 1964

KCBQ [San Diego CA] 1968

KRLA [Los Angeles CA] 1969

ABC F.M. net [LA] 1971



KHJ [LA] 1973-1973

KGBS [LA] 1977

KSNO [Aspen CO] 1979

Satellite Music net [Dallas TX] 1988

KVIL [Dallas TX] 1989

KNUE [Tyler] 1990

KTMJ [Tyler] 1992

KTYL [Tyler] 1994

KDOK [Tyler] 1997 - Eddy Payne

KZKS [Rifle CO] 1997-2000

KAFM [Grand Junction CO] 2002
Jimmy Rabbitt died Nov 25, 2000
(age 79) in Grand Junction, Colorado. See Freeform Personality Jimmy Rabbitt
Remembered As Radio Renegade (insideradio.com).
Clark Race

W??? [Albany NY] 1958

KDKA [Pittsburgh PA] 1959-1970

Sat PM Dance Party KDKA-TV [Pittsburgh] 1963-1967 - host

KMPC [Los Angeles CA] 1971-1978

The Parent Game ABC-TV [LA] 1972 - host

KYUU [San Francisco CA] 1978

KBRT [LA] 1980

KYXY [San Diego CA] 1981-1986
Now: ejjeff@pa.net reports: Clark died of an apparent
heart attack Tuesday, July 27, 1999 while being treated for throat cancer. He
will be buried in his home town of Hudson, NY. He and his wife came back to
Pittsburgh in the 1980s to open up a bed and breakfast in Sewickley and
recently opened one in New Wilmington. He was 66 years old.

Rebekah Radisch

WXYC [Chapel Hill NC] 1980-1989 - as Carolyn Beck (news) Jenny Clash (DJ)

WCHL [Chapel Hill] 1981 - Carolyn Beck

WRBX [Chapel Hill/Durham NC] 1982-1983 - Becky Diamond

WRDU [Raleigh NC] 1984-1987

WDCG [Durham NC] 1987-1988 - Ashley

WTRG [Raleigh] 1988-1989

WBIG-FM [Washington DC] 1993-1995

WGMS [Washington DC] 1994-1995 - programming asst

WUNC [Chapel Hill] 1998

UNC-TV [RTP NC] 1999 - publicist, editor, announcer
Now: Rebekah says (12/10), "I am at North
Carolina's public television network, UNC-TV (since 1999); I work as editor of the monthly
program guide, CenterPiece, and in publicity and promotions for statewide and
national programming; since 2009 I also have provided on-air station promos as the voice
of UNC-TV."
Mark Radziewicz aka Mark Razz aka Razz

WACB [Kittanning PA] 1982 - Mark Richards

WKST [New Castle PA] 1983

WFEM [Ellwood City PA] 1985

WWKS [Beaver Falls PA] 1985

WBZZ [Pittsburgh PA] 1989

WAAF [Worchester MA] 1991

WAXQ [New York NY] 1993

WXRK [New York] 1996

WMMR [Philadelphia PA] 2000

Sirius Octane/Hair Nation [New York] 2005

WXTU [Philadelphia] 2006
Now: Evenings at Country WXTU-FM, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. Razz says (4/06), "I am working at a country station after many years in Rock
radio; it's a challenge and a hell of alot of fun; I am never afraid to reinvent
myself or take on a challenge; If you don't have a Country station on your resume,
get one! I am always stoked to hear from old friends and listeners. Send a note."
Now: at Classic Rock KBFX-FM,
Anchorage, Alaska.
Walt 'Failsafe' Radke

KHJ [LA] 195?
Now: Retired.

Franklin Raff

CJMQ [Lennoxville Québec] 1988 - Bishop's School

WYBC [New Haven CT] 1992 - VP, Acting GM

WFQX [Winchester VA] 1997

WNTW [Winchester VA] 1998

WCGA [Brunswick GA] 2000

Radio America networks [Washington
DC] 2003
Now: Franklin says (1/05), "I am Executive
Producer / Creative Producer for Radio
America networks, Washington, DC (The G. Gordon Liddy Show, The Michael
Reagan Show). I am also running Raff
Radio Marketing Group, a radiocentric media buying house & creative shop, Washington
Lou Rafino

WNBC [New York] 197?

WFAN [New York] 1989
Now: Engineer/board operator for Imus in the
Morning at sports/talk WFAN, New York
Roger Rafson

WEEF [Chicago] 1969

WVVX [Chicago] 1972

WEFM [Chicago] 1975

WPGU [Urbana IL] 1976 - GM

WILL [Urbana] 1979-1980 - mgt (uiuc.edu)

WSHH [Pittsburgh PA] 1982-1982
Now: Roger says (12/13), "Since 1982 I've
been president of Commercial Media
Sales, a rep firm specializing in small and medium market radio stations located
all over America; in 2003 we began brokering stations as well."

Beau Raines

WPEZ [Pittsburgh] 197?

KWK [St. Louis MO] 1979

WLVE [Miami FL] 1984

WKRL [Clearwater FL] 1986

WFYV [Jacksonville FL] 1990

KCFX [Kansas City MO] 1991

WROR [Boston MA] 2001

WZLX [Boston] 2002
Now: Program Director at Classic Rock
WZLX-FM, Boston Massachusetts.
Jon Raker

WMHX [Harrisburg PA] 2005-2007 - Jon Ryan
Now: Jon says (3/07), "I direct several funeral
homes and cemeteries through out central Pennsylvania; I live with my beautiful wife and
awesome kids in Exeter, PA and can be found volunteer firefighting, playing a great game of
neighborhood football and just relaxing with the family at one of the area antique malls; I
also own an ice-cream, funnel cake and lemonade concession business, which keeps everyone
real fat and busy."
Bob Rall

WTYX [Jackson MS] 1991-2003
Now: Bob says (2/05), "I am semi-retired
(doing voice-overs) in Jackson, Mississippi."

Rick Ralph

CJCL [Toronto ON] 2007
Now: Rick says (1/07), "I'm the morning sportscaster
with the Landry and Stellick morning show (Don Landry and Gord Stellick) on Sports CJCL,
Toronto; have been a professor of broadcast journalism and improvisation at Seneca College
since January of 2001."
Chip Ramsey

WCIL [Carbondale IL] 1980

WEBQ [Carbondale] 1982

WGBF [Evansville IN] 1983

WBOW [Terra Haute IN] 1987

WLRW [Champaign IL] 1987

WAZY [Lafayette IN] 1988

WBOW [Terra Haute] 1990-1992

WNTC [Evansville] 1995

WNSR [Nashville TN] 1997

WJOX [Birmingham AL] 2000

WJOL [Joliet IL] 2002

WSSP [Milwaukee WI] 2004

WLKN [Sheybogan WI] 2007
Now: Chip says (10/07), "I am doing mornings on Adult Contemporary
WLKN-FM, Sheybogan-Manitowoc Wisconsin."
Dan Ramsey

KVAN [Vancouver WA] 1981-1982
Now: Dan says (3/19), "Discovering that radio was
'fame, fortune, and food stamps,' I became a freelance writer, authoring HOW TO BE A DISC JOCKEY
(TAB Books, 1981) and 103 other non-fiction books. Now retired and living in northern California --
and helping out with a LP FM."
Ed Ramsey

WBAC [Cleveland TN] 1981

WALV [Chattanooga TN] 1983
Now: Mornings (w/Mike Lee) at Top-40
WALV-FM, Chattanooga, Tennessee. Ed says (10/04), "I've never worked anywhere but
Cleveland/Chattanooga, Tennessee. I work with a super guy (Mike Lee ... he tells me he's
great all the time). Brewer Broadcasting is a great employer and I appreciate the wonderful
audience we have."

John Ramsey

WCCC/WCCC-FM [Hartford CT]
1998 - Chief Technical Officer
Now: John says (1/09), "In addition to
working at WWUH (University of Hartford) and WCCC, I am president of Ramsey
Communications Services (radio engineering consulting and contracting); I'm also
the chair of Chapter 14 of the Society of Broadcast Engineers (2009)..."
Bret Ramthun

WXCL [Peoria IL] 2003 - B.J. Stone
Now: Bret says (6/03), "I am APD and MD
(as B.J. Stone) at Country WXCL-FM, Peoria, Illinois."
David Rancken

KODA [Houston TX] 1992

KVIL [Dallas TX] 2005
Now: David says (8/05), "I have moved to
Dallas and joined the morning
show at Adult Contemporary KVIL."

Ted Randal

KASH [Eugene OR] 1947

CHUM [Toronto] 195?

KROY [Sacramento] 195?

KOBY [San Francisco] 1956

KPIX-TV [San Francisco] 1958 - dance show host

KEWB [San Francisco] 1959

KDWB [Minneapolis] 195?

KFWB [LA] 1961

KFI [LA] 1968

XPRS [San Diego - Tijuana, Mexico] 1971 - consultant

CHUM [Toronto] 1971 - consultant

CKSL [London Ontario] 1974 - consultant

CKAN [Toronto] 1986 - PD/manager
Now: Retired and residing in Florida.
Jeff Randall

KNBQ [Tacoma WA] 1984-1988
Now: Jeff says (7/11), "I am living in the
Seattle area; since 1997 I have been out of radio - while continuing to do freelance
voice-over work and special events and sports announcing..."
Rich Randall

WSKZ [Chattanooga TN] 1997
Now: Rich Randall is local co-host of the John Boy & Billy
Big Show on Classic Rock WSKZ-FM (KZ-106), Chattanooga, Tennessee. Rich says (11/04),
"I am semi-retired from daily broadcasting and producing individual radio shows, marketing
and advertising conulting, and media (talent) consulting; and living in Atlanta, Georgia."
Bill Randle

The Green Hornet/Hermit's Cave [Detroit MI] 1940s - radio actor

freelance radio gigs [Chicago, Cleveland, Akron] 1940s

WERE [Cleveland OH] 1949-1961

Top DJ in America [] 1955 - TIME magazine

WCBS [New York NY] 1956 - Saturday show

WBBG [Cleveland] 198?

WRMR [Cleveland] 1990-200?
Now: Bill Randle died July 9, 2004 (cancer)
at the Hospice of the Western Reserve, Cleveland, Ohio. John Rook reports, "Bill Randle, ‘The Pied Piper
of Cleveland’, has signed off for the last time, he was 81. Bill was a disc jockey before
they had a name for it, starting a radio career in 1949 Cleveland at WERE, many unknown
big stars of the future including Elvis Presley were introduced by Randle to Buckeye
radio listeners. His recommendation alone opened the door of stardom for dozens of unknown
singers in the 1950s as an exciting rhythmic sound called rock ’n’ roll began its march
across America much to the delight of teenagers and the shock of concerned parents. Bill
Randle deserves a special place in Cleveland’s Rock ’n’ Roll Hall of Fame." See Bill Randle 1923-2004 from the Cleveland Plain Dealer.

Wayne Randle

WVOK [Birmingham AL] 1981-1990
Now: Wayne says, (2/08), "I joined the U.S.
Federal Emergency Management Agency in Atlanta, Georgia in 1989; I can remember like
yesterday the days in Birmingham Radio..."
Bob Randolph aka Cowboy Bob

WYXZ [Mansfield OH] 2001-2002
Now: Bob says (8/04), "I'm out of radio,
working for the American Bowling
Congress in public relations (since August 2002)."
Johnny Randolph

KYTE [Newport OR] 1991
Now: Johnny (John R. Wareham) is
PD and DJ at Hot AC KYTE-FM, Newport, Oregon.

Al Rantel

WINZ [Miami FL] 1977

KNX [Los Angeles CA] 1978

WNWS [Miami] 1979

WFTL [Miami] 1991

KABC [Los Angeles] 1997
Now: Al talks evenings at News/Talk KABC, Los Angeles.
Ken Raposa

WRKO [Boston] 1972

production company [Boston] 1984 - owner
Killed in 1987 motorcycle accident at the
age of 37.

Paul Rasmussen

KDKA [Pittsburgh PA] 2007
Paul does the KDKA Morning news -- with Larry Richert and John Shumway. He says
(10/17), "I worked part-time in the Top-40 era in the late 1970s in my hometown and
as a college student. Tried sales and sales management in the mid to late 1980s, went
back to college and eventually landed a job in news, which was what I was most
interested in from the beginning! Have been anchoring for 20+ years."
Gary Ratcliff
Now: The old 'Nighthawk' is now VP/GM
of KONI, Maui, Hawaii.

Dave Ratcliffe aka Captain Dave Edwards

WKBO [Harrisburg PA] 1971-1975
Now: Dave says (12/17), "I retired in 2015."
Chris Rathaus aka Chris Randall

WPRO [Providence RI] 1964

WLOB [Portland ME] 1967

WPTR [Albany NY] 1968 - Chris 'Topher' Randall

WKNR [Detroit MI] 1969 - Chris Ryan

WBMJ [San Juan PR] 1970

KDKA [Pittsburgh PA] 1972

WOWO [Ft. Wayne IN] 1973

WDAE [Tampa FL] 1976-1977

Sun Radio Net [Clearwater FL] 1994 - syndicated Talk host: The Rat House

WRMF/WJNO [West Palm Beach FL] 1996

WQAM [Miami FL] 1997

Radio Ink magazine [-] 199? -
producer: Radio Live series

RadioCentral Internet radio [San Francisco CA] 2001

Sirius Satellite Radio [New York]
2002-2006 - talk channel imaging, promos
Chris Rathaus died May 18, 2006.
John Ravenscroft aka John Peel

KOMA [Oklahoma City] 196?

KLIF [Dallas] 196?

WRR [Dallas] 196?

KIMN [Denver] 1964

KMEN [San Bernardino CA] 1966

Radio London (pirate) [London England UK] 1967

BBC Radio 1 [London] 1967-2004
Now: John Ravenscroft aka John Peel died Oct 26,
Bill Ray

KSKG [Salina, KS] 1996

KYEZ [Salina, KS] 2004
Now: Bill says (3/04), "I'm Program Director and
morning personality on Country KYEZ-FM, Salina, Kansas."

Billy Ray

KTON [Belton TX] 2004
Now: Billy says (1/06), "I am in Belton on air
producing a Classic Country Format with a Texas flavor: playing the legends of Country,
Texas greats and newcomers, and long lost music Top-40 Country has forgotten."
Bob Ray

KMPC [Los Angeles CA] 1967-1968 - sports writer

KSRF [Los Angeles] 1968-1969

KACE [Riverside CA] 1968

WSAR [Fall River MA] 1969-1970 - Tom Mitchell

KLIV [San Jose CA] 1970-1979

KEEN [San Jose] 1975-1978

KSFO [San Francisco CA] 1979-1980
Now: Bob says (11/07), "My rollercoaster radio
ride came to an abrupt end in San Francisco and I began working with smaller clients on
their radio advertising; clients recommended to me by friends I'd made in the sales
department during my ten years at KLIV in San jose. Freelance work turned into a small
advertising agency which blossomed over nearly thirty years into one of the Bay Area's
premier advertising and marketing nameplates: Bob Ray Creative Services. I readily admit
that I've had more fun, been blessed with more success and enjoyed more of life than was
likely meant to be my share. I am forever grateful to those who extended both hands to open
doors that were closed; providing a guiding light on dark inroads; giving me confidence
when my own was lacking. Charlie Tuna's generosity to a college kid on the phone helped get
the snowball rolling down the hill and today - forty years later - I'm happy to say the
snowball is still rolling. My advertising agency thrives while others have fallen, my
voice-over career brought me back in the summer of 2007 to where it all started in Los
Angeles and, with a little luck, I'll have time to climb some a few more mountains. Radio
has always been the great love of my life and although she dumped me years ago, I'd take
her back in a second. There is no ride like radio even though it's a job you start to lose
the day you are hired."
Don Ray

WYND-FM [Hatteras NC] 1996-2000
Now: Don says (9/11), "I am an ordained
minister and chaplain emergency response counselor in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina; I also
play drums part time."
Kelley Ray

KWHN [Fort Smith AR] 2010
Now: Kelley says (3/12), "I am still doing
radio, since 1990, with Clear Channel in Fort Smith, Arkansas."
Matt Ray

WAPE [Jacksonville FL] 1996-1999
Now: Matt says (6/03), "I am Director of
Creative Services for Cox Radio Group, Jacksonville, Florida; also shopping agents,
running Matt Ray Productions on the
side, and raising two boys. Still playing in the sandbox. If it weren't for digital
editors I'd probally be in the seminary by now."

Rob Ray

WBRV [Boonville NY] 1985-1985

WZOZ [Oneonta NY] 1988

WCDO [Sidney NY] 1990
Now: Rob says (6/07), "I do morning
drive and am News Director at Adult Contemporary WCDO, Sidney New York; we were forced
to broadcast from our tower site outdoors, with a laptop, an old mike mixer, and cell
phones to gather emergency information, after floods forced us out of our downtown
location. We received all sorts of accolades for staying on the air and bringing
information to our area after devastation hit our area."
Steve Ray

WOHN [Herndon VA] 1976

WPGC/WPGC-FM [Washington DC] 1976

WPFW [Washington] 1979

KKUR [Ventura CA] 1989

KIST [Santa Barbara CA] 1990

KHTX [San Bernardino CA] 1991

KLIT [Los Angeles CA] 1991

KMPC [LA] 1993

KERN [Bakersfield CA] 1993

KDES [Palm Springs CA] 1993

KRCI [Avalon CA] 1994 - GM

KGRB [LA] 1994 - GM

Westwood One Oldies Channel [LA] 1995

ICRT [Taipei] 1996

KRLA [LA] 1998

KOLA [San Bernardino] 1999

WBIG-FM [Washington DC] 2000
Now: Host/Creator of "Rock & Roll
Revue" at WBIG-FM (Oldies 100), Washington, DC.
Gene Rayburn

WNEW [New York] 1946-1952

Monitor, NBC Radio [LA] 1960s/70s - co-host

Match Game, NBC-TV [LA] 1962-69 - host

Match Game, CBS-TV [LA] 1973-79 - host

Hollywood Squares, NBC-TV [LA] 1983-84 - host
Passed away in
Glouster, Massachusetts, Nov 29, 1999 [age 81].

Hal Raymond

WDZ [Decatur IL] 1957

WEEK [Peoria IL] 1958

KISN [Portland OR] 1959

KAYO [Seattle WA] 1961

KBOX [Dallas TX] 1962

WDGY [Minneapolis MN] 1962

KGW [Portland] 1964

KEX [Portland] 1968

WSBA [York PA] 1973

WOYK [York] 1995-1998
Hal Raymond died of ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) August 8, 2005.
Steve Raymond

WZIX [York PA] 1979 - Randy Bell

WYCR [York] 1980

WRHY [York PA] 1981

WPCN [Stroudsburg PA] 1982

WSBG [Stroudsburg] 1984

WNCK [Providence RI] 1986

WHTF [Lancaster] 1987

WZXL [Atlantic City NJ] 1990
Now: Steve says (4/07), "I am PD and morning
host at Rock WZXL-FM, Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Jeff Raynor

WXMY [Saltville VA] 2000-2007 - owner
Now: Jeff says (5/23), "I left radio in 2008 after
owning some stations of my own, and making lots of money for other owners. Since 2011 I have been
doing voiceovers, narration and even audio books (about 40 of them now) from my studio in the
Norfolk area. I'm still doing some part time stuff for a few stations around the country, and
loving being able to just relax. Hoping to reconnect with some of my old radio buddies on here;
lets do lunch!"

Bob Read

KNUZ [Houston TX] 1972-1972
Now: Bob says (7/12), "After many years on
the air I changed into the engineering domain. I worked with the real professionals -
Star Stations, Drake, RKO, and networks; I learned from the best and after more than 40
years in the business I now understand that today, radio is CRAP - bottle-fed,
pre-recorded, multi-station ownership; it has all changed, and not for the best."
Tom Reason (Tommy Fairweather)

KOTZ [Kotzebue AK] 2001-2001 - GM
Now: Tom says (10/07), "I'm working as a technical
support specialist for National Oilwell Varco, Houston, Texas; I'm finally using that
electronics experience and training to make really decent money and loving life; I love radio,
but we all know that it's almost impossible to make a decent living in radio these days;
please email me, I love hearing from old friends and co-workers..."
David Reaves

WHTZ [Newark/NY] 1988-1996 - CE
Now: David says (10/02), "I am with
TransLanTech Sound, LLC, New York, NY, creators of the award-winning Ariane Stereo
Audio Leveler."
Jeff Rechner

InterFM [Tokyo Japan] 1996-1998

CKLG [Vancouver BC] 2003-2007
Now: Jeff says (7/07), "I have moved my voice
business to Los Angeles, California, where the Voice Boy empire continues to expand."

Dick Record

1971 - GM/president
Now: Dick says (4/15),
"Semi-retired (2009); Still working, national sales, board of directors at several Midwest
Family stations (including WIZM, WIZM-FM), doing some real estate buying-selling, involved
in loads of community groups, boards including Wisconsin Broadcasters (VP of radio), member
Wisconsin Broadcasters Hall of Fame, couple of university foundations. Travel (foreign)
couple times a year."
Jon Rector

WSCM [Panama City FL] 1960 - Jolly Jon

WPCF [Panama City] 1967-1968

WYOU [Tampa FL] 1970-1971
Now: Jon says (7/03), "I'm a technical
training consultant. My board and control room has turned into a classroom. My audience
is now just 10-20 years of age. It's still exciting to know that I can still speak, and
maybe make a difference. WSCM and WDLP always were in competition for listeners and
revenue in Panama City. Our station manager, Gene Millsteen, and the WDLP manager got
into a verbal exchange once that went something like this: WDLP mgr said, 'WSCM
must mean, we slaughter country music.' Gene said, 'WDLP, we do lousy
Kidd Redd

WKDF [Nashville] 1989
Now: Program Director at WKDF-FM, Nashville.
Clay Redden

WCOV [Montgomery AL] 1977

Alabama Information Net [Montgomery] 1979

NBC Radio Net [Montgomery] 1979-1989 - Alabama news

WCOV [Montgomery] 1980

WBAM [Montgomery] 1981

WIGC [Montgomery] 1982

Alabama Radio Net [Montgomery] 1983

WACV [Montgomery] 1985

WLWI [Montgomery] 1991-1991
Now: Clay says (10/03), "I recently ended
27 years in radio, newspaper and wire service (UPI) journalism to become public
information director for the Alabama House of Representatives."

Mal Redin

WYEP [Pittsburgh PA] 1974 - aka John

LBC [London England UK] 1979

The Source NBC [New York NY] 1985-1997 - London correspondent
Now: Mal says (6/07), "I am teaching radio
and TV production and theory to students at City and Islington College and the University
of Westminster, both in London." Click for more from Mal.
B. Mitchel Reed - The Beemer

WOR [New York] 1956

KFWB [LA] 1957

WMCA [New York] 1963

KFWB [LA] 1965

KPPC [LA] 1968

KMET [LA] 1968

KRLA [LA] 1971

KMET [LA] 1972

KLOS [LA] 1981

Global Satellite NetworkRockline [LA] 1981 - host
Passed away at his home in LA in March 1983
(heart condition).
Don K. Reed

WLIR [Long Island NY] 1963

WCBS-FM [New York NY] 1972
Now: ndwrms@pacbell.net reports (July 2002), "Don has
just passed his 30-year mark on legendary NYC Oldies station WCBS-FM, and is one of
only two jocks (Bill Brown is the other) who's been there since they went oldies in

Donna Reed

WQDR [Raleigh NC] 1985-1987 - Donna Belle

WRDU [Raleigh] 1988-1995

WCXR [Washington DC] 1987-1988

KLOL [Houston TX] 1998-2000
Now: Donna says (8/05), "I am a voice-over talent for TV news and
sports networks and am represented by the William Morris Agency in New York."
Jerry Reed

WIBX [Utica NY] 1983-1987
Now: Jerry says (11/02), "I am Senior Media
Relations Specialist with the Oneida Indian Nation and its Turning Stone Casino Resort
30 miles east of Syracuse, New York. I also do free-lance voice-overs and on-camera
acting for video production companies."
Nick Reed

WEKT [Elkton KY] 1997 - owner
Now: Nick says (6/04), "I co-own Gospel WEKT
in Elkton, Kentucky. Our station is automated about 65% of the day and after 30 years,
my DJ'ing days are pretty much over. I do a lot of commercial production along with
handling advertising sales. I also work at the FOX & UPN Television Stations in
Nashville, TN. I'd love to hear from any of my long time aquaintences in the radio

Tim Reed

WWKY [Lexington KY] 1980 - Eric

WAXU [Lexington] 1982

WJMM [Lexington] 1987 - Paul

WFKY [Frankfort KY] 1990-1991
Now: Tim is a motion picture
projection and sound service engineer for ASC Companies, in West Palm Beach, FL.
He says, "I've also built a video production suite (Cinex Studios, Florida) to
make special-interest and short-run videos. Some of my film library can be seen
in "The Drive-In" episode of Fox Television's "That 70s Show", as well as in
numerous documentaries. Look for me in the text of the "Drive-In Movie Memories"
book, by Don and Susan Sanders; for which I also contributed many of the
Bryan Reeder

KYKS [Lufkin TX] 1994 - Mark Reed

KAVX/KSWP [Lufkin] 1998

KVTT [Dallas TX] 2005

KITY/KOTY [Llano/Mason TX] 2011

KSAM, KHVL [Huntsville TX] 2014

KBHT [Waco TX] 2020

KSAM, KHVL [Huntsville] 2022
Now: Bryan says (6/22), "I
have returned to KSAM and KHVL in Huntsville, TX as Operations Manager/Program Director."
John Lewis Reeder aka Johnny Lewis

KDOL [Lancaster CA] 1961

KREO [Indeo CA] 1962 - CE

KWIZ [Los Angeles CA] 1965

KTBT [Los Angeles] 1970-1972
Now: John says (3/05), "In 1978 I started
as Chief Engineer for the then UCLA Department of Theater, Film & TV. The position did
not include a teaching assignment, but with my background I guest lectured in TV
production classes, as I do today, on technical issues and the operation of new
production and recording equipment. Over the years, I have upgraded the UCLA Film &
Television Studios three times and have advanced most major production elements to
digital. As a major architect of all things video at UCLA's School of Film, and
Television, I am quite busy but still find time to do voice-overs for student films.
I also record DJ tapes & CD's, just for fun, calling them The Melnitz Music Machine
named for Melnitz Hall, home of the Film & Television school's production facilities." Click for more from John.
Leighton Reed-Nickerson

WDNH [Honesdale PA] 1977-1978 - owner: Linc Nickerson
Now: Leighton says (2/09), "I am Senior Manager
for Qualcomm's MediaFLO (live TV to your hand-held device); I have been a ham radio operator
since 1959 (ex K10DC, ex W2HIE, now W7HIE)."

Gary Reese

WRBR [South Bend IN] 1994
Now: Gary says (2/09), "I am still at Rock
WRBR-FM, South Bend, Indiana; I have been a weekend DJ since 1994 which has turned
out to be my longest job held..."
Warren Tracy Reese

KQCY [Quincy CA] 1968

KFLW [Klamath Falls OR] 1968

KJAY [Sacramento CA] 1969

KLIL [Ukiah CA] 1971

KPSI [Palm Springs CA] 1971

WCNL [Newport NH] 1972 - GM

KCNO [Alturas CA] 1972-1972

KNBA [Vallejo CA] 1975

KPH [Point Reyes Station CA] 1976-1997 - Morse Code station CE

KOIT [San Francisco CA] 1997-1999
Now: Warren says (7/09), "I am I am retired (as
of 2007) in Eureka, CA, doing mostly nothing, but with lots of memories: a 35-year career
in 28 cities, coast to coast and I would surely love to hook up with some of my old
friends." More from Warren.
Dale Reeves

WLRS [Louisville KY] 1964

WINN [Louisville] 1965

WAKY [Louisville] 1966

WKLO [Louisville] 1967

WNHC [New Haven CT] 1968

KSTT [Davenport IA] 1969 - Brian Alexander Christie

WIRL [Peoria IL] 1970 - Jonathon Christie

WIFE [Indianapolis IN] 1971 - Jonathon Christie

WOWO [Ft. Wayne IN] 1972

WCDQ [New Haven] 1973

WGBS [Miami FL] 1976

WJW [Cleveland OH] 1978

WGCI [Chicago IL] 1978

WDEE [Detroit MI] 1978

WKTU [New York] 1979-1982

WRKI [Danbury CT] 1986

WKCI [New Haven CT] 1989-1991

WSIX [Nashville TN] 1998

WSM-FM [Nashville] 1999

Sirius Satellite Radio [New York] 2001

WKGC [Panama City FL] 2004
Now: Dale says (10/05), "I do a show on WKGC, Panama
City, Florida; it is public radio so I get to play the music I love; an eclectic mix of Jazz
and Standards." He fills us in, "I was, along with the Real Bob James, one of the founders of
ACN (The American Comedy Network) and worked for them full time from 1983 to 1987 and part time
through 1994. I have always been in and out of radio because I've spent so much time doing VO
work. I am the voice of President Clinton in the Beavis and Butthead movie and just recently got
another residual check - after almost 10 years. Who Knew! I have a VO studio in Florida where I
do voices and radio liners for folks around the country and I was one of the original hosts hired
for the launch of Sirius radio. That gig lasted almost three years. Your site really brought
back a lot of memories. I've worked with a lot of the talented people listed. It is nice to know
where these great personalities are now."
Ron Reeves

WJZF [Tallahassee FL] 1996-1997
Now: Ron says (11/02), "I'm in Operation
Enduring Freedom, military journalist/broacaster, Afghanistan."

Jack Regan

WCWR [Clearwater FL] 1969

WILZ [St. Petersburg FL] 1973

WDAE [Tamps FL] 1974

WLCY [St. Petersburg] 1975

KBEQ-FM [Kansas City MO] 1977

KXKX [Denver CO] 1975

KIMN [Denver] 1978

KTLK [Denver] 1979

WZZP [Cleveland OH] 1980

KOAQ [Denver] 1980-1987

KKPK [Colorado Spring CO] 2005
Now: Jack says (4/09), "I am in Denver doing
voice-over commercials, and I own a wholesale car business; plus I do weekend work on Adult
Contemporary KKPK-FM (92.9 The Peak), Colorado Springs, Colorado."
Scott Regen

WFUN [Miami] 1963

WKNR [Detroit] 1965

CKLW [Detroit] 1969

WKNR [Detroit] 1970
Now: Freelancing (writing/producing)
in New York City.
Ron Reger

WEZO [Rochester NY] 1971

WNYR [Rochester] 1971

WPHD [Buffalo NY] 1974

WEBR [Buffalo] 1974

WFMS [Indianapolis IN] 1976

WMYK [Norfolk VA] 1976

WNOR [Norfolk] 1977

WMYG [Pittsburgh PA] 1988

WHRO [Norfolk] 1989

WTAR/WLTY [Norfolk]
1990-1993 - VP/GM
Now: Ron says (6/08), "I am strategic
business planner at the Virginia Housing Development Authority in Richmond -- at VHDA
since 1993."
Aaron Rehkopf aka Bill Rehkopf

WWCH [Clarion PA] 1986

WMKX [Brookville PA] 1987

WPXZ [Punxsutawney PA] 1991

WKSB/WRAK [Williamsport PA] 1992

WHP/WKBO [Harrisburg PA] 1993

WARM [Scranton PA] 1996

WRBT [Harrisburg PA] 1996 - Harvey Taylor

WPOC/WSMJ/WCAO [Baltimore MD] 1999

KDKA [Pittsburgh] 2007

WNEW [Washington DC] 2012

WCBS [New York NY] 2016-2017
Now: Aaron/Bill says (11/17), "I am with
CBS News, Washington, DC."

Clark Reid

KKIS [San Francisco] 1988

KYA [San Francisco] 1992

KSFO [San Francisco] 1992

KYCY [San Francisco] 1994

KBAY [San Jose CA] 1994

KBGG [San Francisco] 1994

KABL [San Francisco] 1997
Now: Program Director at Nostalgia KABL,
San Francisco, California.
Jim Reid

WODE [Allentown PA] 1999-2002
Now: Jim says (8/21), "After teaching 35 years and in and
out of radio for nearly 45 years, I am retired. It's been a great ride and I have met a lot of great
and talented people. My highlight was being included in the Legends Weekend at WODE, Oldies 99, in 1999."
Denis Reidy

WXLO [New York NY] 1974-1976

WSGA [Savannah GA] 1977-1981 - Denis Reid

WRNL [Richmond VA] 1983-1985 - Denis Day

WDYL [Richmond] 1986-1987

WCMS [Norfolk VA] 1989-2000

WNIS/WTAR [Norfolk] 2000

WKCK [Norfolk] 2004-2005

WUSH [Norfolk] 2010
Now: Denis says (5/10), "I am Production
Director at Country WUSH-FM, Poquoson, Virginia."
Mike Reily

KDON [Salinas CA] 1987

KXXX [San Francisco] 1990

KFRC [San Francisco] 1991

KFRC-FM [San Francisco] 1992

KYA [San Francisco] 1993

KSFO [San Francisco] 1993

KBGG/KABL [San Francisco] 1996

Comquest [San Diego] 1996

Premiere Radio Networks [Los Angeles CA] 1998

KIIS [Los Angeles] 2001

Premiere Radio Networks [Los Angeles] 2004 - Mediabase
Mike says (5/05), "I am with the Mediabase
division of Premiere Radio Networks (syndicate), Los Angeles, California."
Mike Reineri

WIXY [Cleveland OH] 1968

WIOD [Miami FL] 1975

WAXY [Miami] 1993

WJNA [West Palm Beach FL] 1999
Zeigler reports, "Mike Reineri, 60, passed away Friday, Jan 3, 2003 after a brief
illness. Mike was born in Pittsburg, KS and grew up mostly in Raleigh, NC. He spent
46 years as a radio broadcaster in Chicago, Atlanta, Jacksonville, Cleveland and the
last 27 years in South Florida. We will always remember Mikey saying at the close of
every show, 'Y'all hold what y'all got, until you get - what y'all want.' Good-bye
Mike, you were GREAT radio. Steve Zeigler, WIOD (1970-1996)."

WAIA [Jacksonville FL] 1994-1996
Now: Renee' (Mullins-Puzo') says (11/03),
"After semi-retiring from broadcast radio, I own own a business specializing in senior
health care in Jacksonville, Florida."

Rich Renik

KFAR [Fairbanks AK] 1968

WXFM [Chicago IL] 1970

WDHF [Chicago] 1971

WMAQ [Chicago] 1975-1988

Satellite Music Network [Mokena IL] 1985-1988

WUSN [Chicago] 1988-2003

WCCQ [Joliet IL] 2003
Now: Rich says (6/10), "I'm with Next Media's
Country WCCQ-FM (98.3) and teaching radio at the Illinois Center for Broadcasting; also,
having fun doing some TV (Animal Planet, Discovery, Weather and A&E) as well as some film
work (The Truth About Average Guys). Having been in radio since 1968, there is no
shortage of stories -- only a shortage of available space."
Dick Renkes

KBOB [Davenport IA] 1993-1996 - Boots McKay
Now: Dick says (10/03), "I am enjoying a
retirement from radio, so to speak, by using my voice talents at an automotive
advertising agency. We do all the writing, voice-over talent, buying and servicing
of over 30 accounts from coast to coast."
Paul Resnik

WKCI [New Haven CT] 1969

WPLR [New Haven] 1970 - Paul

WSVP [Providence RI] 1971 - Bill Walker

WMEE [Ft. Wayne IN] 1971 - Paul Drew

WAVZ [New Haven] 1973 - Cash Sunshine

KGMQ [Honolulu HI] 1974 - Captain Cook

WAVZ [New Haven] 1976 - Cash Sunshine

WRBQ-FM [Tampa FL] 1977 - Cash Sunshine

WQXM [Clearwater FL] 1978

WSDO [Miami FL] 1978

WHCN [Hartford CT] 1980 - Eddie Haskell

WPLR [New Haven] 1983 - Eddie Haskell

WMMO [Orlando FL] 1989-1995
Now: Paul says (7/07), "I'm senior multi-media
producer for Symantec Software (Central Florida); I left radio in 1995, and, what I miss most
is the old days, Drake radio, high energy, hard drivin' rock jocks who knew the art form
of being a radio personality; the closest I get to a mic these days is doing the
international phone announcements for Symantec (you only have two more hours to wait for
a tech, etc.) and voicing many of the learning courses for Symantec products; I stay in
touch with a number of the guys I came up in radio with; I would love to hear from anyone
I may have worked with during my 26 year career in radio; please contact me -- unless I
owe you money."
Beau Reyes

KMIX [Modesto CA] 1994

KCOO [Bakersfield CA] 1997-2001

KHIX [Elko NV] 2005
Now: Beau is PD and doing mornings at Hot AC KHIX-FM,
Elko, Nevada."

David Reynold (David Esch)

AFVN [Saigon, Vietnam] 1968

WCAR [Detroit MI] 1969

KKGF [Great Falls MT] 1970

WFUN [Miami FL] 1970

WZUU [Milwaukee WI] 1972-1973

KBIG [Los Angeles CA] 1985-1985

WNUA [Chicago IL] 1987

WYTZ [Chicago] 1990

WPNT [Chicago] 1991

WMVP [Chicago] 1997-1998
Now: David says (11/07), "I am a Chicago-based
voice-over talent; was promo and segment voice of
The Jenny Jones Show for 11 seasons; also, the voice of Indiana Jones and Han Solo for
LucasArts' Temple of Doom and Galactic Battleground, respectively."
Dick Reynolds

KRVN [Lexington NE] 1983-1992
Now: Dick is a reporter for the
North Platte Telegraph, North Platte, Nebraska. He says (10/02), "My most
emotional experience was being a young broadcaster on the air the day President John
F. Kennedy was shot. The difference in the speed, quality, and flow of information from
almost anywhere in the world today compared to that day in 1963 is something a person
would have to experience in order to fully appreciate. 1963-bulky reel-to-reel tape
decks, phone feeds with beepers, clack, clack, clack of teletypes, three speed
turntables that never seemed to run at the right speed, cart machines always needing
the heads cleaned, first-phone or restricted license requirements, and low pay were
some of what 1963 radio was like."
Howard Reynolds

KPFT [Houston TX] 1976

KILE [Galvestn TX] 1977

KILT-FM [Houston] 1978

KLOL [Houston] 1979

KYND-FM [Houston] 1979

KENR [Houston] 1980

KNUZ [Houston] 1983

KODA [Houston] 1998

KKRW [Houston] 1998
Now: Howard says (8/03), "I am still working
at Adult Contemporary KODA-FM and Classic Rock KKRW-FM on weekends, and any other time
they need me. I was the last country disc jockey on KENR when it changed formats from
country to a radio magazine type format. I played the last song on KNUZ when they changed
the format from Oldies to News Talk."

Joey Reynolds

KQAQ [Austin MN] 1960

WNDR [Syracuse NY] 1961

WPOP [Hartford] 1962

WKBW [Buffalo] 1963

WDOK [Cleveland] 1966

WIXY [Cleveland] 1966

WXYZ [Detroit] 1966

WDRC [Hartford] 1968

KQV [Pittsburgh] 1975

WIBG [Philadelphia] 197?

KMPC [LA] 1980

WGAR [Cleveland] 1981

KRTH [LA] 1981

WHTZ [Newark/NY] 1983

WHYT [Detroit] 1984

KMGG [LA] 1984

WFIL [Philadelphia] 1984

WHLW [Lakewood NJ] 1985

WNBC [New York] 1985

WSHE [Miami] 1987

WQAM [Miami] 198?

WIOD [Miami] 198?

WPLG-TV [Miami] 198?

WIOD [Miami] 198?

WBZT [West Palm Beach] 1994

WFLY [Albany NY] 199?

WOR [New York] 1996-2010
Now: Joey Reynold's stint at
WOR ended in 2010; his overnight show was replaced by the syndicated Coast To Coast.
See joeyreynoldsradio.com for contact info.
L.D. Reynolds

KMVI [Wailuku (Maui) HI] 1967

WILS [Lansing MI] 1968

KMVI [Wailuku (Maui) HI] 1969

KMVI-FM [Wailuku (Maui) HI] 1969

KONI [Lanai City (Maui/Lanai) HI] 1993-1999

KAOI [Wailuku (Maui) HI] 2003
Now: L.D. says (4/13), "
I unofficially retired from radio after the KONI gig in 1999. Internet Radio Hawaiian Hits Live
1996 to 2003. Did stints at Pacific Radio Group, KAOI Radio Group. Still on the air today doing
Tech Talk Radio Saturdays on KAOI AM/FM."
Rick Reynolds

KKJO [St. Joseph MO] 1989
Now: Rick says (2/09), "
Besides doing afternoons on
Adult Contemporary KKJO-FM (K-JO 1055), St. Joseph, Missori, I am overseeing a fine
satellite AM station (Oldies 1550), and I can also be heard on MIX 97 One in North Platte,
Nebraska spinning 70s tunes on Saturday nights..."
Ron Reynolds

KCBS San Francisco CA] 1989
Now: Evening anchor and voice of KCBS
news radio, San Francisco California. Ron's son Rick says, "In 2004 Ron will mark
50 years in broadcasting. Ron and his wife, family marriage counselor Denise
Reynolds, are also the founders of New Perspectives, a spiritual foundation in
Lafayette California."
(Ron's son Rick)Sactorick@aol.com

Skip Reynolds

WMC/WMC-FM [Memphis TN]
2000 - CE
Now: Skip says (Aug 2002), "Skip is alive
and well and living in Memphis."
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